8. Plane

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J-Hope POV
--Half A Month Later--

"Guys!! Hurry up man! Our flight is leaving soon!" Namjoon yelled across the dorm room.

We all came out running and Namjoon followed us. We ran to the van and the driver sped across the roads, to the airport.

"Alright, does everybody have everything!?" Jin asked the crowd.

We all nodded and I took out my phone cause the airport was 20 minutes away.

I received a new message:

J-Hopie! Tell me when you arrive there! Don't forget! - Sharpie

I won't forget! I'll text you as soon as we get there. I'm sad you didn't come with us :( - Me

I'd rather stay here, I'll cheer you on from afar. Look sexy for the camera! But not too sexy (-.-) - Sharpie

I'll try my best! Lol! Alright I gtg! Love you Sharpie Lady! - Me

Love you too! Bye byee~~! - Sharpie

I closed my phone and put it in my luggage adidas bag.

"We're finally here! Everybody grab your things and get ready to run!" Manager-nim yelled out.

"Ne!" We all said in sync and as soon as we opened those doors.

"Oh man, holy shit!" Jungkook yelled out.

Jin snorted and agreed.

The fan girls were going. Crazy. And I mean CRAZY.

Screaming, crying, flashing lights left and right.

I should just die right now.

We ran through the crowd and reached our plane just in time.

"Ok everyone, now you can relax." Namjoon said to all of us as he stretched his back.

We, all, immediately sighed and got comfortable in our seats. We sat accordingly, Me and Namjoon got the back seat, Taehyung and Jimin in the middle, Suga and Jungkook sat at the front while as Jin wanted to have his own space.

Old people.

I chuckled and watched outside of the window as we were now on top of the clouds.

Jesu island, here I come.

--A Few Hours Later--

We finally made it to Jeju island and it was night time already.

The staff brought us to our hotel and told us we could look around but not for long because it was dark out.

I, eventually, separated from the group and went out to complete my promise.


J-Hope, could you go to Jeju island for me? Once you get there, I want you to write my name on a paper and my lucky number 13 after that, go to a high area and rip the paper and just throw it in the aide. I feel like that would really make me be at peace and maybe free you from the loneliness I have you.

Thank you Hoseok.... I really miss you, I love you brother,

From: Your's only Jung Jiwoo <3

P.S: Hoseok! Find someone you can't stay a lonely grandma forever! I want you to share all the beautiful moments we could've had together, with her.

--FlashBack End--

I made it to a high rock cliff, right over the oceans

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I made it to a high rock cliff, right over the oceans.

A tear rolled softly down my cheek as I pulled out the paper from my pocket and took one last look at it before....

I set it, or should I say, myself free.

The wind carried it to the beautiful ocean and somehow, all the pressure that was left on my back had disappeared.

"Jiwoo, I found someone special in my life. I hope you can look after us."

I sat close to the edge and dangled my feat down. I'm usually terrified of heights but I don't know... I feel safe now.

"So, you really do love Soora... Don't you?" I turned around and saw Jimin.

He walked towards me with his hands in his pockets and sat beside me.

We both watched as the moon shines brightly in the sky.

"I do... I really think that I found that special person in my life."

He nodded and sighed, while leaning his body back to the grass.

"I'll accept it."


"If you love her... My duty as brother is to support your decision and i know you would know what's best for your spirit and that of Jiwoo. So I'll accept it."

I smiled brightly and hugged Jimin. "Thanks brother... Thank you."

We hugged for a while until it was getting late.

"Let's go home shall we?"

"We shall."

We walked home and didn't say a word. There was nothing to say now. Everything is somehow going right.

Like I can see the world in.... Color.

Author's Note:

I'm literally falling asleep as I write this. I hope you guys are enjoying the loveliness of this fanfiction. Please comment and vote and keep catching up!

Love you guys,

Xoxo Me

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