I'm a Hale (Teen Wolf)

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Chapter 1

I woke up to the sound of bird chirping through the window. A cold wind blew through the open window and I jumped out of bed, my feet making a pitter-patter sound as I ran across the cold wood floor as I rushed to close the open window. I looked at the alarm clock on my bedside table. 5:26. I groaned and headed into my closet. I put on some athletic shorts and a tank top and headed into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and threw my hair up. I headed down stairs to the kitchen. I guess I should probably introduce myself.

My name is Aerabella Hale and I am adopted. I don't remember my real family. I just remember waking up in the hospital really confused. The doctors came in and explained everything. My family had been stuck in the house while it burned because of an electrical fire. I was one of two that survived and the other person wasn't as lucky as I was.But I did loose something. my family and my memory. A couple days later I was released to my adoptive parents, who were just my foster parents back then. We just moved to a place called Beacon Hills, California and I'm excited.

My adoptive parents are the best, but I can't help but feel like something is missing. I don't remember my family and it killed me. I felt so guilty. I didn't cry when I found out. My family was dead and I couldn't even bring my self to cry! What kind of person was I? I reached the kitchen and flew the fridge open and grabbed the orange juice and set it on the counter. I grabbed a cup out of one of the cupboards. I filled the glass and gulped it down. I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand.

I slipped on my running shoes and grabbed my iPod and headed out the backdoor to the back. I looked at the forest behind my back yard. I put in my ear buds and ran to the sound of Selena Gomez's "Slow Down." I ran and ran, zig-zagging through the trees. 40 minutes, 9 songs, and gazillion trees later I was lost. I turned around and ran in the direction I had came. I looked at my feet for a second and ran right into someone. I stumbled back and landed on my butt. I stood up and took out my ear buds and turned off the music. "Sorry" I mumbled as I looked at the person. It was a guy a couple years older then me. He smelt different. He looked at me his eyes wide the shock clear on his face. "Aerie?" he asked me. I raised on eyebrow. "Yes" I asked slowly. "How do you know my name" I asked backing away slightly. His eyes filled with hurt.

"You don't remember me." It wasn't a question more of a statement. "Should I" I asked raising my eyebrow.He got this weird look on his face as he ignored my question. "I should introduce myself" he said. "I'm Derek Hale, your brother" he said. I listened into his heartbeat thinking it was a sick joke and it was normal which only meant that he was telling the truth. I gulped and took a step back as he took one forward, I turned around and ran. "Wait" he called after me. I could hear him right behind me so I kicked it up and ran faster and harder then I ever had before. I let my instincts take over without giving in to the power. Soon I made it back to the house. I ran through the back door and locked it behind me.

I headed upstairs breathing hard and hopped in the shower. I washed the sweat off of me and washed my hair. I shaved my legs quickly and hopped out. I put on my bra and underwear and put on the outfit I had picked out. I put on a leather high waisted skirt with studs along the waist line. I put on a purple shirt that I tucked inside the skirt. I through on cropped blazer and dark blue ballet flats and headed downstairs. I walked into the kitchen to see Candy sitting at the small, table drinking tea and reading the newspaper. I walked up to her and planted a kiss on her cheek. She jumped slightly and turned a little in her chair to see m better. "You almost gave me a heart attack" she said placing her hand over her racing heart. "Sorry" I said grabbing an apple from the bowl that sat in the middle of the table.

I stood leaning against the counter when Jerry walked in. He poured himself a cup of coffee and sat down at the table across from Candy. I continued to munch on my apple when something occurred to me. "Why did we move" I asked them. Their eyes widened some and their heartbeats picked up abnormally. "Pardon?" Jerry asked. "You guys told me we were moving but didn't tell me why." I clarified. "No reason just a change of scenery" Candy said with a shrug. I narrowed my eyes but figured what they were lying about probably wasn't that important. I threw away the apple core and grabbed my keys and headed outside where my red Chevy pick-up truck was parked in the driveway. I called a "have a good day" over my shoulder before closing the door and hopping in the truck. I dug my key into the ignition and headed down to the high school. I sighed sadly knowing that today was going to be a long one.


I looked at the small stack of papers that consisted of my locker number and combination, my schedule and a piece of paper every teacher had to sign. My locker info was on top so I went there first. I twisted the knob to the correct numbers. 16-27-2. It opened with a click and I exhaled a breath I hadn't realized I was holding in. I started to set some of my books and pencils in their when I felt eyes on me. I looked around to see three boys staring at me. One had curly light brown hair, another with shorter car brown hair and tan skin, and the last with brown hair that made a quiff on his head. They all had a different way about them. Just by the how they stood I knew something about them. The first was trying to hard to seem confident and I could tell he stayed to himself most of the time. The second had a very protective air about him. The third was obviously sarcastic and awkward. I could see their mouths moving so I turned my head back towards my locker but listened in.

