First Day

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    When Maddie and I pulled into our schools parking lot I saw the sign that said freshman, sophomore, and juniors park on the left, and seniors park on the right. A guy in a yellow vest signaled us to a parking spot. As I started to get out of Maddie's car I took a big breath in, straightened my shirt, then hopped out. I saw plenty of girls that were intimidating to me. They had long hair, pretty faces, and sexy curves. Guys were already checking girls out. I felt more insecure in that moment than I ever have. I was so nervous, and barely even excited anymore. I wanted to jump back into the car and go home. But I had promised myself to work on my self esteem, and that I wasnt going to focus on boys, but on my grades.

    Maddie and I started to walk to the annex, but then we were stopped by our friends, Ashley, Jacob, and Ashton. We caught up on life, even though we all  had seen each other a week ago. It was 7:30 now and my first class started at 8:00. I knew it would take me a while to find my first class so I gave them each a hug, and saw Maddie talking to a guy named Jake, that we knew from middle school. I must say he had gotten more attractive over the summer. I said " Hey Jake. Hows it going?" He said "Great! Are you ready for today?" I shrugged and went " Couldnt prepare any more than I have." Then he smirked. I looked back at Maddie and said "C'mon, lets go to the annex." She shook her head and replied "I'm kinda busy right now. I kind of want to catch up some more with Jake. Catch up with you later." I was hurt that she'd rather talk to some guy than walk with me to class. But I just walked away without saying another word.

    I turned on my music to the song "Wake Me Up"  and put my earphones in my ears. I then proceded to wak to the annex...alone. I started to daze out and wasnt paying attention to the world around me, and that is when I bumped into someone. Whoever it was had knocked my phone out of my hand and I was rather agitated. I looked up and saw apoligetic brown eyes looking back at me. It was Justin Bieber. We had gone to school with each other since I was in 6th grade and he was in 8th grade. We had even had a few classes together since I was in advanced classes, but he had never said a word to me.I didnt mind though he was on the baseball team, and was said to be a womanizer. He looked like the type. What frustrated me about him was that he always had this smirk on his face, not exactly a jerky one. But certainly a cocky one.

      He looked at me and said " Sorry, didnt see you there."

   "Of course you didnt see me. Why would you have?" I snapped.

     "I said I was sorry didnt I? And you werent exactley paying attention either. Mrs.Avicci." he snapped back.

  I blushed a little then said " Okay. I am sorry as well. I just am a little nervous and I was kinda out of it. We both should be more careful next time."

   "Yeah. And nervous about what?" he asked me.

  "School. I am a" freshie" this year." I rolled my eyes.

He smiled at me, then grabbed my schedule out of my hand. " All of the teachers are great," he said, " dont worry. If you would like I will walk you to your first class. I know exactely where it is. If you dont mind."

"I dont mind at all. That would be a huge help! Thanks" I felt much better now. A hot guy was talking to me, and know I knew I had great teachers.

"No problem.",he shrugged.

    So he walked me to class. Said " See ya around maybe?" Then winked. I blushed yet again and went " Yeah. S-s-sure." And with that he left.

      The rest of the day went perfectly. All of my teachers seemed decent, I had found a good place to sit at lunch, and perhaps a few new friends.I was still upset with Maddie but I knew we would make up later and I didnt see Justin the rest of the day but I knew I would see him around the next day.  So I walked home and plugged myself up with my earphones, and listened to my playlist: faves. I had the best first day ever.

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