What is involve in writing good story

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It can be a joyous event when the writer sits down and

sets out about the business of writing a creative story,

The pleasure of fiction writing is that the story came

from inside the writer. All the elements were created

inside the writers head based on observation, history,

personal experience, other people's experience and

about a million other stimuli. Not only are these stimuli

different for every writer but, most times, different for

each story told.

However we get to keyboard to write, whatever it was in

us that brought about the need to get it down on paper

or input into the computer, there are elements to a

story we should always keep in mind. Some of these

elements are, forgive me, elemental. Whether you've

taken several courses in writing a creative story or you

got home from your day job and just had the urge to

write down this story that's stuck in your head, the

basic elements should still be there.

What are those basic elements you're talking about?

They are, theme, plot, characters, conflict, setting and

point of view. If I may, I'd like to explain just a few

things about each one before you get back to your


Let's start with theme. This can be a simple statement

of what the story is about. Your story is about

something, right? So, just write it down. It can be as

simple as, love hurts or people fighting against change

or believing in yourself. See, I told you it was simple.

Tackling the plot can be tricky. If you write out your

plot or plots before you start writing it can give you a

sort of guide post to keep you on track. Just realize

that there are those times the characters in your story

have a better idea and take you in a whole different

direction. That's okay. The basic general elements of

plot will still be there only the specifics of your plot will

have changed. These basic elements are, the

introduction, progressing action, climax, regressive

action and denouement.

The introduction is just how it sounds. Let us know

about your characters, the setting, perhaps foreshadow

important story points happening later.

Progressing action is where the conflict comes in and

things get more complicated.

The point in your story where the reader is really hooked

wondering what's going to happen next and can there

be a resolution and, OMG, what's on the next page, is

called the climax.

Where progressing action is where things get

complicated, regressing action is where things start

coming together. Basic story lines begin to get resolved.

Denouement is the final resolution of your story and it's

various parts.

All of these together help to make your writing a

creative story a bit better and, sometimes, easier.

Setting should be easy for you. Where is the story

happening? Is it hot, cold, raining, windy, fall, spring?

Where and weather can play a key elements in your

story if you let them.

Conflict can be all sorts of things. The really basic ones

are man against some external force, ie. society or

circumstance or some other character, and the internal

force of man against himself. I'm sure your conflict will

fit in these two elements somewhere. Just remember, a

story without conflict is excruciatingly boring.

Characters? These are the people living in your head.

What do they look like? What do they do and what

won't they do? How do they act around others and how

do others react to them? Give them a history of their

life before the story starts and what will their life be like

beyond the story's end. What do they sound like? What

phrases and phrasing shapes their speech. We could go

on and on but I think you get the idea.

Finally, and you thought we'd never get here, lets talk

about point of view. All this means is who is telling the

story. Is it the main character or someone close to the

main character talking to us? Then you'll use first

person pronouns like I, me, we. Also, the story teller will

only have first hand knowledge of only certain parts of

the story, right? The omniscient voice usually knows

everything and can be anywhere talking about anybody

and uses the third person pronouns like she, they, it.

Once you decide on a point of view, stick with it and be

consistent. Check your story and correct the point of

view where necessary.

Writing a creative story can be a wonderful part of your

life. Using these basic elements will only help you.

Remember, they are no rules. There are no rules in the

creative arts. Let your own creativity loose.

Your unique voice is waiting to be heard

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2014 ⏰

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