"That's Derek's sister" the sarcastic one asked. Great, they knew my- wait what was that supposed to mean. "Yeah, that's her" the guarded one said. "Ok so what exactly did Derek say" he was checking out the woods trying to find the" he stopped himself as if trying to find what to call it. "Creature and ran into his sister. He said she didn't remember him and when he told her she ran away. He tried to catch her but she was too fast for him" he said. "Wait to fast for an alpha, isn't that impossible" the sarcastic one inquired. Why were they talking about alphas? "Thats what I asked and he just glared. Anyway he wants us to convince her to meet him after school. He said that if we had to use force" he said. I rolled my eyes.

"Wait what if she's a werewolf" the protective one asked. My heartbeat quickened. How did they know about werewolves. We're they werewolves. I did notice that they smelled... off when they walked by earlier. But what if they weren't? What if I was endanger of being experimented on? What if -. My thoughts were cut off as their conversation continued. "We could probably take her" the guarded one said. I rolled my eyes yet again as I scoffed quietly. They wish. "No that's not what I meant. If she's a werewolf she can probably hear us." Smart kid. "I think were fine" said the awkward one. That's when I slammed my locker shut and whistled. Two of them looked up at me the third following their sudden focus. "Yeah hi" I said waving slightly. "I could hear everything you said and FYI, you couldn't take me" I said as I turned on my heel and walked in the opposite direction. I turned the corner and was stopped by a pretty girl with strawberry blonde hair. She smiles at me. "Hey your the new girl right" she asked. I nodded once.

"I'm Lydia and your first official friend since you stepped foot in Beacon Hills." She looped her arm through mine. She seemed pretty nice and her shoes were absolutely fabulous. "Aerie, Aerie Hale" I said. She said she seemed shocked for a second but recovered quickly. "Can you show me to my first class" I asked taking out my schedule from the pocket in my backpack. She took it from my hands. "You have most of your classes with me and my friend Allison. You'll like her a lot" she said. "Your first class is with Finstock, tough break. That's right near my class." She said as she dragged me down the hallway. She showed me which class was mine and I walked thought the door and over to the teachers desk. He looked up at me. He had big crazy eyes and his hair matched, going in every direction and every angle.

"Hi" I said. "Hi" he said back. "Why are we talking" he said harshly. "I'm the new student" I tried holding out my hand. He glanced at it before saying. "I didn't know there was going to be a new student." He informed the class. He pointed a guy a couple rows back. "Did you know their was supposed to be a new student" he asked him. He nodded. "Well, thanks for telling me Greenberg" he yelled sarcastically. "You really let me down. Anyway class this your new student, Ms..." He trailed off turning to me. "Hale" I said quietly. "This is Ms. Hale" he said. There were snickers around the room. "You can't take a seat behind McCall" he said. I looked around the room and saw a raised hand, which just happened to belong to one of the guys from the hallway. He smiles victoriously up at me. I roll my eyes and I make my way over to my seat. The one with curly hair sits next to me and the sarcastic one sits in front of him.

They all turned and looked at me but I ignored their stares and kept my attention on the board. But they didn't stop staring, especially the one next to "McCall." I was becoming uncomfortable with their constant stares and shifted so that I was staring out the window and into the forest. I swear I saw something in their but when I looked back, there was nothing. I sighed and turned back and noticed they were closer then they were before by several inches. They all leaned in even more. "What" I whispered. "Are you really a Hale" the one with the darker hair asked. " I know he told you about me" I said. "Yeah about the hallway, were sorry about that" he said scratching the back of his neck. I ignore them and turn my attention to the front of the classroom again. I saw from the corner of my eyes them slump. I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding."


It was free period and I was sitting with Allison and Lydia in the library. Allison is really nice, she seemed nervous at first but seemed pretty relaxed right now. I was studying when someone pulled out the empty chair next to me. "Hey Stiles" Allison said. I looked up to see the awkward fidgety guy from the hallway. "Hey Allison" he said giving her a little wave. He turned to me his knee bouncing up and down. "Can I talk to you in the hallway" he asked me. I looked from his face to his bouncing knee to Allison and then to Lydia. I nodded once and followed him out to the hallway. Once we got there I leaned up against the lockers. He stood a couple feet in front of me. "What do you want" I asked him. "I just have a couple questions, ok" he said. I rolled my eyes at him. "Why did you run away from Derek" he asked. I was shocked and unprepared for the question. "I don't know" I admitted. "Ok fair enough, he said that you didn't seem to remember him, is that true" I nodded sadly. "How come" he asked. I looked away from him. "Because I can't" I said quietly. "What's that supposed to mean" he asked. I could feel the sadness well inside me. "I mean wouldn't you be happy" he asked. I could feel the tears fill my eyes but I refused to let them spill. "Why didn't you remember him" he asked.

