Chapter 6

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I couldn't understand at first what everything meant. I could see animals, forests, lakes, houses, people and a certain tree that its roots reaches all across the continent.

Little by little it all made sense, like a puzzle, piece by piece getting together forming a whole picture. Slowly I knew how I became 17 year old in less than a week and that there is much more to magic than meets the eye. What bothered me the most is that, after all that, I could not remember anything from my past.

What felt like hours was actually seconds and I was back at Travis's store, standing next to the wall of weapons, looking towards William, if that's even his name. I went to move but I felt weak, drained and I fell forward, Robert was standing close to me and grabbed me before I fell to the ground. I felt tired and wanted to sleep, slowly with the soft humming of the 'Tree' I fell asleep dreaming of nature it self.

"Aye... Is it really safe for him to learn all of this in one go?, I could train him, so at least he could defend himself when trouble comes".
Robert put Alex over his shoulder like a bag, "As you saw my old friend, He is not like many others. His destiny is in twined with mine, as thou has seen he chose a bow as his first and he said so himself, he does not know anything of this world. I must bring him with me to The temple, the elders will know how to help the boy." The tall guy called William talked as he walked towards Robert and grabbed Alex's right hand looking at the scar, "This morning I notice his scar slowly expelling magic, I need to find out what it is and how he got it... They will find him this way, untrained he will get killed, but with the right trainer and guidance, he can become greater than any Wizard or Warrior ever known... I hope.
Once he awakes, we will travel northbound towards the mountain Dread's Peak, that's where he told you he needed to go correct?", Robert grew silent, taking in all the information that was just told, "Aye... But-". Robert tried to speak but was cut off completely.

"Right then, take him back to the Cabin, I will follow shortly, I have to discuss some things With Mr. Iron here". Robert simply nodded, said goodbye to Travis and carried Alex out the door, once they were gone, the room became awkwardly stable. "Iron do you believe he is capable?, You are one of the best recruiter in the land, I would like to hear your opinion of him, if possible of course. But before that, we will be passing by the Northern Kingdom of the dwarves, is there anything that you would want me to take over there?" William sat on a small chair on the table side, "Aye... The kid has some potential, when I first saw him he felt as a normal person but with everything that has happened, I could be wrong. It be important that I join your party to keep an eye out eh?, I'll be also taking something personally to 'him', its about time I faced him after so long".

William simply smiled and stood up.
"Well if you excuse me, I have matters to attend to". William walked out from the store leaving Travis in the store, all alone and quiet, except for the constant crackle of the fire in the torches on the wall. He grabbed the bow Alex had chosen and put it in a bag "He's going to need it, to where He's going... He might as well take a sword, I'll be taking some equipment as well, he better be grateful".

Night passed quietly, The festivities in the town continued on and on until early morning. As the sun rose slowly over the horizon, The smell of coffee and breakfast filled the air. Merchants started packing their tents and belongings to continue the sell elsewhere, "He should be awake by now" said Robert with a grim tone, "This won't be like last time will it?", William knew better "After what I showed him yesterday, I'm surprised he was able to sleep at all. The young boy managed to understand what I showed him, to an extent of course." Robert frowned and kept looking towards Alex with worry, "What did you show him?" There was a moment of silence, "Sorry Robert, I know you are my Best friend, but something's must be kept quiet until I understand more about him, don't take it personal." As they talked the sun grew high and By then Alex started to come to " ...don't tell me I fainted again." Alex stood up suddenly grabbing the nearest bucket to barf. After a while passed Alex looked up feeling dizzy and overwhelmed by everything "What's happening to me?!, Its too bright here, everything is loud and I feel as if I got sunburned all over my whole body." William stood up normally and handed him some Smoothie that looked like a Black goo for some reason, "Drink it Alex, it will help you feel better." Alex looked up to William and gave him a anger look "why should I accept anything from you "William", if that's even your name?" Alex felt hatred towards Williams for lying to him about who he is and his name. "I understand your anger, but you never asked thy name or asked me what I do nor my job, its as easy as asking for a glass of water." Simply stated William.

Alex knew he was overreacting, but he couldn't help it and act like that since everything in his body was going haywire. I drank that medicine and to tell you the truth, I tried not to barf, it was difficult to swallow. I put the cup down, I went closer to the fire place. I felt cold, my skin was hot to the touch, I felt as if I got a bad sunburn, my ears won't stop ringing and overall my whole body hurts and aches.
I slowly sat down on a chair next to the fireplace and placed my hands over it to give warmth to my hands, as soon as I did that the fire went out... I couldn't move, the air grew so cold that I didn't feel cold anymore. A green mist appeared beneath from my feet and the voice of something was speaking in a weird language, but it slowly changed into English, "you have 7 days left to find me before I disappear from this realm, you must find me... You are the only one that-" I didn't move, the voice slowly got lower and lower until I was back in front of the fireplace alone. William was on the back of the kitchen grabbing purple leaves that were tied hanging in mid air.

I felt dizzy and disoriented, nothing made sense to me. As I stood up, my right hand started to hurt, I looked at my hand and couldn't believe what was happening in front of my eyes, The same green mist from the past was wrapped around my right hand, slowly concentrating on my scar. A voice came through my head "I shall make your life hell for thy past is what caused me such pain." My head started to hurt bad like being split in two, my vision went dark green, the temperature dropped suddenly around me, "Great...".

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