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{Esther's P.O.V}

"Thanks for waiting." Scott says walking in.

"No problem." I say starting the car.

"Are ok with us getting Mitch back? I mean you seem a little off when ever we talk about him?" He asks.

I sigh and I keep my eyes glued to the rode. I was a little jealous that Mitch had all these people trying to bring him back because when I was kidnapped it felt like no one was looking.

"I'm fine." I say lying.

"Ok, great. So when are you seeing Spencer?"

"On Friday." I say smiling form ear to ear.

Spencer was my 8 year old son. He's one of the reasons why my stalker ditched me. One I was getting older and two I was pregnant. I never considered Spencer as a mistake even though his father can rot in hell he's still my baby boy.

If it wasn't for Mitch I wouldn't even know Spencer. After I had Spencer my parents kicked me out called me a disappointment and a disgrace to our family name. I was too younge to take care of a child plus I still had school, so Mitch's Aunt and Uncle took him in when he was 1 and have been taking care of him ever since. And for that day on I am eternally grateful. Every week I see him and it's just reminds me that this wouldn't be possible without Mitch.

"Tell the little guy I said hi."

"I will." I say looking at my wrists which had a tattoo saying "In my eyes you will always be the most wonderful gift ever given to me."


"Sleepy head." I say shaking him. "Wake up."

"Huh?" He says sitting up, rubbing his eyes.

"Scotty wake up ."

"I don't want too."

"There's alot of things I don't what to do but I gotta do it. Wake your ass up!" I say stepping out the car.

We walk into work and wait for the customers to come in. It's normally packed during lunch, breakfast is very slow. We wait for about 45 minutes for our first customers to come in. Scott served him first and then I would serve the next one. We took turns.

About 190 customers later it was 9pm meaning it was time for Scott to go home.

"Why do you have to work the late shift?" He says taking of his apron.

"I have to make more money, the money I have now isn't enough for Spencer and me."

"Ok,ok just be careful and don't work too hard." He says hugging me.

"Barely anybody comes after 10 and I will." I say putting my hair in a ponytail.

"K, love you Esther."

"Love you too."

I go to the brake room and take a quick nap and wake up to the sound of someone saying hello. It was only me and two chefs so the restaurant was very quite. I rub my face and tighten my ponytail before stepping out the room.

I walk out to see the devil himself standing right in front of me with one of the evilest smirks I've ever seen.



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