"Because I can't" I said my voice cracking near the end. "I don't remember anything from before I woke up in the hospital room. I wish I could remember my family but I can't. And I feel terrible. My own friends came to the hospital to visit me and I didn't remember them. I thought I was all alone and then I run into some guy in the woods who claims to be my brother and I know we wasn't lying I could hear his heart beat and I was shocked and maybe a little bit scared so I ran" I said. I looked at him and he seemed shocked. The tears spilled over my eyelids and I quickly wiped the hot tears away but more just replaced them. "I'm sorry, ok. I didn't know" he said. "It's not your fault" I said. I laughed slightly. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to dump that on you. I hate crying" I said as I wiped them away. "Can I go now" I asked after the tears stopped falling. He nodded and I walked back into the library and sat back in my seat.

Allison and Lydia were deep into a conversation. "What are you guys talking about" I asked them as I crossed my legs and took out my pen. "We were talking about getting you to come to girls light on Saturday" Lydia said. I raised my eyebrow at them. "I want to get away from all the murders and hostility in this town and at least pretend to be normal" she said. It actually sounded like fun. "Alright I'll go" I said. The looked at me not totally believing. "Really" Allison asked. "Yeah, sounds fun" I said with a shrug. "Great, there's a new club that is opening up downtown and I know someone that can get us in" Lydia said excitedly. They quickly got into a conversation on what to wear. We all decided to get ready at Lydia's before hand.


"Can I go now" she asked Stiles. I heard the shuffle of her feet as she headed back to the library. As I heard her footsteps disappear we came out from our hiding place. "I feel terrible" he whispered. "At least we know why" Scott said. "She looked like I just shot her puppy with a rifle" Stiles continued. We walked into the library and saw she was sitting down with Lydia and Allison. She kinda looked like Derek. Especially when she narrowed her eyes. She had long dark hair and pale skin. She had unnaturally wide, innocent eyes- the same grayish-greenish-blue color as Derek- framed with long dark lashes. She was kinda short and seemed kinda sad. Know I knew why. "What are we gonna do" I asked them as we sat down. "I don't know" Scott said. Yesterday night a body was found outside a club and it was weird. The persons face has gone and it had everyone stressed out. I heard someone walk up to us and looked up to see none other then Aerabela Hale. "I'll go with you guys to see him" she said as she looked at all three of us. No one said anything so she turned around and walked out the door just as the bell rang.


We were walking over to Stiles jeep when we saw Aerabela leaning up against the side of a red Chevy pick-up truck. "There you are we were just about to look for you" Stiles said. "How did you know that this was mine" he asked her. She furrowed her eyebrows." I didn't this ones mine" she said pointing her thumb to the truck behind her. "Ok. Isaac is going to be riding with you" Scott said. "What why" we said at the same time. We gave each other a stern glance before glaring at him. "To make sure you actually follow us" Stiles piped in. She rolled her eyes and hopped in her truck. I reluctantly followed suit and got in the passengers seat. She waited for Stiles to pull out before following him. It was awkwardly silent. I looked out the windshield. Aerabela turned on the radio to a song I didn't recognize. She quietly sang the lyrics.

"I've never seen a diamond in the flesh" she sang. "I cut my teeth on wedding rings in the movies. And I'm not proud of my address, in this torn up town, no post code envy" she harmonized with the stereo. "But every songs like 'Gold teeth, grey goose, tripping in the bathroom, blood stains, ball gowns, trashing the hotel room. We don't care, we're driving Cadillacs in our dreams" she sang quietly while tapping her fingers on the steering wheel. I smiles at the ridiculous lyrics. "What" Derek's sister asked. "It's just" I stopped and just shook my head and looked out the window. "What" she asked again laughing slightly. "The song doesn't make sense" I said. She listened in as the girl sang something about 'tigers on a gold leash' and 'love affairs.' Derek's sister laughed. "I guess I never really listened to the song before" she said. All of a sudden she turned drifting slightly. "I guess I should really be paying attention" she said laughing. She was different then Derek. She seemed nicer and not as cold.

