I need you

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Today, I was hanging around with my friend Catherine. All we did was watch movie, fangirl over Even Peter (a.n- we actually do this) also watch the walking dead then American horror story. It was around 22:30 when I left.
I keep calling the guys to see if they can pick me up as the house was 7 miles away. Trying over and over, I give up as I have left each member 15 texts, 10 phone calls and 2 voice messages. Catherine offered me a ride but I told her I wanted to get some fresh air.
I say my goodbyes and head home. It was a nice night with dark blue sky, thousands of stars above me and the sound of crickets around me.
I had done around 2 blocks and it was around 23:00 and I needed to hurry. I try and call the others but they still don't answer, getting stressed I decided to jog for a bit. I was walking around a street that was completely empty but a few cars came round every 10 minutes.
I heard footsteps come from behind me and I decided to walk about faster. The sound of the footsteps were fading u you I felt someone grab my arm. I was being dragged into an ally. I tried to scream and fight but he covered my mouth.
"Shut  up or I'll slice your neck" he said in a low voice.
I still tried until I was flung  into the wall. His hand was still covering my mouth. Next minute I knew, I was being rapped  in an ally way. Once he was done, he left like nothing happened. I grabbed all my stuff and tried to look normal again. I checked the time and it was 1:00 I didn't even notice. I ran all the way home, I tried to catch my breath. I open the door to see my brother and the members there..............looking disappointed.

Xiumins p.o.v
Allie was with her friend all day, she text me during the day to say she would leave around 10ish. I think she might of gone clubbing or something with out telling me. It's now 1:23 and I'm seriously disappointed in her. I think is only two blocks away or something. I lay my head down on the sofa cushion while the utter members are talking about where she is or why she isn't home.
I hear the click of the door opening to see a confused Allie seeing our disappointed faces. I stand up while shaking my head. I look up at her.
"WHERE WERE YOU" I shout relishing my anger. The boys stand up as well but kyung-so who was looking at her with curiosity. She looks at me with complete anger.
"WELL WHY  DIDN'T YOU ANSWER YOUR PHONE? I TRIED CALLING YOU ALL OF YOU THIS TIME AND NEVER BOTHERED CALLING ME BACK" she shout looking at all of us except Kyung-soo as his phone broke yesterday.
"IF YOU ANSWERED YOUR PGONE THEN I WOULDN'T  HAD TO WALK SEVEN BLOCKS AND WHILE IM AT I WAS WALKING DOWN A STREET WHEN A MAN GRABBED ME AND RAPPED ME. I NEEDED YOU GUYS AND  YOU WASN'T THERE" she shouts again with tears going down her face. She runs upstairs and tears then Kyung-doo runs after her.
I'm shocked not that she just shouted at us but that she was rapped. My baby sister. My little cherry blossom was in danger and I wasn't there to help. A tear falls down my face along with the other members.
We all check our phones and see we all have 15 texts, 10 missed calls and 2 voice mails each. I'm more shocked that I didn't hear my phone or that I checked it. I drop my phone and fall to my knees. Lay was the one who came over to me  and comfort me while the guys were in complete tears.
Why didn't I answer? I could of helped her. I need to make it up to her.

Allies p.o.v
I run upstairs with tears falling down my face. I hear someone come after me but I just run into my room.  I land on my bed letting all my tears fall . Someone opens my door and closes it then walked up to my bed. I wipe my tears to see Kyung-soo with a loving face and tears falling down. He licks me up and we both lay on my bed.
He hums 'baby don't cry' to me while wiping the tears. My head is on his chest with my leg over his while one of  his arms is under his head as a pillow and the other one is protectively around me.
He kisses my head and that starts to make me sleepy. I could tell that he was sleepy to so I decided to close my eye listening to the song. I felt darkness come over me and soon I'm snuggled up to Kyung-soo asleep.
Kyung-soo p.o.v
Allie is asleep cuddled into me. I still was humming 'baby don't cry' . I star blushing as her leg was over mine until I looked down at her to see her lightly blushing.
I silently laugh as I mover her round. I want Xiumin to apologise. At least she k kW how my phone was broke yesterday and could call me. I want to make their relationship better. Ill try in the morning, hopefully she would listen to me. I start to fell darkness surround me and slowly fall alseep with the one who I know is safe in my arms.

Thank you for reading this chapter. I know it is a sensitive chapter but I want to make a big turn. Thank you luv u Emily X

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