Chapter 3

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I woke up with a jolt, unsure of where I was, but the rattling I heard, soon quieted my fear and filled me with sick dread, as I realized I was still chained to a wall. The room was dark at first, so I believed that my eyes were still closed, which I surprisingly got over quite quickly, but I then saw a small light out the corner of my eye and I realized I was seeing for the first time in days.

Joy and relief washed over me and I began to throw a welcome home party for them, when I was interrupted by a dark laugh I was beginning to strongly dislike. I stopped my party and turned towards the culprit, prepared to throw my meanest glare at him, but I was stopped in my tracks by what I saw.

Directly beside me and under a hanging candle, sat a man unlike anyone I've ever seen. His skin was white, as white as paper and even whiter; pure almost. His hair, matted and dirty was the exact opposite; black that was completely absent of any light. In the back of my mind I wondered what color his blood would be, but paid no attention to it. His head was bent, causing his pure black hair to cover his face.

His arms were chained to a cement wall and pulled apart from each other, which I assumed was how I was also chained, he was also slightly tugging on them, pulling his body towards me. His legs were spread wide apart and there was a tattered cloth that may have been white at some point, covering his private area.

Quickly, I looked myself over and saw the saw the same thing with the addition of a small cloth covering my breast. Silently I cursed the pervert who'd undressed me and who'd come up with the prison garb. Realizing I could do nothing about my lack of clothing, I turned back to the man now silent.

His body was malnourished to the highest degree, yet his skin hung loosely on his bones. It puzzled me as to why his skin was so loose when he was so skinny but I thought nothing of it. He raised his head slightly as he began to chuckle again.

"Checking me out are you?" He asked under heavy sarcasm. The sound of his voice startled me and at first I wasn't sure of its origin. I looked around the dim room and found no one but us. My startled searching caused him to chuckle again.

"There's no one here but us." I looked back at the man and found that it was in fact him speaking. He laughed again at my sudden recognition. It puzzled me as to how he saw me when his head was still bent. I started to frown, but found this version of his laugh calm and soothing, even though the fact that he kept laughing at me was starting to piss me off.

Almost as if by cue, his laughter stopped. "Aw, am I hurting your feelings?" he said lifting his head completely up. Nearly automatically, I gasped in shock.

The skin on the man’s face was loose, like the skin on his body. It was loosest around his cheeks and chin. His eyes were green, a light yet bright green, which flipped me out because was so black and white (seriously). The corners of his mouth were slightly turned up, and he may have been handsome if not for the strange loose skin. His eyes flashed slightly as I glanced at his lips. He chuckled softly, causing the skin on his chest to jiggle.

“Like what you see?” he asked tauntingly. I frowned slightly and looked away. “Aw, don’t be embarrassed” he teased. I felt my cheeks begin to flush as I bent my head, letting my hair fall in my face. “I’m Cikel by the way” He offered, leaving an opening for me to respond. I ignored him and pondered over the fact he’d made my cheeks flush.

I’d been deep in thought when a large thud sounded next to me. Instantly I jumped in fear. When my heart slowed, I looked around for the cause and my eyes fell on Cikel beside me. His head was lying against a large crack in the cement wall beside us, which he had apparently made with his head, due to the rich dark blood running down his white forehead.

“What the hell!” I screeched the shock and horror that was probably on my face was definitely evident in my voice. “You know it’s rude not to give your name after someone gives you theirs” he said with a smile.


I changed this and made it longer. Hope you like it :D

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