We pulled up to Derek's loft and the smile was wiped from her face. Her heart beat picked up and her breathing heightened. She grabbed a heart shaped locket in her hand and rubbed the smooth gold top. "Let's do this" she said quietly. She quickly followed after Stiles, who was speed walking. He walked in first followed by Scott then me an then Aerie. Derek saw her and crossed his arm slightly. I saw Peter standing a little farther back looking at Aerie expectantly. "So" she said awkwardly. "Why did you run away" he asked her. She pursed her lips. We already knew the answer. "Because she didn't remember you" Peter said. Apparently we weren't the only ones. "You knew she was alive and you didn't tell me" Derek demanded. Peter shrugged. "You never asked" he said. She looked at Peter one eyebrow raised. "Who are you" she asked. "Why, I'm your Uncle Peter" he said with a creepy smile. "Why don't you remember" Scott asked. "And why did you decide to come back" Stiles added. And it began I watched silently as Scott and Stiles and even Peter launched question after question.

Every time she opened her mouth to answer a question a new one was launched at her. She looked in between the three desperately. Her heart breath picked up she shrank back against that wall. They started shouting questions at her and I watched Asher eyes rolled into the back of her head and how she sank to the ground unconscious. I stood above her as her dark hair was sprawled around her on the floor. "I'll admit, not the best idea" I heard Stiles say. Derek picked her up bridal style one arm under his knees the other under her shoulders. Her head was tipped back at an awkward angle. He carried her upstairs into his room. He came back down. And sat down not saying anything. It was totally uncomfortable. "Did Laura know" Derek asked Peter. "I think so" Peter said. "Why didn't anyone tell me" he asked. "What would you have done, at least she went to Candace and Jerry and not some nut jobs" Peter said. "Who are they" Stiles asked. "They used to be friends of the family" Derek said. Is was quiet after that. Stiles and Scott were in other room trying to figure out what killed that guy. Aerabela came clunking down the stairs.

"What are those two talking about" she asked jabbing her thumb in the direction of Scott and Stiles. "Nothing" Derek said. He didn't want her getting involved. She rolled her eyes and turned to Peter. "Something killed a kid a couple days ago an it wasn't human" he said. She nodded before going to the room the other two were in a followed her. She looked at what we had gathered. She looked at her eyebrows pinched together and chewing at her lip. She read the files intently. "What are you doing" Derek asked. I jumped I hadn't heard him come in. Apparently I wasn't the only one. "Geez, we need to get you a bell or something" Stiles said. Aerabela chuckled before becoming serious again. "It's a siren" she said. "What is" I asked. "The murderer" she said. I gave her a confused look. "They change their physical feature to lure their victims away from crowds and people, ancient Greeks said they used their ability to charm sailors with there voices and faces to lure the, to crash into rocks and reefs."she said. She looked at everyone and I could tell they were giving her the same look. "What I went through a mythology phase" she said with a shrug.

"I'm not for sure I need to see the body." She looked around at everyone. "My mom can probably sneak you in" Scott said. "Great we'll take my truck" she said. "I'll be back" she said as she walked out Scott following behind her.


Scott called his mother before hand and now I was in a morgue. The smell was disgusting and I was taking as little breaths as I could. Scott's mom stood next to me as I examined the body. There were a couple signs to show if it was a siren or not. "Could you determine how he died" I asked her. He had a panicked look in his eye and they were an unnatural shade of blue. That was the first clue. "He was choked see the bruises here and here" she said pointing to dark purple marks on either side of his neck. "Ok what happened" I asked her. "Several witnesses said we left with a blonde girl but when we brought the girl they had identified in she said she wasn't work and several people backed her up" Ms. McCall explained. "Can I see a scalpel" I asked holding my hand out.

She handed it to me and I made a cut on his neck a black smoke came from his neck causing me to cough. We had a siren on our hands. I thanked Melissa as she told me to call her and headed out to Scott. He stood up and gave me a questioned look to which I nodded to. On the way back it was silent. "So Allison, huh" I asked with a slight smirk on my face. He gave me a startled look as if not expecting that question. "How did you know" he asked slumping in the seat. "You don't hide it well" I said. He gave me a sad look. "I'm never gonna get her back" he said quietly. "Hey don't give up. Would it make you feel better if I told you she still likes you" I said. He perked up instantly. "Really" he asked I nodded. "I'll even make it my own personal mission to get you and Allison back together" I said he smiled. "Your not against it, I mean me putting her endanger" he asked.

