7. Letter

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J-Hope POV

It's been a month since that incident.... The guys still aren't really getting along with Soora and she seems to have given up on trying to get back on their good side... So have I.

"Soora, I'm gonna go home now. I'll text you before sleeping." She nodded and waved goodbye with a smile.

I kissed her forehead and left.

I walked down the street and watched the sunset.

Jiwoo it's summer already, do you see this beautiful sunset? It's really pretty. It reminds me of your warm hugs.... I wish you could give me one.

After a nice walk, I made it home and the sun set

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After a nice walk, I made it home and the sun set. I walked inside and read a note on the counter saying,

J-Hopie we are buying groceries together~! We'll be home soon! Don't be lonely!

-The Guys

I chuckled and went to the kitchen to get a snack. I opened the top cabinet and grabbed out some cracker chips.

I brought the box to the living room and turned on the tv as I slouched on the couch.

A few minutes had gone by and I finally started to move around. I sloped around the house and soon found a suit case in my room.

It was pastel pink with a red flower attached to the handle. It looked familiar but I don't remember from where I've seen it before.

I went towards it and brought it to my bed. I threw it on my bed and unzipped it.

I saw folded clothes and girly products stashed in a bag. I looked through it and noticed a framed picture.

I flipped it around to see the photo and saw me and Jiwoo, smiling. I had no words and held the frame in my hands as I sat at the side of my bed.

I held it in my hands tightly and hugged it to my chest with one of my arms.

I covered my eyes with my other arm and fell to my bed. My legs still touching the floor as I lied my body to my back, never letting the frame go.

I felt a warm tear go down my cheek and to my ear then to my bed sheets.

I wiped it away and sat up. I inspected the frame again and noticed something was off.

At the far right bottom corner, there was a white piece just sticking out. Something you would only see if you were really looking closely.

I looked at it confusingly and finally decided to take check the inside.

I flipped the frame over and snapped the clips open. I pulled out the backing and saw a white envelope placed at the back of the original photo.

I pulled out the envelope and the photo and noticed the photo had something written on it.

J-Hope, if something ever happens to me and you end up finding this. Please, read the envelope and fulfill my last wish as your sister.

My eyes widened and I immediately moved the frame to the side and the photo. I rushed to carefully rip open the envelope and pulled out a small letter.

I started to read it and I imagined my sisters voice reading it to me.

"Hoseok, hey brother! I miss you! If you're reading this, something obviously happened to me and now you're.... Alone. But, that's not the point, the point is. I want to ask you for a favor. Can you do it for me?...

I continued to read and after finishing I put away the envelope in my drawer and cleaned up the suitcase.

I grabbed the photo that was in the frame and put it back. I placed the frame on my counter and got up from my bed.

I went to my door and shut the lights. I took one last look at the frame then slowly closed the door.

I promise Jiwoo. I'll fulfill your dying wish. I promise.

Author's Note:

Hello~~~ everyone~~~! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Sorry it's a bit short! What do you guys think Jiwoo wrote in that mysterious letter? Comment below!!

Love you guys,

Xoxo Me

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