chapter one

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Hey guys please read the  message at the end ... you dont have to if you dont want to but you should

"Your  fired miss Sunmers, I expect you to leave the premises under 30 minutes but if you still need this job ... you know what you can do to keep it" my boss wait ex bos winked and smirked what he's trying to be  seductive but failing miserably at it .There is no way on earth I would have sex with him just to keep a job at that and I am very aware that if I agree he would try to do it again and I would feel like a stupid slut. I quietly stood up from the highly uncomfortable plastic chair that was in his office with out acknowledging what he said and walked to the workers lounge to get my things.

"He fired you didn't he , I knew he would eventually he has been trying to find a reason to kick you out of this bar for ages and now he's got a reason to throw your whore-ish ass out of here"  mindy the head waitress at the bar  sneered at me and walked out to get ready for her tables , me ? I just shook my head and walked towards my locker thinking why girls who are actually sluts call those who aren't one, she's  slept with any guy that has legs who offers to give her a few bucks and besides am a virgin ,  its not that am like all those innocent  girls ,
I actually  enjoy SOME and I'm flirty when I wanna be but haven't found a guy who's deserving of it yet

When I got home it was dark ... I switched on the light amd my little apartment came to life . Am Jennifer Nichole Jennings ,
my best friend likes to call me jenny bear .am 24 years old I majored in business in NYU just got out last year and with the rush of New York, jobs are hard to find which made me work as a bartender at a well off club that I was just fired from.

I come from a averagely wealthy family, you see my dad own a well off company before he 'died', My mom  died when giving birth to me but my dad remarried to an ex model named Grace .. she's a bitch, along with her daughter Taylor ...thin as a stick I tell you and following in her mother's steps to be a model as well but is not one of the top models, I know she's the only mom figure I have in my life but if you knew her you would hate her too, let say 'hate at first sight', she didn't like me at all because at the time that my dad married her he had already written his will and left every thing to me .

She tried to make him change it and include her and Taylor to it but my dad didn't make a move towards changing it , this resulted making them quarrel alot .

My dad tried divorcing her when I was away in college but that's when he 'died' . After all that I got kicked out from the house and my step mother took over my father's business living me with nothing , I know there's a will but it went missing and as the wife she got everything.

I wanted to run the business also but my step mom didn't agree but I originally had 50% of the shares but without the will  can't claim it so am stuck with fending for my self.

In a way I am cinderella.

Any way... its 1am in the morning and am on bed trying to look for any jobs ad from my own field of work or any food chain business that wants to hire and to my luck..............

I found three wanted ads , which made me do a little happy dance on my butt  I found one for a waitress at a fancy diner named Belle another for a position for being a secretary at Walter's inc and lastly one at a library , I sent applications for all three but hoped for the secretary spot cause that pays really well .

I closed my laptop and dropped it beside my bed with nothing to do and am definitely not sleepy because am nervous about my job interview tomorrow at the library and the one for the restaurant.  then the day after that is for the secretary job interview ... so I picked up my phone and started texting my best friend chase , I know he's awake cause he'ld have just finished having s*x bout  now .and we always have nightly chats before bed.. and yeah I know his schedule he's been a manwhore since high school  .

The phone rang 4 times before he picked it up " hey jenny bear" he said panting and.... grunting ... oh my guns he's still doing it .

Then I heard a sigh and I quite thud " why in the hell did you pick up the phone in the middle of screwing someone. .. oh my gunter my poor virgin ears " I told him playfully , then I heard him snort and " I was about done that's why I picked up the call and please you' ve heard much more that that so stop trying to be the drama queen in this relationship cause I've already filled the spot" he spoke and I couldn't help but to laugh " alright DRAMA QUEEN" " wha....wait no I meant drama king not queen !" When I was done laughing then a thought came to me and I had to ask " why are you later than usual ... You would have finished having 'IT' by now what happened ... "
"am very  sure you dont wanna have that conversation with me right now we'll talk tomorrow am really worn out"he said . yeah am sure you are ... well good night drama queen see you tomorrow" he groaned " am not gonna hear the end of this one am I ? " he questioned well I think to himself but I answered anyway " Nope' I told him popping the p  and ended the call. After a few minutes I went to bed .

Next morning I got up around 8: 16am without any worries cause my interview was by 10  for the library job that paid less but am not complaining .... but to be honest I really don't want the job but I have bills to pay so whatever .

After that am going to go to the restaurant so I have to dress nice cause it's a middle-upper class diner.

I got out of bed and padded into to bathroom to do my "stuff" .
when I was done I came out and walked towards my wardrobe and picked out a royal blue lace bra and panties and walked to the kitchen to make a little something for myself ... just the basics toast and jam ... And I know very wel that am still in my underwear .... I just don't want to get any stain on my outfit before my interview ... Sue me!... .

Its currently 9:38 and am about to head out so I checked myself one more time before I go ...
I straightened up my pale pink satin top which was tucked into my dark blue jean trousers then applied pink lipstick to my lips (duhh) makeup powder and eyeliner didn't feel like doing much make up to day so I just let that be and I was off.

Made major changes to this chapter and I will be doing so in the other chapters because I find them Too playful for my liking . I don't know about now but I would like you to tell me if it still is

Thank you for your time


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