"The girl will be fine" I said. "So you know about her and what her family did" he asked hesitant. "Yeah" I said. Allison had told me about her family's hobby earlier today and I told her that it wasn't her fault. "Really" he asked. "So you know about Kate" he asked. I nodded. She was Allison's aunt who had been murdered recently. "Your taking it surprisingly well, considering she killed your family" he said quietly. Wait what did he say. I slammed on the brakes, earning me several honks, glares, and fingers. He didn't mean it, right? I mean Derek would have told me about that. Wouldn't he? "What are you talking about" I asked. His eyes went wide. "N-Nothing" he stuttered. "What are you talking about" I asked. "Kate set the fire" he said quietly. I felt my teeth lengthen and knew my eyes were probably gold. I turned my attention back to the rode, gripping the steering wheel so tight it looked like it could snap. I sped down the road in the direction of Derek's place. We were there in minutes.

I yanked the keys out of the ignition. I walked at a quick pace and entered the loft. Lydia was standing by Stiles and Isaac. Derek and Peter were looking something over. I stood at the doorway and crossed my arms. "When were you going to tell me about Kate" I asked. The room fell silent. They all looked at me with wide eyes. "How'd you know" he asked. Just then Scott walked in. He glared at Scott while I glared at him. "You didn't answer the question" I said through my teeth. I felt my claws come out and sink into the palms of my balked fist. To I was angry was an understatement. I was furious. I was about to snap. "Calm down" Stiles said as he took a step forward pushing Lydia behind him. My head snapped in his direction. I didn't move, I stayed planted in my spot. "Didn't anyone ever tell you never to tell a girl to calm down" I said the last words throughout my teeth. I felt the hair grow on my cheeks. I heard someone's footsteps approaching me. And turned to see Derek walking toward me. Everyone had stood up at this point and were looking at me with wide expectant. The werewolves were trying to corner me. I was more hurt then angry and that only made me angrier. I could feel myself loosing control of the tight grip I held myself on. "I have to go" I said my voice deeper then normal. I turn and ran into the parking lot not bothering to take my car, I ran all the way home. When I finally reached home I ran through the front door and closed it, still breathing hard I walked into the living room where Candy was sitting. "Where have you been" she asked. Her lips were tight and I knew she was mad. "I decided to stay after school and study in the library and on my way home my car broke down" I lied. The words rushed out of my mouth before I could stop them. This was the first time I had lied to her. Her gaze softened some but she tried to keep her hard demeanor. "Why didn't you call for a ride" she asked. "Because you said you were going out of town to pick up a few things" it wasn't exactly a lie. She nodded in approval and nodded towards the stairs signaling for me to go upstairs. I ran up the stairs and into my room. I shut the door and slid down it. I felt tears prickle the back of my eyes. 'Why didn't they tell me' I thought to myself. 'I deserved to know.' I clenched my jaw. I forced myself to hold back the tears no matter how much I felt like crying I told myself not to. I heard a knock on my window and let out a shaky breath and walked over to it. I opened the curtains. To reveal Isaac who was standing on the roof outside my window. I let out a breath of relief as I opened the door and let him in. "What are you doing here" I asked quietly. He steeped into the room and looked around. My room wasn't much. It had dark purple walls and matching bed set. The carpets were white and beside a full length mirror my walls were bare. I had a white desk and that was it. "Derek was worried about you and I brought back your car" he said holding up my keys. He tossed them to me. I caught them effortlessly and nodded. He turned to exit but stopped. "Don't be so hard on Derek, he was just trying to protect you" he said. I narrowed my eyes. "I'm not a helpless 11 year old girl" I said. And then he was gone. I walked down stairs and saw Candace making lasagna. I smiled as I walked up behind her and said 'hi' she jumped a foot in the air and turned around. "I told you to stop that" she said as she cracked a smile. "Do you want some help" I asked. She nodded and I washed my hands before stepping over to the counter,I helped her prepare it and after a while it was done cooking and we were pulling it out of the oven. We set it on the table along with some warm bread sticks and salad. I was in the middle of setting the table when Jerry walked in the door he placed a kiss on my forehead. I smiled and sat down at the table while my parents kissed and dug into the food. We talked about our days, me obviously leaving out the part about my brother. I was going to tell them, just-just not yet. We laughed and it was nice. I helped with dishes before dragging myself upstairs. I brushed my teeth and through on an over-sized sweater over my sports bra and panties. I hopped into bed and pulled the purple comforter up to my chin. I breathed in the comforting scent of downy before falling asleep.


I smelt something weird and earthy and my bed wasn't as soft as I remembered. I opened my eyes and I was looking at dirt, I jumped up and and scrambled to get up and instantly tripped over something. I looked to see a dead body. It was a girl, her blonde hair had twigs and mud matted in her hair and her body was bent at an unnatural angle. I out an involuntary scream that echoed across the trees.

