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The world around me was void of any light or sound; it was in fact so earthly quiet I was afraid to breathe. Then the screaming started and I longed for the haunting quiet once again.

Pulling my hands over to cover my ears I tried to plug all noise out and reminded myself over and over what all the doctors said, "It's not real none of its real, it's just in my head." My rehearsed mantra seemed to be working as the screaming began to immerse away ever so slightly, until one particular shriek broke through. It was louder than any of the others, and I could tell it was a male, but what caught my attention the most was that it raised a certain familiarity in me that spiked my heartbeat to levels that couldn't be healthy.

I flinched ever so slightly, the noise cutting deep in my core. I stood there not knowing what to do, any sense of control completely lost on me. Another scream rebounded off the thin walls around me and I threw my arms over my ears futility trying to block out the noise once again. My head pounded and I struggled to determine whether this was reality or not. I couldn't see much in the pitch black place I was in, but I used my hands, flailing them around trying to grasp my surroundings. The floor beneath me was cool and hard

Never have I felt this helpless in my life, ever. Not once in my life have I ever felt this overwhelming level of urgency and despair. Especially not for people that I didn't even know, but that's the thing I felt as if I knew them, but I didn't think that was possible seeing as I couldn't place a face to any of the screams.

Another sound was let out, but this time instead of just a scream it was my name that they cried out. The sound sent a strange sense of urgency throughout my body and my legs took off into a sprint.

Even with my newfound speed, time surely was not on my side, but I pushed my self still because I knew that I could not bear to lose them whoever "they," were. I was screaming out names down the endless hallway, names that I was sure I had never heard before  but they seemed natural on my tongue. I finally seemed to get to the end of the hallway but when I looked around no one was around and I could no longer hear the screams.

I put my hands on my knees, trying to control my breathing as tears threatened to trickle down my face. So there I stood, hunched over feeling so lonely and hopeless. I don't even know these people I thought dejectedly yet a part of me screamed that I did and that these people were very important. Yet I knew that was ridiculous these were just dreams, I probably heard these voices when I was passing by on the street and they had somehow emerged into my subconscious without my knowledge and configured their way into a dream.

It's just a dream. Just a dream, just a dream... I reminded myself over and over. But if anything it only made the scene more real. The air got colder, the lights dimmer, and my fear more pronounced.

My heart started pounding so loud, that I could almost ignore that small clicking noise that reverberated around the walls around me. Almost, being the key word. But as an especially loud click sounded above me, I felt the idea that this was only a dream become more diminished. How could something fake feel so real.

The hairs on the back of my neck arose altering me to danger. And danger was close. Freezing, I slowly turned my head upwards towards the clicking and suddenly thousands of red eyes met my gray ones. There wasn't any time to react and I could only scream as my whole body seemed to be swarmed by the countless amount of bats from the ceiling. I cowered to the floor shielding my face.

Streaming tears blocked my vision of the bats and I prayed and hoped for this torture to be over. My arms were hit over and over and they soon began to give out.  I knew I didn't have much time left. Though as soon as the attack began, it was over. And slowly I uncovered myself and stood up, wiping the dirt off my now stained white dress that I didn't realize I had on. Wasn't I just being berated my bats? Wasn't I just inside? Now I seemed to be in what I assumed was a forest. I could see a clearing out in front of me, slowly I walked towards it, but froze as a light hit me.

I squinted and my eyes adjusted til I could finally make out the silhouettes of three figures with their backs turned to me, covered by long trenched hoods. I knew I should have been afraid. Trenched hoods? They were never a good sign. But I didn't feel scared, in fact I felt a wave of calm wash over me. I felt safe.

That is until something hard hit me in the side of the head and I began to go down. Alerted by the noise the trenched figures turned towards me. My eyes met a pair of the most vibrant green eyes that I'd ever seen in my life, and it sent an even more intense calming sensation through me. Which is alarming considering I was being knocked to the ground. The green eyed boy began screaming out my name before running out to me but it was too late I was falling. And I had a strange feeling that I wasn't going to be getting back up.

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