• prologue •

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sarah and breezy are sisters in this and josh is their brother for fic purposes fyi
this isn't proofread so fight me if there's any mistakes
flashback to one year ago...

"are you sure this is a good idea?" dallon asked nervously. the others snickered and giggled from their hiding spots under the bed and in the closets.

"she deserves it!" jenna replied, smirking. the only person not in hiding was dallon. one of the other group's friends, breezy had a major crush on dallon. so the group left a note telling her to meet dallon in the guest room at 2:00 a.m.

"just because she has a crush on me doesn't mean she deserves-" dallon was cut off by taylor shushing the group.

"shut up! she's coming!" she exclaimed. everyone scooted into their hiding spots.

breezy nervously entered the room, her breath hitching when she saw dallon.

"so... uh, you wanted to see me?" breezy asked nervously. dallon smirked and tried his best not to laugh.

"you look nice in that shirt, i bet you'd look nicer without it," dallon said flirtatiously, mentally cringing at himself. breezy blushed a deep shade of red.

ryan ended up cracking and laughed, causing breezy's eyes to widen.

"ryan?" breezy exclaimed. the rest of the group came out of their hiding spots, with brendon filming the whole thing on his phone. "what- what the hell guys?" breezy felt near tears.

"it's just a prank, breez," jenna said, rolling her eyes and laughing. sarah walked into the room, gasping at the scene.

breezy ran out of the room. sarah tried to stop her, but breezy ran past her.

"what the hell is wrong with you guys?" sarah exclaimed, glaring at the group. she ran out of the room and after breezy.

"it's just a joke! you guys need to chill!" ryan yelled, but sarah was already out the door, chasing after breezy.

sarah ran out into the cold, december weather. she hugged her jacket tighter to her torso. she followed the footsteps in the snow, to where she guessed breezy had gone.

"breezy!" sarah screamed out. "breezy, come back!" she pulled her phone out and turned the flashlight on before continuing to sprint down the trail.

there was a small clearing in the trees where breezy was standing, crying into her hands.

"oh my god! you must be freezing!" sarah exclaimed, taking her jacket off and giving it to breezy. breezy put the jacket on thankfully. the girls paused when they heard footsteps coming from behind them. they turned around to see a masked stranger, clutching a knife.

the girls didn't take long at all to make the mutual agreement to run like hell.

they ran down the trail, their legs aching in protest. they could hear foot falls echoing behind them. they ran and ran until they reached a cliff at the edge of the mountain. the edge was slippery with ice, causing the two girls loose balance and fall over the ridged edge. sarah managed to grab onto a tree root right next to the edge. breezy was grasping sarah's wrist as tightly as possible.

"don't let go!" sarah yelled. the stranger was hovering above sarah at this point. but he had his hand out as to help sarah.

sarah had to make a quick decision.

drop hannah and save herself, or let go of the root and let both of them die.

sarah chose the latter and slowly released her grip from the root. breezy and sarah screamed as they plummeted to what was thought to be their death.

flashback end.

jenna sat on the bus, listening to the radio on her phone. the bus was otherwise empty besides herself, and it was getting dark out. she was on her way to the cabin.

josh's -one of the teens in the group- family owned the cabin. the group had visited last year, which was when the mysterious disappearance of sarah and breezy dun had happened.

the group was meeting at the cabin on the anniversary of breezy and sarah's disappearance. josh had come up with the idea, saying that sarah and breezy would've wanted the group to come back together.

the radio mentioned a josh dun and jenna perked up, beginning to listen closely to the radio.

"on the anniversary of josh dun's sisters disappearance, josh and his friends are meeting up at the cabin once again to commemorate the sisters."

jenna smiled softly.

"we have a short message from josh to the group."

"uh, hey guys... look, i know you're probably worried about me. but i wanted you to know, i'll be okay. let's not sulk over sarah and breezy too much, yeah? let's have the time of our lives and party like porn stars!"

jenna laughed at josh's last statement. the rest of the ride was only about five minutes, and once she got off the bus, she began walking up the trail to the cabin.

she trudged through snow and passed trees and rocks and animals. she shivered from the cold, but after a while, she made it to the cable station.

tyler was already at the cable station, sitting on the bench, reading a book.

"hey, ty." tyler looked up and smiled.

"hey. you excited?" tyler said excitedly. jenna shrugged.

"i guess. i'm just a little worried about josh, y'know?" jenna smiled sadly. "i think we're all still grieving about breezy and sarah." just saying their names made jenna's chest hurt. tyler smiled sympathetically.

"josh is my best friend. i'll be here for him," tyler said. jenna smiled. "hey, come check out what i found!" tyler stood up and gestured for jenna to follow.

the two walked to the back of the cabin where a mini shooting range was set up.

"what's a shooting range doing at the top of a ski mountain?" jenna asked, laughing.

"dude, have you met josh's dad?" tyler exclaimed. "he thinks he's jerry miculek or something!"

"hey, do you know when the others are getting here?" jenna asked curiously, peering at the trail. tyler shrugged.

"nope. all i know is that melanie and ashley are already at the cabin, but the door's locked."

"why's the door locked?" jenna cocked an eyebrow. tyler shrugged again.

"josh said they found a dude sleeping in the garage last month," tyler explained. jenna wrinkled her nose.

"that's creepy as shit." the two cringed when they heard the sound of metal scratching fill the air. "the cable car's here. wanna wait for the others and or go in?"

"let's go!" tyler exclaimed. "i'm freezing down here." jenna laughed.

"alright, let's go then."

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