- Isaac

I woke up with a start as I heard a scream. I jumped out of bed with urgency. I ran out the door and towards the woods. I didn't even know where I was going I ended up in. Spit where the trees made a circle and saw Scott was holding someone. It was Aerie! She was shaking and I sent him a look. He nodded his head to the left I turned to see a dead body. Her eyes were glowing blue and glazed over and her tight red dress was ripped. But that wasn't even the worst part. Her mouth was twisted into a sick, evil smile. I turned away and took it out. I dialed Derek's number and he answered on the first ring. "Hello" he answered. "Another body was found" I told him. "Ok well did you talk to the person who found it" he asked it. "No" I answered. "Who found it, Lydia?" He asked. "Not exactly, it was Aerabela" I said. "Where are you" he asked. "In the woods near the preserve" I said. After that he hung up. I sighed and shoved my phone in my pocket. There was only one thought running through my mind. What was she doing in the woods?l

"Have you called the police" he asked Aerie. She didn't move onły continued to shake, her arms were limp at her sides. Her legs were bent like they would give out but she stayed locked in place. He sighed and pulled out his phone. Derek entered the forest and walked over to his sister. She turned around and hugged him. There were twigs in her hair and in the knitted n fabric of her white sweater, which was the only thinking she was wearing. It was huge on her and made it half way down her thigh. Her eyes were wide. He signaled me over. I walked over and she looked up at me. Her eyebrows were furrowed and she looked sad. "The police are on their way" Scott said. "Can someone get me some pants" a small voice said. We all looked up at Aerabela. Derek was the one to say what we were all thinking. "You aren't wearing pants" he semi-shouted at her. She nodded slowly. "I'll call Lydia" Scott said. "How did you get out here anyway" a voice asked. We turned to see Stiles. When did her get here? "I don't know. Last thing I remember is falling asleep in my room. And I woke up out here and tripped over the-"she stopped herself. I was surprised she wasn't crying. "body" she finished. She had a far away look in her eye. "And then I heard laughter" she finished. She looked up and her gaze flickered across all our faces. Laughter? I mean I'm not calling her a liar, but that seemed a little crazy. In the distance we heard sirens. Aerie walked over to the girl. "Poor girl" she said. She reached over and closed the unnatural glowing blue eyes. "Her family will be devastated" se said her lice cracking on the word family. The police flooded the small clearing. Sheriff Stilinski walked up to Aerie and started asking her question. Lydia showed up and handed her a pair of sweat pants. She went behind a tree and came back with sweat pants on. "Can I go home" she asked the sheriff. He nodded and she hopped in the car with Lydia.


Me and Lydia drove to my house. She was already but said she would wait for me and we could go to school together. I hopped in the shower and washed the leaves and twigs out of my hair. I scrubbed the Dorset off of my legs and arms. I washed my face furiously feeling like their was dirt all over it. I stepped out of the shower and dried myself in the bathroom. I walked to my bed room the towel tied tightly around me. I put on my under wear and my bra and through on a light cloud blue dress. I put on a yellow belt and my combat boots and threw my towel dried hair up in a high pony. I applied a this layer of cherry red-tinted gloss on before grabbing my. Bag and heading downstairs. Lydia was sitting at the table with Candace and I knew she had asked Lydia about our knew friendship. I grabbed Lydia's arm and tugged her out the door.


I had just walked through the main entrance and everyone was staring at me. News travels fast in this town. Lydia shot them a glare and they returned to their friends whispering. I cautiously took a step forward, and then another, and another. And before we knew it I was at my locker. I grabbed my books and heard someone lean against the locker next to mine. It was Isaac. "How you holding up" he asked me. "Horribly" I grumbled. I just kept picturing that demented smile, the glowing eyes, the out if place angle. I shivered as I thought about if. "Your actually doing pretty well" he said. I shot him a look. "Your not crying" he pointed out. "I feel like it" I muttered. "And you showed up today" he pointed out. "And I'm seriously regretting it" I said. He chuckled as we entered the classroom. "What about Allison" Stiles asked. "What about Allison for what" I asked settling in the chair next to Stiles. "We came up with an obvious solution. The murderer" he started. "Siren" I said cutting him off. "Whatever, it's going after young good looking people and we need someone to use as bait" Scott said. "And it's not going to be Allison" he told Stiles firmly. "What about Lydia" Isaac asked. "Nope" Stiles said. I rolled my eyes as they were missing something obvious. "What about me" I said. They all shared a look before bursting out laughing. "What am I not pretty enough" I asked. "That's not is, it's just you would have to seduce" I cut him off. "Oh I get it, you think I'm incapable of seduction" I said crossing my arms across my chest. They all nodded some. I looked around the classroom and spotted my victim. I smirked and grabbed my bag and sat in the empty set next to him. I smiled at him. I put my cheek in my hand as I leaned toward him. "What's your name" I asked him. I heard his heart beat pick up causing a wide grin to spread across his face. "Gr-Greenburg" he said. "That's such a cool name" I fake gushed moving my hand to his knee. I heard him gasp slightly and smirked inwardly. "What is she doing" Scott asked. "Proving us wrong" Stiles muttered. "Thanks" he said nervously. "Hey I was wondering if you could help me with something" I asked. He nodded in return. "Could you give me tips on running, I really want to improve my stamina and I heard on the track team" she shrugged. "I would join but but I missed try outs." I added. I snook a glance at him and saw he was blushing deeply. "I could talk to coach for you" he said. It went just as I planned. "You would do that for me" I asked faking bewilderment. He nodded and I through my arms around him to thank him. "Alright, I have to go my friends are giving me the evil eye, I'll talk to you later" I said grabbing my bag and returning to my original seat. "You were saying" I asked Stiles smugly as I sat down. "Well played but that doesn't excuse the fact that Derek won't let you" he said. I scoffed Derek doesn't control me, I'll ask him later


