storry hey!

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drinking through my nose, laughing through my eyes,breathing through my mouth to say that stories are not. Many got blind while writing stories, many got million while writing story, Many got criticism, no vote,no comment, no followers on wattpad. The question is what did you get? for me my dog ate my food, i slept with my phone on my hand, and something again happened so here my story starts.

one day after writing stories i came out to looking around so i saw my friend i decided to chat with him. fortunately for me a rich man was passing and heard me telling one of my stories to my friend so he stop, sat down and told me to continue my story. In my mind i was thinking of million dollars the man will give so if you were opportune to see my face that day you will see a thousand and one smiles on my face which turned into laugh every 1 minute. After telling me stories the rich man gave me his complementary card, i was the happiest. He also gave a date to visit him.That day i visited was the worst day in that month for me.

watch out for the next part to know what happened that day i visited.

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