14- they/them

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Friday couldn't have gone by slower. Dani spend the day twitching in their seat, constantly thinking about P and how soon they'd finally meet in person. Chris and PJ knew that P would be coming, Dani had told them all about it right after coming out. Their friends were excited for Dani, and would probably get to meet P on Saturday or Sunday, if time allowed.

As for Dani's mum- as far as she knew P was just a new friend from school whose parents were out over the weekend. She didn't ask many questions, she was just glad Dani had more friends than just PJ and Chris.

P wasn't planning on getting to town until eight or so, which only meant even more waiting for Dani. After school they sat around, jittery at their desk, doing homework. It was like they'd had five cups of coffee then snorted some pure sugar, they couldn't sit still.

Their mum called them down for dinner and they ate, though not a lot. Their stomach was churning, and eating too much food might end up with Dani throwing up on the platform at the train station. No one wanted that.

P had been texting them all day, telling Dani when they got on the train, when they were halfway, and finally, when they were almost at the station.

"Bye Mum!" Dani called out and grabbed the car keys, running out the door before anyone could stop them, not like their mum would. She really didn't care at all.

Dani was probably way too excited to be driving, and could've crashed the car at any moment, but that was okay. At least they'd be able to reach P sooner. That was all they could think about, seeing P, hugging P, knowing how tall they were in comparison to each other. That was all that mattered.

In record time Dani pulled the car into the parking lot and ran inside like mad, at top speed with their arms flapping around like a rag doll. Everything was coming together, and if P's texts had been right, they should be sitting right at the entrance, waiting.

Dani stopped and stared, and P looked up from where they were sitting on a bench, looking at their phone.

"Oh my god," muttered Dani, and ran towards their best friend. P got up and jumped straight into Dani's hug, standing there for what felt like hours but was really just a minute.

"This is amazing," Dani stuttered, still holding onto P like they were the last life raft on the Titanic, "I can't believe this is real."

"Me neither, Dani," said P, "But I think we need stop let go now. People are staring."

Dani backed away, cheeks dusted with just a little pink from embarrassment, and helped P with their suitcase. It wasn't heavy, since they were only staying two nights, but Dani insisted they help P out.

The pair got out of the station and practically skipped through the parking lot, the suitcase rattling behind them and occasionally tipping over. It didn't matter, though, not even when Dani chipped the car while hoisting the bag into the trunk, or when they almost hit a stop sign leaving the station. Nothing mattered, because even when Dani's horrible driving almost got them killed, P was there to laugh about it under the golden streetlights that cast shadows through the car.

"I still can't believe this is real," Dani said as they pulled into the freeway. Their hands were still shaking a little, but now it was out of pure joy rather than excitement.

"Me neither. I feel like I need to pinch myself," said P, from shotgun. Dani was trying to keep their eyes on the road, but it was difficult when someone so attractive was sitting there right next to them, practically basking in the light of the street lamps like some sort of Greek god. They remembered how in the Odyssey, the gods had been sort of gender fluid. Not really, but Athena would be disguised as a man in one chapter and a woman in the next, which was pretty cool. You could almost claim they were gender fluid, but most people who actually knew what they were talking about would probably disagree. Maybe.

They pulled into Dani's driveway and emptied out the car, once again pulling P's suitcase up the walk with a loud rattle.

By now, Dani's mum was upstairs in her room, so the pair were able to go upstairs unbothered. It was around 10 at this point, and P was exhausted from their trip.

"What if I go to sleep and wake up and I'm back at my house?" asked P, lying on an air mattress on Dani's floor.

"Then you were probably drugged and kidnapped," joked Dani, getting a little bit of a laugh out of P.

They shrugged, "I dunno. What if it happens?"

"I'd be sad," said Dani, "But I'd pay for your tickets to come back."

"Would you?" asked P, "I thought you were like, broke."

Dani sighed, "I am, but I could probably get the money somehow. Why are we talking about this again?"

"I dunno. I'm tired," said P, "I say weird stuff when I'm tired."

"Should I turn out the lights, then?" asked Dani, "Let you sleep?" They weren't planning on sleeping too soon, but P seemed really tired, like they really did need sleep.

"That would be cool," said P, and Dani hit the light switch.

In the darkness, Dani smiled. Finally, finally, they were happy. They were with their best friend, they were out, and they were happy. What else could you want?

On the floor, P's breathing was even, not snoring but not completely silent. It was a comfort, and suddenly Dani understood why people liked sharing beds so much when they were married. Not like Dani wanted to marry P or anything, but something deep inside of them sort of did want to be with P, maybe not marriage but at least some sort or relationship.

Maybe Dani was tired. Instead of going on Tumblr like they usually did, they just lay down, closed their eyes, and tried to go to sleep among all the excitement.

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