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Almost everyone began falling asleep. Very soon only the red haired, the master and I were awake, since we stood farthest. Soon, the red haired girl too fell asleep and hit the floor with a thump. A figure entered the guild hall and walked forward, towards the master. His face was hidden and he had staves on his back. With his cape flowing around him, as he walked, he looked grand- like a really important person. The master was surprised for some reason and so was the cloaked man- as his eyes widened and he stopped for a moment before walking again.

"How are you awake?" The master whispered, confused as he looked at me and back at the cloaked man. The man freed his face from the cloth wrapping it, and stared at me with his lips parted. I gasped when I saw his face. The same blue hair, dark eyes and tattoo on the right side of his face.

"You? You're the-" I started but was cut off by him whispering my name.

"H-how do you-u know my name? I never told you my name," I mumbled as my eyes fluttered and I started losing my balance. My vision darkened as my eyes shut and I fell down. I felt something wrap around me as I felt myself fall asleep. A voice whispering my name in my ear was the last thing I heard.

I groaned as I rubbed my eyes and awoke with the others. I was on the ground but unlike the others groaning in pain about falling down, I felt fine. Master! He was awake while we all fell asleep! How was that possible? What was that spell?

"Master," I said and he turned to look at me. "Who was that?" I muttered but he heard me. "Mystogan," He told me and shut his eyes for a brief moment and sighed.

"Always does that. But I'm surprised you weren't affected by it sooner," He mumbled, furrowing his brow and humming as he thought. I saw a shadow move and looked up to see Mystogan's cape floating behind him as he turned a corner. I had to talk to him! I didn't know why- but I had to! I wanted to know about the time in the forest, and I also wanted to thank him for saving me that day in the forest. And of course I had to ask him about a lot of other things.

Days went by but I still didn't get to confront Mystogan. He was hardly ever in the guild hall! And whenever he was, we all fell asleep!

I had completed a few jobs and earned some money too with the help of Lucy who was always determined to earn money and Natsu who just loved fighting. Mira and I became quite close friends too but my mind always seemed to be on Mystogan the mysterious man. I didn't know why I couldn't get him out of my head.

I was seated with Lucy in front of the counter where Mira worked. She would talk to us occasionally but mostly it was just Lucy fangirling about the hot guys in Sorcerer Weekly.

"What about Natsu?" I asked. They were always together and I assumed they were a couple but apparently they were just a team- only friends. However, the blush on Lucy's face spoke different. I knew she had a crush on him. It was pretty obvious. But I didn't say anything and she immediately changed the topic to Mystogan.

"I still don't get it though," she said, furrowing her brow and tilting her head to the side. "How is it that you didn't fall asleep like everyone else?" She looked at me expectantly. I shrugged. It really was weird. I was the only one apart from Master who saw Mystogan and didn't fall asleep immediately.

"So tell us Y/N, what type of Dragon Slayer are you? I've never seen you use magic before." Mira joined mid conversation.

"I'm an aqua dragon slayer! My mother always taught me to fight without using magic so when I do use magic it's even more powerful than it would be otherwise. And aqua dragons are more peaceful compared to the rest, unless you get on their bad side. Then they can be terrifying!" Lucy nodded as if she were learning something very knowledgeable while Mira simply smiled as she made some lemonade.

"You're very powerful." Lucy started talking about the celestial spirit Aquarius and how she was extremely terrifying at times. That continued for a while until I spotted the same dark blue cape float as the figure walked on the top floor.

"Hello? Y/N!" Lucy waved a hand in front of my face making me blink. "Huh? What is it?" I asked but my eyes were fixed on top floor. I couldn't avert my gaze. "Okay, Y/N, I have to go but we'll talk sometime later, alright?" Lucy stood up and walked after Natsu and Happy, out the guild hall.

I couldn't take it anymore. I turned around and saw if anyone was paying any attention to me but everyone seemed to be busy. As quietly as could, I walked up the stairs and stopped on the top floor where most of the S-class wizards sat. This place was strictly for them only, unless they wished to call another wizard, which they never did.

Laxus sat, drinking something from a cup as I hid behind a pillar. I heard him sigh and place the cup on the table.

"Hey new kid," he called. I froze and shut my eyes, hoping he didn't see me. "You don't need to hide." Knowing it was pointless, I stepped away from my hiding spot and revealed myself. Laxus smirked as he pointed a finger at an empty hallway. Did he know why I was here?

"Third door to the left," was all he said and looked away, going back to his drink. I muttered a thank you which I'm pretty sure he heard but chose to ignore.

Wow. These S-class wizards were really lucky! The bar was more sophisticated with expensive drinks and the benches and tables were all way better than the ones below. Sad thing though, hardly anyone ever used this place except maybe Laxus and the Thunder God Tribe sometimes.

Following Laxus' directions, I found myself standing in front of a dark wooden door. Third to the left- Number 5. I was afraid to knock. What if he didn't want to talk to me? What if he just kicked me out and humiliated me? Biting my lip I curled my fingers and knocked on the hard wooden door. My breaths were shaky and my palms started sweating. Oh no. What's wrong with me? I think I'll just go back. He wouldn't even know I was ever here. Yeah. That's a good ide- My thoughts were cut off by the door opening.

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