Part 4

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"Girls listen to pappy and Ravenna I want you to listen to sissy and stay close," Fawn tells her cause she was not going to use any leashes on the younger ones

"Fawn I got her and I can carry her no problem," George says as they were walking after parking the van on the top deck

"Okay you have me convinced," Fawn says as she was going to head into the hospital and get the quads, and bring them home

George kept an eye on the girls and Nordonia was a chatterbox that morning and George loved hearing her talk about her day, and what was going on at home, and what she has been doing since he saw her last

"I am going to give you an instrument to play cause you are a chatterbox," George says as they were heading to build a bear but first they were going to go to the music store to get an instrument for Nordonia to play

Nordonia was really happy about that cause she has been wanting an instrument for a while

"I hope they behave," Fawn says as she heads into the hospital to get the quads

She waited until they were gone before going into the hospital to get the quads and bring them home

"Now to go in," she says as she heads into the hospital to get the quads and bring them home once and for all

Fawn got her temp taken and she headed in to get the boys first since they were together and then she was going to get the girls

(Much later)

Fawn came with the quads and the girls had their oxygen with them and that was okay with her

"Your pappy doesn't know you four get to come home today so he will be really surprised," she says as she headed to where George and the other two were right now waiting for her

The babies were really happy that morning as they were talking to each other and their mommy

"Okay babies here we go your first step outside into the great big world," Fawn says as she takes the stroller outside

Fawn put the visor down so the sun didn't blind the babies eyes too much, but she made sure they got some cause of jaundice cause she had it as a baby, and there might be a chance the babies could get it

"I am going to get you four buckled in, so you four could go home" Fawn says as she heads to the van


"There's my baby brother's and sisters" Nordonia says as she runs to where Fawn was cause she could spot the big stroller from a mile away

"Yes sweetheart here they are fresh out of the hospital and you get to be with them all you want" Fawn says as Nordonia was over the moon right now that she gets to be with her siblings as much as she wants and for how ever long she wants as well cause she has been waiting patiently for the babies to come home

"I swear this is the best day ever" George says as he helps get the babies in the van so they could go home

"What instrument did you get Nordonia?" Fawn asks George

"The same instrument you play a flute and she loves it already and we had a fun time at build a bear and she made something for each of the babies, so they were not lonely and Ravenna is surely a pistol or a fireball cause she loves to get into everything" George says as he was going to get Ravenna buckled in so she would not cause that much trouble as they got the babies buckled in

(Much later)

Everyone was buckled in and secured in their car seats to go home

"Nordonia how is everyone doing back there?" Fawn asks her

"Good mommy and I am watching Ravenna too cause she wants to get out of her car seat" Nordonia says as she looks at the other babies

"Oh lord" Fawn says as she looked back at Ravenna who was being the rebel of the bunch right now

George puts on something and Ravenna watches it

"Thanks for saving the day back there" Fawn says as she starts driving home

"No swear she going to need to learn to stay in her seat right now and she can't get out to explore the van or any place especially right now" George says as he messes with the heating and a/c in the van

"Yeah I'm glad Nordonia only wanted to get out of her bike seat when she was Ravenna's age" Fawn says as she was driving home to get the babies settled in for their first night home from the hospital 

The babies went to sleep as soon as they hit the highway 

"Mommy the babies are sleeping" Nordonia says as she was checking on the babies right now 

"Thank you princess get back in your seat or sit on the floor between the babies for me" Fawn asks her

Nordonia sat on her knees

"Nordonia criss cross applesauce" George says to her

Nordonia listened to him and sat on her bottom

"Thank you sweetie" Fawn says to her as she was still driving back to the house

"I say we stop off in Canton for lunch my treat" George says cause it was going to be lunch time by the time they got there 

Settling in is coming in the far future after the hiccup that occurs 

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