"But why" I whined to Derek . We had went over to his place after school, and surprisingly Stiles was right. "Because its dangerous" he said. "And I don't want you getting hurt" he said. I rolled my eyes at him. "But I know how to see if its the, or not" I said. "Nope" he said. "But I can protect myself" I reasoned. "Still a no" he said. I put my hand on my hip. "Who's to say I won't just go after you guys leave" I said. "I could lock you in a closet" he said. What is up with guy. I could tell him fine and then go anyway. "Alright, I'm going home" I said. "I don't believe you" I turned and ran into Scott. They were all barely less then a foot taller then me being exactly five feet tall. I turned to go the other way and ran into Isaac. They were way buffer then me. I had the small body of a dancer or a gymnast. I was tiny. I turned to Derek. "Really" I asked. I huffed and took a seat on the couch. "What are you going to have someone babysit me" I joked. There faces stayed serious. "Oh god" I said. "Who" I asked. As if on cue Stiles rushed through the door. "Ok what" he asked sitting down on the couch next to me. I glared at him. "I told you he would say no" he said. "So when we leaving" he asked sitting forward and rubbing his hands together. "Your staying here" I said. "What why" he asked. "Because apparently I need a babysitter" I said glaring at them. "Why can't Peter do it" he asked. "Because I don't want to" he said from his spot on the stairs. "Let's go, the murders took place anytime before 7 and 9 o'clock." Scott said.


"Go fish" I said bored out of my mind. We had been playing gold fish for about an hour and I was about to rip my hair out. The buzzer went off and I rushed to the door. I opened it and a girl with reddish brown hair stood their. She was wearing a tiny black dress. She had way to much make-up. The red lipstick was smeared slightly. "Who are you" I asked her. She raised an entirely to thin eyebrow. "Carly, who are you" she asked in a snott voice. "I'm Derek's sister" I said crossing my arms over my chest."oh where is he" she asked looking behind me. I narrowed my eyes and clenched my jaw. "Derek's dead" I said. Then I slammed the door in her face. I went back to Stiles. "Who was it" he asked. "A girl looking for Derek" I said casually. "What did you tell her" he asked. "That Derek died" I said with a smirk. I held up my fist to which he bumped. Stiles was my new best friend.


We were in the club and I was looking around for anything unusual. In the end Allison had agreed to be bait. I kinda felt bad for treating Aerie like a child. I spotted someone leading a guy out of the club and followed. They led into the alley. And out of nowhere the girl started doing this weird thing. This smoke stuff started coming out of the guys mouth and into the girls, then she snapped his neck. "Stop" I screamed. The head turned around and ran into the abandoned buildin next to the club. I followed close behind and ran in after it. Their was a large open area and a grand staircase with a hallway on each side. I heard laughing all around me. It echoed of the every wall in the building. It was just like how Aerabela had described it. "You will not keep her from me" it sneered before it all stopped and was eerily silent. The odor burst open and Derek and Scott stepped in. "We have a problem" I told them.


I was in the kitchen when my phone rang I pulled out my phone. "Where are you" a voice demanded. "Hello to you to, Derek" I said yanking open the fridge door. "I'm in your kitchen" I said as I stared at the near empty shelf. "You really need to go grocery shopping" I said as I closed the door. "Where's Stiles" he asked. "In the living room." I said. "I'm coming back and then taking you home" he said. "Why can't I just drive myself home" I asked. "I need to speak to your foster parents" he said. "I'll be there soon" he said before hanging up. I walked back to the living room and told Stiles that he could leave and that Derek was coming him soon. Shortly after Stiles left Derek arrived. I climbed in the passenger seat and remained silent as we drove home. I got to the door and rang the door bell. A furious Candace standing in the door way. Her gaze cooled once it landed on Derek.

