A smirk in the dark

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Chapter: 8 "A smirk in the dark"

The mattress felt cool to the touch when Chilled rolled over to face Adam. His hand felt the empty space, tired mind taking a few seconds to understand and register the situation. He turned his head slowly and peered to his left, confirming his suspicions. Nanners had left.

Or perhaps it was all a dream? That was another possibility, one that Chilled shamefully considered. Was he really THAT desperate? Needy enough to imagine his friend granting him the most pleasurable night, one he hadn't had in a long time?

Anthony's suspicions were destroyed when he heard a soft crinkle as his fingers touched something resting beside the other pillow. He caught the item in his hand and lifted it up so he could examine it, without having to crane his neck. The paper was slightly crumpled, the corners bent and dog-eared and it looked like it had been torn from a notebook. The tight cursive upon the page was almost unfitting upon such a wrecked piece of paper and Chilled had to flatten the page to read the neat lettering easier.

'Didn't want to disturb your beauty sleep. Went to get a snack. I'll bring you back something. -The Banana'. There was a rough shape that looked like a banana drawn under the words.

Chilled chuckled to himself, resting his arm across his forehead. His stomach felt fuzzy, akin to a thousand butterflies fluttering against his insides. He could feel his cheek burn as he mentally re-read the letter in his head. It was far from romantic, but it still set his heart racing. It happened, it really happened! He could see flashes of images behind his eyes, events from the prior night causing his ears to burn. Nanners had pleasured him last night, brought him up so high and pushed him over the brink. Skilled hands moving over every curvature of his body, teasing him with slow strokes.

He shivered at the naughty thoughts and rolled over onto his side, facing the wall. A few minutes of silence passed as he tried to let sleep envelop him again. His hearing caught the sound of the door knob turning, the metal squeaking softly in resistance as someone opened his door and entered quietly. There was no thumping of boots or heavy thuds, the person moving quietly as they closed the door behind them. There was silence for what seemed like an eternity and Chilled tried to keep his breathing even, not wanting to alert the visitor that he was still awake.

"Who you think you're foolin'?"

Anthony huffed and rolled his eyes playfully, turning to meet Nanners playful gaze. The man was wearing cargo pants and a grey shirt, his dog tags dangling over the material. He had a tray of food with two cups of steaming liquid balanced hap-hazardously in one hand, a towel and pile of damp clothing tucked under the other arm. The scent of bacon on the air, helped identify the meal and Chilled almost growled at the thought of food. Damn, was he hungry.

"Breakfast in bed? How romantic." He grinned at his superior, sitting up and grabbing the tray when it was brought down near his face.

"I try my best." The man winked at him and watched him as he examined his food. Upon the plate were a few slices of bacon, scrambled eggs, a piece of toast and a cup of steaming coffee. No doubt the eggs were powdered but regardless the meal look delicious and he dug in almost immediately, going for the strips of meat first.

"What do you think? Is it good?" Adam asked, already knowing the answer and Chilled nodded, watching the man throw his damp clothes onto his dresser.

"Seriously? I'm not doing your laundry."

Adam giggled and rolled his eyes. "Consider it payment for breakfast?"

He huffed but smiled at Nanners despite himself. "Oh I see. No breakfast from the goodness of your heart? You just want something in return?" Chilled pressed a hand to his heart as though mortally wounded.

The Corporal sat down on the bed beside him, swirling the coffee inside the cup, gazing into its depths. "Yeah well, I figured I could get something in return for this fan-tastic breakfast." He made a face at the smell of the liquid in the mug. "Coffee still looks like sludge though."

Chilled chewed on a piece of bacon thoughtfully. You would think that after being stationed here for so long, the squad would invest in some decent coffee. Perhaps an actual coffee machine and not one that looked suspiciously like it had been constructed from old clock parts and shower tubes. He cringed, remembering his first encounter with the strange machine. Hutch walked him through the twelve different steps, nine more then should of been necessary for a normal coffee machine. He shook his head, dispelling the nostalgia.

He swallowed and glared down at the dark liquid as if it contained Cthulhu. There was no way he was putting that evil liquid in his body. "Yea... No thanks. I would rather spend the rest of my days without dysentery."

He scrunched his nose at the warm mug in his hands, extending his arms away from his body to keep the coffee as far away from him as possible. Fingers closed around the other side of the mug and Chilled let go, allowing Nanners to steal it away from him and set it down on the end table.

"What a waste.." The Corporal chuckled, sitting back down beside him.

His hip was touching the man's leg and a shiver ran down Anthony's spine as he remembered the previous night's events. He looked down at his half-eaten eggs, not as hungry as he was earlier. His ears were burning, recalling the feather light touches upon his body, the heated kisses that seemed to devour him whole. Chilled cleared his throat, trying to focus on cleaning his plate, the sound drawing Nanners attention to him.

Adam took in his flustered expression and leaned closer, a smirk playing on his lips. "You look distracted, Anthony."

The italian shivered again, the sound of his name feeling so dangerously right coming from the others lips. He looked up, his dark eyes meeting stormy grey ones. The man's free hand slipped under his chin and tipped his head upwards, stealing a kiss from him. It was a simple brush of lips, but it felt electric to Chilled and his eyes fluttered close. Just as quick as it happened, it was over and the Corporal stood up, walking to the long forgotten pile of clothing on the dresser.

Anthony opened his eyes, surprised at how fast Nanners moved from his bed. He sat silently, not knowing what to say as his superior made his way to the door. He watched him grab the door handle but didn't turn it yet as he spun around to give the private a once-over. He had the rare expression of complete seriousness as he spoke.

"I have to go and report in to Diction. He asked for me yesterday but well, you know how that went."

Chilled blushed and nodded, not interrupting the man as he carried on.

"Anthony, I know you have a lot of questions but I want you to know. This-" He gestured to Chilled and then back at himself again. "-This isn't just a one-off thing. I want to give you more, as much as I can. If you would allow me to..." Nanners trailed off, looking around the room as though he didn't know whether he should be leaving or staying.

It was a strange expression, one that Chilled had never seen on him before but he was growing to like it. He smiled and nodded, not knowing what to say but words spilled out anyways. "Yes, of course yes! I mean, last night was.... great. Amazing, actually. You made me feel things that I had never felt before." He wrung his hands nervously, cheeks burning from his confession. "I don't want to..... stop."

Adam seemed to perk up at this, eyes twinkled with mischief. He nodded and turned the doorknob to leave. "We'll talk later then?"

"Sure, whenever's good for you." Chilled shrugged, feeling giddy all of a sudden. He laughed as Nanners did the 'duck-lips' and quacked before exiting the room.


Profile: Hutchinson, Shaun

Career Field: Mechanic & field repair technician

Service: Army, Marine Corp reserve

Ranking: Private

Origins: United States of America


This is the equivalent of a filler episode on tv. Just lots of fluff and stuff.

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