1. Sharpie

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J-Hope POV
--February 14th--

"Oppa~! Let's go to Mcdonalds!"

"You want to go to McDonald's for my first day off in 4 months?" I crossed my arms and watched my sister pout.

"Come on bro~~! Let's go it'll be tasty!"

"I don't know... We can just make food here."

"With your cooking skills? Yeah... I'm good! Let's go~~!" She tugged on my shirt sleeve.

I rolled my eyes and finally gave in, "Fine, go get your coat."

"Woohoo! I'll drive!"

"Ahni (No), it's snowing a lot outside."

"Oh come on! I need to practice my driving either way!" She grabbed the keys before I could reach them and opened the front door.

"You coming~~?" I chuckled and followed her outside. Closing the door softly behind me and went in the car.

"It's not even snowing that much! It's really pretty~~!" She said as she turned on the engine.

"Alright let's go quick and come back."

"Ne oppa~~! (Yes brother)"

She drove us out of the parking lot and we drove peacefully to McDonald's.

"Let's go to the drive thru! I'm way to lazy to go outside at the moment." I whined out and rested my head back.

"Alright, drive thru it is."

We made our order and got our food. Without hesitation, once we drove away, we began to stuff our faces.

"Jiwoo, keep your eyes on the road please!" I warned her and she just nodded and picked out some fries.

Holding the steering wheel with one hand, she stuffed her face then turned on the radio.

"Can you plug in my phone? I want to listen to your new song." I chuckled and plugged her phone in.

"Play young forever epilogue please~~!"

I nodded and played the song.

Song Reco: Young Forever (Epilogue) - BTS (방당소년단)

"Turn it up!!" She started to jump in her seat and hand dance to the song.

I joined her and we all sang along like idiots, laughing like crazy and still stuffing our faces with fries.

It was at that moment I knew that I would never smile again.

In one blink of the eye, I saw my sister lying on the snow filled floor. Blood dripping from her forehead and her eyes suddenly losing light.

I was lying on the cold floor as well but found the strength to drag myself to her.

"Jiwoo..." I said weakly, I forced myself to say it louder. "Jiwoo? Answer me..." I shook her and looked in her eyes.

Once I saw that she wasn't responding, tears started to form in my eyes.

"Jiwoo... Jiwoo..." I embraced her in my arms and sobbed into her jacket.

It was at that day that my smile....my happiness.... My hope on continuing to live without her all disappeared.

My sister was gone.

Their was nothing I could've done to save her now.

Their was nothing I could've done to save her now

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--2 Weeks Later--

It was time for the funeral of my sister.

I had just woken up from my sleep it was about 5am and I was of course, feeling like gloomy central.

I tried not to wake up the guys cause they all decided that I shouldn't be alone. So they all stayed at my house for a while.

"Up early again?" I walked in the kitchen and saw Namjoon writing in his music book.

"Yea..." A very dry response from the very dry me.

"You gonna eat breakfast today?"


"Again?! Listen, at least eat today... For her..."

I didn't bother replying and went to my room. I went on my phone for a while and checked out random stuff until I suddenly got to a video.

I clicked play and noticed it was that song. Instead of throwing my phone across the room, I put it beside me and listened to it quietly.

Tears started to roll down my cheeks and drop to the bed. I covered my eyes with my arm and held in my heavy breaths.

Jiwoo, are you doing alright? Do you miss me as I much as I miss you....? I hope you do... Cause I really miss you, more then you think... Do you think you could come back for even just a minute? Didn't think so.....

"Hoseok, it's time to get going, get dressed."

"Ok..." I replied to Jimin who was yelling through my bedroom door.

I got up and turned off the music from my phone. I put on a black suit and brought my hair back.

"Let's go!" Jin yelled out so everybody would gather around.

We all went to the jeep quietly and drove to the funeral home.

"We're here Hoseok... If you ever want to leave..." Jimin said while patting my shoulder.

I just nodded and looked out the window.

If I didn't have them, I wonder in what condition I would've been in?

"We're here." Taehyung said.

We all went out of the car and walked inside. 

"Hoseok, remember that person is going to be there... I think you should really have a word with them about it all..." Suga said to me quietly as we walked inside the "home".

As we entered, I saw a light brown casket. Closed and polished.

"Go." Jimin said.

I nodded and went towards it. I put my hand on it and closed my eyes.

"Hey sis... How are you? I miss you... I wish I could hug you right now but.. It guess it's to late for that. I know, I shouldn't cry and I know I should eat healthy and work out more... But without you here, who's gonna keep reminding me to do those things? You can't just leave me like this... I love you so much sis... "

Tears ran down my face and I rested my head on the casket. I, then, felt somebody tapping my shoulder.

I turned my head around and saw a girl. She held out in her hand, a sharpie.

"Write to her. I think she would like that."

I don't know what came over me but, I felt like she was right. I grabbed the sharpie and wrote on the casket the in a black sharpie.

I wish you could've been forever young sis.

The lady then told me to pass her the sharpie and I did.

She kneeled beside me and wrote on my arm.

A broken heart just needs some glue to be fixed.

Without noticing, my tears stopped falling and I grabbed the sharpie from her.

I pulled out her arm and wrote, the only glue that can fixed my heart is that of my sister.

She grabbed the sharpie again and wrote on the casket.

Hey Jiwoo, can I borrow your glue for this broken man?

"Let's wait for her answer and until then give me the broken pieces."

Author's Note:

If any of you are confused here's a little recap: J-Hope younger sister died on March 14th during a car crash and during their funeral, the driver was supposedly going to go but instead J-Hope met a lady (Sharpie Lady) and had then wrote notes on his sisters casket.. To say goodbye I guess. Tell me if you guys like this first chapter!! Comment, Vote and keep reading.

Love you guys,

Xoxo Me

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