Chapter 1

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Hello everyone, I am writing this story on a mix of what I love, Dragons, magic warriors and mostly fantasy. If you have any questions in relation to anything of the story, send me a message! :). Enjoy The Beginning of Heroes, Villains, Monsters and Fights for Power as seen through the eyes of a 15 year old kid turned 20 with powers that not even he himself knew he had, in this quest to find the truth behind his own life and to understand the meaning of his dreams and voices in his head. I would like to give thanks for The amazing cover picture that I found in google HD. Thank you and Enjoy.

So it begins, the story of insecurity, confusion, adventure, battle and magic. To what ends must the human nature take you all, Eat or be Eaten, destroy or be destroyed... The cycle of life begins anew, as the 5 creators join once again to find the only hope humanity has, before they destroy themselves and the whole world with it.

To think They would choose that kid, it has to be a coincidence... It has to be.
I will be following this kid, so please leave before I do something that I will regret forever... Am I the cause of his pain or am I his healer?...

Part: 1 The Beginning of Heroes

In the beginning there was light & darkness, After what seemed millennia, in the empty space between both life and death, 5 mystery beings known as the creators appeared, as they began to create a world filled with life as they seem fit.

One of the Creators named Aerona, goddess of the Humans shared an idea of creating beings in the same feature as them. "Hmm... To create something similar to us, so they could enjoy all of the world we have created, what say you all?" Aerona gracefully open her arms looking around the other gods.
Freyalise spoke first " ~That is a very wonderful idea, but I will create my own~. " Freyalise smiled and kept talking to herself in a singing tone, Soon to be know as the Goddess of the magical and majestic Elves.
"Be me self or other, my own will be as tough as the mountains, for yer beard needs to be strong." said Fiers stroking his beard and chuckling ever so lightly, (you must have figured out) the Strong Mountain Dwarf God, then at the far side appeared Avacyn, also one of the creators of Humans.
" I will join in with Aerona, for her example is a wise one and I would like her opinion on the living beings." he said with a graceful bow.
Then as they all gathered, one of the Gods Freyalise, went on to the back and there stood the one God that 3 of the gods didn't like, His name was Draxir, he stood there looking above into the darkness... "Hmph, I could care less, what do you need Freyalise?" He said without looking at her. "~we are what we are, created for a reason and not for treason, don't let your mind be clouded Draxir, join me so we can help eachother~". Freyalise explained to Draxir how he was one of them and not a pest.
"Thank you O'wise Goddess, I... I will assist you, but afterwords I shall continue by myself, for I am a god yes... But you all know I am well different from all of you, your powers are natural, but mine alas are different" said Draxir walking towards the darkness with 15 rings appearing around him glowing dark purple and gold.
And so as the 5 Gods started and once it was completed, they went into slumber.
As millennia passed by, kingdoms rose and fell. There was destruction and reconstruction, Victory and defeat. As the world Continue, There was The Great War when All the clans joined together to defeat the Evil that rose from the earth. When the whole world was in danger the 5 Gods chose 5 Heroes to unite the people and destroy this evil once and for all, at the end of it all the 5 Heroes Sacrificed themselves to protect everyone and seal this Evil forever, as the dust settled each clan took The weapons of each hero to they're own clan.

The Magical Bow of Freyalise.

The Two-Handed Axe of Fiers.

The Healing of Aerona

The Staff of Avacyn.

The Hammer of Draxir.

These 5 Relics were hidden in the Royal Houses of the clans, were the decedents of each place would inherit each power if the need would arise... the world continued peacefully for years to come & everybody lived happily ever after,


"That can't be the end, right mom?" The small kid said with fear in his voice,
"Do not worry my child" she said with grief in her voice. "You are strong, just like your father, no matter what those kids say, you are not the son of trash and neither is your spirit. Remember that being kind is a good gesture and always respect your elders" there was a moment of silence then she laid back his son, slowly she backed away looking at his face filled with bruises, she gave him a kiss on his forehead and wished him a good night sleep.

He watched his mom leave his room, As he fell asleep.
He slept peacefully, for he did not know, that would be the last time that he would see his mom's smile or affection, for the things that are about to happen and unfold are not what the human mind can comprehend.

Where everyone is fixated on various beliefs and human lies... What would you do in his position, would you do everything in your power to rescue someone important to you at the cost of many lives?.

How I hate you humans!, constantly lying and changing people for your own benefit, selfishness and self centered are more what describes all of you.
I wish I could destroy everything that way we can start anew... Alas there is no say that I can give, You beg for forgiveness and redemption, to what extent must your lies continue for the stupidity of your mortal minds... Sigh..
Nevertheless, I am bound to this infernal kid, so I might as well tell you why this kid is the only hope that you humans have.
I was bound to him thanks to that infernal Father of his, but that's a story for another time.
This is the story of The Legendary Hero who together with Me and other 2 irritating Things that I don't really care about, United against the "darkness" and learned that with great power comes the annoying responsibility that I wish didn't exist... See you there.
There was always a reason to my eternal hatred of this family... Keep reading, you will find soon enough.

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