Chapter 3

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Potions are the creation of Wizards, Herbalists, alchemists and more. The only consequences are that if you do create a new potion, you will need to find out the side effects, before you give it to someone from another "Dimension" correct?, too bad.

The Smell of Herbs and Potions filled the air, A kettle whistling on top of a fireplace, book shelves across the walls and papers stacked up high. Two men arguing on the back of the room, A desperate sigh, "Will he be ok?, it's been weeks". The old man said walking next to a twin bed, "I have never seen this before..."
next to him was another man, taller and calmer than the old man.
"Yes he will be fine, I gave him a strong potion, But I have never seen this burn on his right hand, it could be a birthmark. I feel like I've seen it before... I wonder." The old man stood up, went to his book shelves and started shuffling through pages too quick for an old man, "Let's see here, Burn marks, Fire Resistance, how to fly, how to Become strong in six days, how to escape your Mother-in-law, nothing..."
There was a moment of silence and The old man was looking at the taller man with worry "My Lord is everything ok?".
The man stood up walking away quickly "I must speak with this village elders, stay here with the boy!". The old man stood up and went towards the taller man, "Sir William please, explain to me what be wrong with this kid here?". He said holding William by his shoulder, William stopped and looked back, his face looked older than usual for a second "I'm not a Sir anymore, just William. Now this kid here, let us hope that I am incorrect for his sake." He shut the door closed and left the old man standing there alone. He looked down to the floor, then to Alex laying on the bed, his face sad and with grief "You kid... Yer remind me'self as a young buck, I just met ye but in that short time I felt my heart stop. I won't leave anyone behind. I learned to be the best thanks to Cap'n, So get better. You will sing, drink, laugh and fight as I did." The old man fell asleep next to Alex.

The day grew dark and the smell of burning wood filled the town's air, as people prepare for the nights cold, the streets grew alive with food, drinks, and music. William walked down the street with a book as thick as a trunk, "I should have left it at home, but I still can't believe they won't listen to what I have to say, this kid comes from another place and I have seen that mark in on the summoned..... Nevertheless I need to get back and take a closer look on that kid's right arm". As he walked up the stairs to his small house on the outskirts of town He heard laughter and coughing, he walked up to the door and stopped, "hahaha The soup came out your nose!". William opened the door to see The old man coughing blowing his nose and the kid patting his back laughing none stop, but trying to help him just the same, "To think I would see you sulking all over, but you both look like you are doing great, Huh Robert?".
He sat down and laughed while wiping his nose, Alex stopped laughing instantly, "Wait your name is Robert?!", The kid looked at Robert with excitement, "Aye, me name is Robert Wage, a pirate of sorts". Alex looked up at Robert feeling mixed emotions of excitement, "You are a Pirate?! Wow... I feel underclassed big time, are you like blackbeard?", Alex found a new interest in Mr.Roberts, one that felt just right for some reason. "Argh I don't know no Blackbeard but... Might as well start, get some stuff ready William it be a long night, Then let's all sit down for the story". They all pulled chairs, William cleared the stack of papers off of some tables and pulled them together, Roberts started heating up Tea, once William was done with the tables. He brought over some sweet treats he had in his small kitchen. They all sat together, As Roberts started talking about his Life's story from being a youg'n kid to defying and learning things the hard way, Alex kept his eyes on Roberts like he might disappear and what is happening is a dream, but something told him otherwise, for he only remembers his name... "Alexander- Alexander- Great I don't remember my last name". Said Alex sulking.

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