Chapter 2

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Wouldn't it be wonderful, if in everyday life, you could Stop or reverse time, in any given situation that it is needed?.
Sadly it is not one of those times and I do not have the patience to look for an answer to why it does not exist. Sometimes I wonder if you humans have the same feelings...or if it's me who is becoming more human, so many questions and no answers at all, for every minute that passes by, you see your life pass with no intention of changing to the way you long for...
Don't mind me as I succumb to my own thoughts and desires that will never come through. Now let's find the kid before I get bored and destroy you all.

*Wake up* Said a voice as light as a feather and moving as a gentle breeze. I felt a tug on the bed sheet,
"Huh? what in the... It felt as if someone was talking to me for a second there". I got out of bed, slowly looking towards were the bed sheet was being pulled and for a second I though I saw a small fox.... Or maybe because everything around me felt like it was moving. I shook my head and walked towards the door, I slowly felt better so I made my way down the stairs, holding myself on the railings. "Hey mom, do you have any medicine for headaches?". I looked around the kitchen... No smell of coffee or tarts that my uncle makes everyday... What is going on? I asked myself, "Mom Is- Is anybody home?!".

I went to the living room window that over looks the street, the street was busy with people but nothing out of the ordinary. I called out again... Nothing, I was trying not to freak out, so I tried the house messaging pigeon to send a message to my moms work place, it was covered in dust and cobwebs and surprise surprise, the bird dead "This is not right, one thing I know about uncle, is that he always takes care of his birds..."

Ok ok I'm fine, I could be in a dream, Yea that must be it, I pinched myself... Ouch! ok not dreaming. I rubbed my shoulder and went upstairs to my room still feeling dizzy and it felt as if my mind was slowly splitting in three ways.

As I sat in the edge of my bed trying not to cry from the pain and being alone, I remembered what my mom said last night, "you are strong my child, just like your father". I sobbed quietly knowing that it wasn't a dream and that my mom really had left... I'm all alone a sudden darkness filled the room and the only thing that I could see was my night stand.

I looked over to the night stand and saw the necklace my mom gave me slowly shining. It looked like a crystal only That the color was blue, I put it around my neck, it started to feel warm against my chest... I started seeing images of a Forrest a big boat... A Dragon?. My mind started feeling like it was about to explode, I Suddenly felt weak, hungry and tired, diferent feelings going through me, I tried to take it off immediately, but I collapsed suddenly on my bed. *Will you follow your desires? Or will you do what's right for the people that need you?*.

"Mom...I wish....You...were here...".

I drifted away, it felt like hours in pitch black. No dreams, just pure darkness.
"Who are you?" asked a rough voice, I looked around trying to find whatever or whoever was asking me these questions, "I... I don't know!" I tried to sound brave but I could already feel tears going down my cheek and my feet won't stop shaking, "Scared as always, answer this question." I couldn't stop shaking and it started getting cold, to the point I could feel my tears freeze slowly on my cheeks, I brought forward all the courage I had and took a deep breath, "what question?..." I squeezed the words out, from afar I could hear a slight chuckle. "Would you sacrifice everything for one person?" I heard foot steps echoing towards me, even in pitch darkness, I could see a pulsating Blue dark mass forming into the shape of a small human, "Young Alexander, will you destroy a whole village if it meant rescuing your mother?". I stood there scared trying not to cry "this is nothing real". I couldn't think straight, with everything going on, I felt like crying myself to sleep and pretend none of this is happening.

"I guessed as much, I really hope you die so I can finally be free from this place...". The dark figure disappear into nothingness and left me there alone, I kept walking forward with the sounds of my feet echoing like the walls of a cave, I saw a light appear at the end of the tunnel, before I could reach it, with out warning the floor gave out and I fell... Everything went silent.

"Hey kid wake up! Yer can't sleep out here, the crotts might eat ya' Hahaha". I slowly opened my eyes and saw an old man with a white bushy beard and big belly, sitting down in a old looking wooden chair, I tried to get up, but it felt like my whole body was being absorbed by the earth itself and my head felt like a bomb went off. He brought out a smoking pipe, turned it on with his fingers, casual as ever... "Where am I?" I asked him sitting up feeling dizzy and trying not to barf, He looked at me and puffed out a small cloud.
"yer in the outskirts of Avalaste, The finnest town and where the Rich get Richer....aye if that were true, I'd be rich hahahaha". I looked up to the sky and saw 2 moons One Red and the other Yellow... Oh of course, two moons ok, that seems legit. Let me get up and start dancing with the stars, that'll kick up the weird atmosphere."By any chance Sir, do you know if Bird is the word?". (Too soon?).

"I don't know ya son, but I be worst than these crotts if I left ya out here without any supplies to take care of y'self and ye looks like you've been dropped from the shadow lands themselves ". The old man stood up with a smile and in the blink of an eye everything disappear, all the boxes, his chair, some dry wood, just like that... gone.

"How- How did you do that?!" I looked at him surprised, my head spinning faster. "Now that is a bit old magic, mixed in with these here crystal in my neck, it acts as a storage of sorts... do you believe in magic kid?". He looked at me waiting for my answer, "No I don't believe in magic". I said not looking at him.
I know it isn't real, there had to be a logical explanation for all that to just disappear, into whatever he just told me, maybe some type technology, I just don't know, I looked at him intensely.
"Hahaha, then you will have a hard time fiting in this here place Kid, where are you from anyway, you look strangely familiar?". He started getting closer trying to get a better look at me, as I sat there thinking if I should tell him at all, but he might be of some help so I obliged. I went to speak, but nothing came out, "I... I don't remember... I don't know?" I asked myself more than the old guy.

I stood up feeling weak, My stomach felt like a whirpool, My head started pounding, I wanted to scream, but at most I felt like I was about to barf. Then behind me the old man walked up towards me and put his hand on my shoulder.
"Don't Ya worry son, I may not know ye, but I won't leave yer behind, memory loss Can be a really bad thing left alone". As soon as he stopped talking I started to cry, I don't remember anything, nothing... Nothing.

I tried to look up to the old man but his beard was blocking my view, it took me a while to notice that he was almost my size and I'm... I don't know 15 years old... I can't remember, then he let go of me and looked straight at my eyes. "I know of an old geezer, who can help you with this kind of problem, follow me. Don't tell him that I called him old geezer or he will do something bad".
He started walking but I couldn't follow for my feet didn't want to move. I took a deep breath as I pushed myself forward, I heard what I though was the strong rush of wind, "You are finally here... Let's see if you are even worthy, Of Me in this place I am the strongest and I will escape this damned place Alex I swear it". I looked behind me and a Invisible force hit me so hard I fell on my back, I tried to get up but the pain was unreal, my vision slowly went dark "What in my grandmas underpants happened?!". I passed out cold with an echo of a evil laughter slowly fading away.

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