chapter 2

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if you're reading this that means you've decided to give this book a chance and I want to say thank you for it .... ( I know it to early but * whispers in your ear* love you guys)

"Stupid stuck up sagging skin old witch " I muttered to my self as I walked out of the old crumbling library ... ok it not crumbling ... or old but I was mad . Ok see what happened , after I wore my cloths which constited of my blue jean and peplum top with flats and my messenger bag... I was out the door to get to the library for my interview . When I got the I walked to the front desk were I saw any old lady , me thinking she'ld be a lil old sweet lady but turned out she was devil's bitch in disguise ,maybe am exaggerating a bit but ... whatever ." Good morning ma'am am her for the job for the store keeper" I said in a sickly sweet voice but got a sneer in response " do you think this is a strip joint ... look at you blouse you're showing to much of your bosoms and those trousers are to tight you might as well walk naked if you want to you ass and thighs to show ... please leave here at onces if you want to work her I expect ankle long skirt and a tortoise neck long sleeve shirt if not get out!... and for recommendations on the strip club you should check out boner at the corner of the street .. good day" she went back to her work while I was standing fuming with rage I cant just leave her without anything to say but seeing she an elderly I'll not be soo harsh .... look here you old sagging whore why would I work at a strip club ?.... I definitely don't want to see you at night with your old sagging boobs and ass rubbing on some guy that would promise you a one dollar bill just for a lap dance ,,, I would want to work here will you go to the back room on your break give your usuals a one cent blow fucking job ... so yes as you said I will have a good day" I finished with a smile and walked out fuming and this is where you guys met me.

As I was walking down the street I came across a cute coffee shop and decided to buy a muffin and have it for my lunch ... that's what I can afford right now sooo.

Anyway , I walked towards the door and went to the counter and ordered the muffin so I decided why not get a drink too so I went for it and paid , looked fir a seat and sat waiting for them to get my food ready . When it was ready I got up to fetch it and sat down back to enjoy my little lunch happily but it came down on my like a bucket of cold ice water . "Stand up from here and find yourself a different table" an annoying voice said to me as I was about to take a bite.

I looked up to see a raven haired lady clinging to a very very veryy handsomely hot guy like her life depended on it . I raised a brow and looked at her smirking "and what if I dont?" I questioned leaning backwards towards to chair and folded my arms waiting for her response , mean while the guy looked amused but he was texting on his phone not bothering to glance at the scene taking place before him .

Maybe he's had enough so he just walked to another table with our the pompous lady and sat down answering a call .. she thought he would have backed her up but shocked that he walked away which brought a smirk to my face , this irritated her and she glared at me then stomped away.

I continued with my lunch , when I was almost done I received a text from chase saying I should meet him in his apartment , there wasn't a need to reply him back so I kept my phone back in my messenger bag , then finished my lunch and disposed the paper cup in the recycling bin and I was out.

I took the bus to the nearest bus stop from chase's apartment and walked the rest way . When I got there I just walked in dropping my bag next to the door and went straight to the living room knowing he'll be there watching tv andddd I was right he sat there on the sofa watching our favorite show " ridiculousness" I just love it .. don't you?, anyway " hey chasey poo, how you doing this fine afternoon" I said in a mock British accent, " why must you have to be so loud" he said holding his head while groaning . I didn't care if he was hung over case he always troubles me when I am sk I jumped on his lap and tried to find a comfortable position to sit and wrapped my arms around his neck " awww is chasey poo still hung over , is he?, are you chasey poo?" I cooed in his ear and I got what I deserved for messing with an hung over chase , my butt to the ground , HE PUSHED ME!. " how dear you sir! " I screamed knowing it will annoy him more which it did ....." if I'd known I would have never invited you to come over to take care of me" he told me glaring at me .

"Yeah you shouldn't have"i told him while getting up from the floor and following him into the kitchen and sticking my hand into my back pocket " but you did and guess who got the remedy to your little problem? "I asked him like a show host wanting to announce an anonymous prize.

While chase stood there looking at me like have grown six boobs while still carrying an irritated face , I just gave up and threw him a pack of pain killers I had, why? Couldnt he take one from his that he had at home? Welllllll..... this loser does "buy" pain killers am always his supplier when ever he needed one, I know .... he's weird am I but I love him either way.

After he told the pills and the hang over came down a little , we both sat down and continued watching ridiculousness thennnnn....." how was your job interview " he asked me . Ooohh am gonna tell him bout it.

I know it's short and am sorry but am updating this entire story maybe the future stories I may or may not write is still undecided

Hope you're enjoying the story it means alot to me that your reading it . I dont have high hopes for the amount of people thats gonna read it but I appreciate the little that are and does and are going to please dont give up on me ... I need inspiration and my Inspiration are you votes and comments.

Thank you and love you guys!

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