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The first thing I saw, when I opened my eyes, was darkness. A cool, damp cloth was placed on my forehead and parts of my hands and legs were wrapped with bandages. I predicted a throbbing headache, as soon as I awoke. Trust me when I tell you, you don't want to fight weirdly armed people in the forest. Most of what happened earlier was lost in my mind. All I could remember was the ugly face of their leader as they took me down. I had never lost a fight before, but this was different. They looked like humans and even talked, but something about them was...off. I could feel it, being a dragon slayer- I knew the smell of humans and they definitely weren't humans.

My legs were numb and it felt like someone was hammering my head. Placing a hand to my head, I lay back down and groaned as more pain surged through my skull when it came in contact with the rough satchel- that was my supposed pillow. My clothes were ripped and shoes covered with mud and grass. Overall, I felt horrible. the worst I had ever felt.

"I see you're awake," A male's voice said. I turned my head to the entrance of the cave I lay in to see a guy with blue hair and dark eyes, with a tattoo on the right side of his face. I tried moving but ended up crying in pain. He sighed and ordered for me to not move. I bit my lip to prevent the tears from falling as he cured the wound on my side. Clenching my jaw and tightening my fists, I tolerated the pain until it was finally over. Only one tear slipped down my cheek as he moved away and sat against the wall of the cave, staring at me.

"What?" I asked him, annoyed. He shook his head giving me a small smile and stood up, walking out. "Wait!" I called. "What's your-" He disappeared in the trees and left me in the cave. "Name," I whispered once he was far away and nowhere to be seen. I sighed, looking down at my side, but there was only dried blood on my shirt. No pain, or wounds....only dried blood. "Who are you?" I whispered when I saw what he had done.

After a very exhausting journey, I finally reached a village and dropped down in a chair of the first restaurant I found. I told the waitress my order and waited impatiently for the food to be served so I could satisfy my hunger. Hogging the food, and gulping down the water, I slumped down in my seat and smiled in satisfaction. I was lucky the 'mysterious man' left behind a bag filled with clothes and a bottle of water. I'm guessing, he did that intentionally.

My mission now was to find a guild where fairies had tails, just like I was told by my mother dragon in my dream a few years ago. I couldn't remember much of what happened after my mother left. The memory was blurry and I had no recollection of what happened all those years- 5 years or was it 6? I couldn't remember. It had been one year since I woke up in a village with amnesia. But nevermind! I was here now!  And I would do just as my mother told me to.

The villagers were very kind to tell me about a guild called Fairy Tail that was supposed to be about two villages and a town away. That fitted the description pretty well. Find a guild where fairies have tails...I was pretty sure this was the one. I had just enough money and jewels for the trip to Magnolia and some clothes and food. I thought it would be best if I didn't make any stops on the way so after changing into a fresh pair of clothes I had bought from the store, I boarded a train and set off to Magnolia.

All too soon I was awoken from my slumber and got off at the train station of Magnolia. After a lot of asking and directions, I found myself standing in front of the guild hall of Fairy Tail. This place looked amazing! I grinned, entering the guild hall and walking up to the lady with white hair behind the bar counter. She turned around, giving me a kind smile.

"Welcome! My name is Mira Jane! How may I help you?" She shut her eyes when she smiled and tilted her head to the side.

"Actually, I wanted to speak with the Master?" I said, but it came out like a question. The only thing my mother told me was to get to Fairy Tail. That's all I knew. The kind lady nodded and walked up the stairs. A pink haired boy sat beside me and placed his cheek down against the counter, groaning. "Food!" He cried, rubbing his stomach. A flying blue cat landed on the counter and groaned just like the pink haired boy, demanding for fish. The boy looked about my age and sat up in his seat when he saw me.

"Who are you? Why have I never seen you before? Are you new?" He bombarded me with questions and shut up when he was punched on the head by a boy with dark, midnight blue hair. "You want to fight, Ice Princess?!" He yelled, glaring daggers at the the so called 'Ice Princess' who was returning the glare. Suddenly the pink haired boy's fist lit with fire and a fiery aura surrounded him.

"Bring it on, Flame Brain!" The Ice Princess yelled back as an icy blue aura surrounded 'him'. His fists were clenched with cool ice coating them and- Why in the world was he naked? Jeez!

"Cut it out, the two of you!" A red haired girl in an armor ordered, separating the boys and giving each a punch. They fell on the floor and groaned in pain as a blonde girl simply shook her head and sighed, beside them.

"Quiet, you all!" A short, old man with a weird hat demanded as he sat up on the counter. He must have been the master, as everyone obeyed him. "Now, who was it that wanted to see me?" I stepped forward as a crowd stood around us in a semi circle. "That would be me, Master. I'm Y/N," I spoke boldly. He rubbed his chin and stared at me for a moment. "A dragon slayer," He whispered. I nodded and explained to him how my mother suddenly left one day and told me to get to Fairy Tail but then I couldn't remember what happened during the years after that until this year, when I found myself alone in a forest. I left out the part of me being saved by some mysterious guy.

The master stroked his chin and sat silently with a thoughtful expression. "Alright then," he broke the silence and gave me smile, "Would you like to join Fairy Tail?" He asked. With so many people you would think there would be a raquet. But it was so quiet, the only source of sound was all what was happening outside the guild hall. I looked down at my feet and thought about it. It would be like a new start. I would have friends and an adventure almost everyday! Hopefully, I would get my memories back too!

I nodded and grinned, "Yes! I would like that very much!" Everyone cheered and hugged me, welcoming me. "It's settled then! Y/N is now a member of Fairy Tail! Celebration everyone!"  Mira Jane came up to me with a stamp and asked me what color I wanted. According to my choice of color, I got a Fairy Tail sign stamped on my right shoulder. There were louder cheers and claps. But that ended very soon. A silence washed over the entire crowd . People closest to the door fell to the ground and snores filled the hall.

"Mystogan," The Master and red haired girl whispered.


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Check out my other Fairy Tail story- The Dark||Freed Justine X Reader

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