Why didnt you tell me

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I slowly wake up but refuse to open my eyes to the sun light coming through my open window. The alarm said 6:50 I growled and turned around. A  arm around my waist tightened, I look up to see Kyung-soo peacefully asleep. I smile and lay head back on his chest, slowly falling back to sleep.
Le time skip 2hours
I hear some laughter and a few clicks from a camera. I open my eyes and turn around to see all the members are looking at me. Just realising it now I turn around to Kyung-soo who is already awake glaring at all the members.
We look at each other and smile while I place my head on his shoulder. Now all the members are shouting "dollie" a.k.a are new ship name. The members start to leave showing each other the photos.    
The last member was my brother standing against the door with a smile but turned serious. He turned to Kyung-soo and said with a serious toon.
" you better take care of her or i will personally rip out your vocal chords". When he said that I was laughing until my stomach hurt and Kyung-soo was nodding and laughing as well. My big brother walked out the room and then Kyung-soo turned to me and sighed.
"We will tell him later ok" while kissing my head as I snuggled against him.
My stomach was now in butterfly when he kissed me head, actually they were since this morning. I nodded to him and go up. Since I had a shower yesturday I picked out my clothes (picture above) .
I noticed Kyung-soo walked out as I was getting ready. Once done, I walked down stairs to see all the members were at the table except Kyung-soo who  was making breakfast.
I decided that to help Kyung-soo make breakfast and make me and my brother come homemade coffee I always make.

We finished making breakfast then I started to clean up all the dishes and plates. I didn't notice but my cuts were now showing in my wrists. The water has washed of my cream. Oh god, I need to tell Kyung-soo. I call him with a serious tone. He walked in the kitchen in a cute way. I coughed and looked down at my wrists that were now showing the cuts.
He made owl eyes and picked me up bridal style. As we walked out hiding my cuts, Chanyeol walked past us smilin widely at us to.
I smiled bit was suddenly pulled in my room. I walked to my vanity to put on my cream. Looking up I saw Kyung-soo looking at me with sympathy. I nodded once done and he grabbed my hand then walked out to the livingroom.
Once I saw Xiumin, I asked him to speak to him in my room. He nodded and walked with me and kyung-soo. When we arrived tears were slowly coming into my eyes, I sat on my bed with each of the boys by my side.
I took a deep breath and turned to my right where my brother was. He has a confused look on his face.
"Xiumin" I started with tears in my eyes "do you remember those messages that I showed you that I got upset over". He nodded and then took my hands in his.
"Well, yesterday was one of the worst days and I did something, that I have done for a while and Kyung-doo stopped me from doing this" I walked to my draw and brought out my bloody blade. We all had tears running down my face.
"I'm so sorry, I just couldn't help it my friends are out of town, mom and dads gone and I didn't want to be a burden" I said with tears coming down my face.
My brother put my face in his hands with our foreheads touching. I didn't notice that Kyung-doo left us until I was put on my brothers lap.
"You need to let me help you, please show me cuts I want to see all the time that you needed someone". He said rocking me then wiping his tears away.
I nodded and walked to my wardrobe to put on a bikini then walked to the bathroom. I had a quick shower to get rid of the cream and put the bikini one.
As soon as I walked out my brother started crying again but this time hugged me. 
"Should we show the other members". I asked looking up from his chest.
He nodded once to say yes but grabbed a role to put on me. We walked hand in hand to the rest ready to tell them and hopefully getting all the helpful reactions.

Thank u for reading this chapter. And I mean really long. Luv u all Emilyx

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