chapter five

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(Shaylinn’s pov)

Wait cc just asked me if I thought he was hot. well umm I really don't know what to say so I kind of just looked down at my feet blushing....of course I thought he was hot who wouldn't? Then all of a sudden cc just poked me in the forehead so I looked up glaring at him

"Oooooo you think I’m hot" cc said picking on me

"Well of course I do...who doesn't" I said trying to stay calm

"Well des said the HOTTEST in the room...most people would pick Andy or ash" cc said

"Yeah well I’m not like most people" I said sternly

"Of course you’re not shay your one of a kind" he said as it went quiet

I kind of just looked back down at the ground trying to hide the blushing as much as possible. When I felt cc's finger start to lift my chin up as I seen him lean in. my heart started to race and I just went for it I kissed cc again.....I was so excited and wanted to just run around screaming:$ but I didn't and when cc pulled away I just went quiet not being able to speak.....and then ash walked out ruining the moment

"What did I just miss?" ash said watching us

"Well ummm I might have kissed shay" cc said quietly

"Ooooooo but whens my turn?" ash said looking at me... I kind of just looked at cc and of course cc went and slapped ash in the back of the really when don't they when ash says something like that?

“Really ash you can’t contain your hormones?" I said trying not to laugh

"Well I can but what’s the fun in that?" ash said winking at me and walking off

Ash always made things so awkward. But it could be very amusing.... I really did like spending time with ash because he’s actually really fun to talk to when you get past his sexual jokes. Lately I’ve just kind of been wanting to spend more time with cc because well... I just want to somehow tell him I like him. I wish I wasn't such a chicken.....when I came out of my daydream when I see my best friend come out of her soon as she got close I pulled her aside and told her the news

"CC KISSED ME!!!" I said trying to be as quiet as possible but des got a big grin on her face and smile

"Oh my god ahhhh again? That’s sooo cuteeee!!! Are you's dating?" she said smiling

"No not yet!!! Should I tell him I like him?" I said worried

“Well either that or you can let him come to you" she said serious

Des and I walked out to see all the guys sitting there. I really needed to find a way to get alone with cc again. Maybe I should tell him I like him or at least hint it.....I looked over to see des of course sitting with Jinxx and the rest in their usual spots.

(cc's pov)

Oh my god I kissed Shaylinn again...all these thoughts just kept running through my mind... I don't know if she kissed back because she likes me or just to be friendly? Well she did choose me out of all people to kiss in truth or dare! Hmm should I ask her out or at least see if she likes me? Well maybe I should get ready for the concert first? Or do I have time?

"Everyone the concerts in an hour we need to get ready" Andy yelled out

We all went to our bunks to get changed and put on our makeup which usually takes up quite a bit of time. We were all finally done and it was time to go to the concert....but shay and des weren't going to this show they were going to stay back and hangout...maybe shop.....I don't know girl things.....I couldn't help but think of shay the whole time it was really taking me out of the zone. So when we got back to the bus Jinxx stopped me

"What was wrong in that show? You were so not in the game!"  Andy said concerned

"Well I like this girl and I just can’t stop thinking about her” I said happily

"Who is it?" Andy wondered

"Well I’ll tell you as long as you don’t tell Jinxx. I don’t want him to get mad!" I said scared

“It’s shay isn't it?" Andy said confident

"Ummm Yeahh kind of" I said worried

"Well go for it bro you guys seem to like each other and at least we all know shay is with someone we trust" Andy said pointing towards the door

"Umm thanks" I said walking back in to see shay standing there as beautiful as ever....I walked over to her and pulled her aside

"Umm Shaylinn can I talk to you?" I said nervous

"Yeahh of course! what is it?" shay said looking at me

"Well I umm kind of...." I said stuttering

"Just spit it out cc" she said giggling

"Well I wanted to know if you would like to be my girlfriend?"  I said fast and she kind of just froze and stared at me

"Well I ummmmmm....."

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