Finding Olympic sibling

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Don't worry Disney is going to continue I am going to have it be a washout like it started to rain, and it never stopped raining it thundered and lightning too, so Kevin didn't want the girls to get sick from the trip 

As the group headed to the ride it started to rain and Kevin didn't know how long it was going to last, so he took the girls home where they could be princesses there and he will take them to Disney another time maybe when Fawn came out so they could have a family day 

"Sorry sweetie daddy didn't want you to get sick," he says as he loads the girls up in the van to head home when they saw a thunderstorm was coming towards them and he didn't want the girls or Ravenna to be really scared of thunderstorms 

Nordonia understood why they had to leave 

"I understand daddy I had fun, and thank you," she says as he buckles her in her car seat so they could head back to his house where he was going to let them play by themselves a while 

"That's good sweetie," he says as he gives her a kiss cause he loved her 

Nordonia looked out the window at the rain that was hitting daddy's car 

"Do you like the rain?" he asks as he puts Ravenna in her car seat for the time being 

She nods as she looks at daddy 

"Did you ever hear thunder?" he asks as he buckles Olympic in her car seat, so they could head home 

She shakes her head no as she yawned

"Sleep princess I will wake you when we are home, and you can sleep in your own bed," he says as gets in the front to head home after a productive day at Disney

She nods as she started to close her pretty eyes 

Kevin couldn't believe those girls were his 

(Later at home)

"Oh, the poor things must have worn themselves out running to the car when it started to rain," he says when he pulled in and the girls and Ravenna was sound asleep still in their car seats sleeping like little angels 

Kevin carried the girls in one by one and put them in their beds or their crib to sleep 

"Hi, Ravenna, you waking up huh pretty girl?" he asks as he laid Ravenna down and she opened her eyes as she looked up at daddy 

Kevin picked her up and took her to the kitchen where he was going to feed her, and maybe play with her a little bit while her sister slept in her room a little bit 

"Here we go sweetie," he says as he places her in her bumbo, for the time being, so he could heat up her formula 

Ravenna loved the little seat that she had at daddy's 

"Let's see if we can find Olympic sibling, shall we?" he asks as he put a bottle in for her in case, she was hungry 

Kevin called the police to see if they found any leads in the case at all 

"Well, they have a hospital that they have checked, so I am going to see if her sibling is there and if it a boy or a girl too," he says as he hears the bottle beep

"Daddy," Nordonia says as she comes into the kitchen 

"Yes, sweetie is everything okay?" he asks as he looks at her cause Nordonia looked like she looked scared 

"Olympic is shaking," Nordonia says as she looks at daddy 

Kevin ran to where Olympic was at and see what was going on with her

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