"Come in" she said letting us in. "I assume you know why I'm here" he said as he sat on the couch. Jerry and Candace were standing while sat on the recliner. "We have been informed about the threat in the area, yes" they said. "And you brought her here anyway" he yelled at them. Unlike me they didn't flinch at his risen tone. "We have taught her well and she can help with the investigation" they said calmly. " he coming after her, he is targeting her, did you know that" he said yelling again. I looked up at his words. "I ask that she will stay with me until we kill this thing" he said. "We?" They asked. "Me and my pack" he said. "She can stay with you" Jerry agreed. "Ok hold up! First of all how the hell do you guys no each other? Second what else haven't you told me" I yelled. Derek ignored my questions. "How fast can you pack a bag" he asked. "I'm not going anywhere until you tell me everything" I said. "I'll tell you tomorrow, just pack your things" he said. I sent him one last glare before trudging up the stairs.

After I packed my bag full of a couple things we hopped back I'm Derek car and dove back. By then the everyone had left except Isaac. He seemed just as surprised of me being her as I him. "Goodnight" he said walking up the stairs. "Wait you said you wold explain everything to me" I yelled up at him. He ignored and I flopped Dow on the couch. In complete honesty I was kinda released we weren't talking tonight, I was exhausted. I pulled out my phone and saw that it was almost 11 o'clock. "Do you know where the bathroom is" I asked Isaac. He nodded and opined down the hall. I grabbed my bag and changed in there. I threw on a pair of fuzzy of pajama pants on a black sports bra. And brushed my teeth before exiting the bathroom. I grabbed my favorite red blanket from my bag and headed for the couch. Just as I has I was about to Bly down a voice spoke up. "You can take my room" I sat up any saw Isaac. I pillow tucked under his arm. "That's nice but it's fine" I said laying back down. "I insist" he said. "No I'll take the couch" I said. "But I won't you too sleep in my room" he said. "I'm not taking your bed" I said. "You should take the bed" he said. "You were here first" I said. "Alright" he said. I sat up and looked at his face. He was smirking. The boy was definitely up to something. "Thank you" I said. He walked back down the hall. I waited for the door to shut before laying back down.

I woke up I find I was in a room. I sat up and walked to the door and pulled it open. I walked down the hall and into the bathroom. I changed into my outfit of choice which consisted of a white and black zigzag cropped top. I put on red high waisted jeans and yellow pumps. I brushed my teeth and applied my usual lipstick, today's color a pink grapefruit shade. I smiled at my reflexion. Grabbed a whit headband and placed it in. It kept my hair away from my face. My loose curls traveled down my back except fit they occasional corkscrew that hung over my shoulder. I opened the bathroom door and walked dog not the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge. It had the same contains as last night. Sighing I grabbed a green apple and started munching. I turned around and nearly jumped. Isaac was sitting at the small round table. I took a seat across from him. We ate in complete silence. Isaac started rushing to put away his stuff. "We have like 15 minutes you know" I told him. "I take the bus" he said. I shook my head at my friends idiocy. I held up my keys. "I'll just take you to school" I said throwing the core in the trash. I grabbed my bag and we headed off.

When we go to school we headed in different directions. He walked over to stand by Scott and Stiles and I headed over to Lydia. She raised her eyebrow. "Did somebody stay the night" she asked referring to Isaac as she winked suggestively. I rolled my eyes. "No I stayed at Derek's because he said he could protect mg better that way" I said. "And how do you feel about that" she asked. I looked over at the strawberry blonde confused. "It's a insulting that they don't think I can take care of myself" I said. "But your more ten capable to handle yourself" she said. "I know I know that but how do you" I asked her. "I don't know I just do" she said with a shrug.


I waited for her to fall asleep before tip toeing into the living room. She was sleeping soundlessly on the couch. Her pink lips parted slightly as she breathed in and out. Stop staring at her. I told myself. I scooped her up in my arms and carried her into my bedroom. As soon as I laid her down she curled up into a ball. She looked sadder in her sleep, more vulnerable her dark hair was slated around her. I picked up the blanket from at the foot of the bed and pulled it up to her shoulders. I had to say she was hot. Her dark lashes fanned her cheeks. She looked so innocent. Way different then she looked earlier. Poor Greenburg. I didn't blame him for the way he acted. Before I was bitten I would have reacted the same way. I admit I liked Aerie Hale, but it was useless because she could never like me back. Even if she did Derek would never let that happen.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2013 ⏰

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