ch 2

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A/N: My 2nd chapter! Yay! Well to start off, Thank you for reading! It means a lot to me 😊. Oh & please vote/comment/suggest! Please! Well school has started for me so I'm kinda busy but I'll update 1-2 weeks later. So keep any eyes open! If I don't please message cause I might've forgotten 😅! That's all for now so please enjoy Chapter 2.... •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 🌸🎀🌸Nasami's P.OV.🌸🎀🌸 I sat down in an empty seat, hands buried in my face. I sat calmly as I heard 2 middle-aged women whisper, "Ah young love, always interesting!", said the brunette. "Yes, Yes reminds me of my first love!" , said the red head. They both glanced back at me as they spoke. I looked up at them and saw them turn back and start to whisper, I had to clear up the misunderstanding. I forced out, "We're not together." The brunette said "What was that, dear?" I sighed lifting my head "Me & him are n-not together. Please don't get the wrong idea" I said laughing lightly "Umm he already has someone he loves. And it's not me." Each word brang more lost hope that we would not be together and as i finished the sentence my tears started to one by one fall as I had finally let everything out. Why couldn't life be fair? Why must my first love be such a hassle! I was losing my head over all this. But I felt like for a brief moment we both felt something, even for that moment I know he felt something. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 📚🏀📚Sora's P.O.V. 📚🏀📚 Nasami was nowhere to be found of course she was on a train but where? Did she even know where she was going? This girl 😓! I quickly grabbed a train schedule and looked where that train was heading ..... Hokkaido! I ran toward the ticket booth & purchased the next ticket there. The wait would be long, I mean the train wouldn't be here for another hour..... I sat there wondering 'What could that girl be doing now?' •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 🌸🎀🌸Nasami's P.O.V. 🌸🎀🌸 This train was heading somewhere but where exactly? I really had no idea. I stood up and asked the attendant she replied "This train? It's heading to Hokkaido...." I smiled "Thanks." She replied with a irritated smirk "If that's all please return to your seat." I rolled my eyes "Well thanks again." I sat there thinking about none other than Sora, Sora Kitazawa his eyes, his hair, & his smile. I loved it all. All it would take is for him to say the words 'I love you'. Just the thought made me start to blush. With that thought still lingering in my head I fell to deep sleep.

~~~~~~Nasami's Dream~~~~~~~ ((Setting: Hokkaido)) Where am I? I looked around, I was in a flower field it was beautiful! "NASAMI!" I heard a faint yell as I saw Sora. "Sora??" I said confused about the whole situation but I didn't complain, I mean Sora was with me. "Nasami, Can I tell you something?" Sora said as he caressed my cheek. "I dunno what is it" I said blushing turning deep red.. hoping, wishing it was what I thought it was. "It's a secret" he winked "I'll whisper it to you" "O-Okay." I smiled, 'Please.' I said wishing. "Na-Nasami, I-I think I l-l-"

~~~~~End Of Dream~~~~~

I woke up from the dream, the best dream ever might I add! I blushed 'Just a few more minutes & it would have happened' "Just a few more minutes...." I tried to fall asleep again but I couldn't! WHY NOW?!? "Ugh, why couldn't he say it faster" I said as I sighed deeply.I really wanted to hear him say it 😔!!! The intercom interrupted my thoughts as it practically yelled "HOKKAIDO STOP IN 30 MINUTES" Well here I go....... •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 📚🏀📚 Sora's P.O.V. 📚🏀📚 I finally got on the train.... Hopefully Nasami doesn't go off to far or cause trouble. As I sat there the last words Nasami screamed out replayed in my head over and over again "JUST STOP! Stop being so nice to me,just stop!" What had I done that was so wrong? Why was she that angry with me? The image of her running away kept replaying too. Her long midnight black hair flowing gracefully side to side as ran, looking beautiful as ever. When did she get she so beautiful, I wondered. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 🌸🎀🌸Nasami's P.O.V. 🌸🎀🌸 I got off the train & smelled the air, crisp and sweet. It smelled like a French latte. I ran across the field leaping freely. It felt great especially after my emotional state. I skipped to the closest cafe & ordered a pipping hot coffee. After it cooled a little I sipped it slowly. Ahh this was really relaxing I said as I read the local newspaper. The headline "HOKKAIDO LOCAL 'LAVENDER HOUSE' REOPENS WITH NEW OWNER" Oh the Lavender House, Dad told me about this place it's the place he met his first love, Naji-chan if I remember correctly. Maybe I should pay a visit, it might take my mind off all the drama.


📚🏀📚 Sora's P.O.V. 📚🏀📚

I keep thinking about her, over and over again. All these things that didn't seem the slightest significant became my newest curiosity. Her smile was like a scoop of sunshine, truly magnificent. Her rosy pink cheeks and her bright smile that pulled it all together like a puzzle each fit perfectly. What was this newfound feeling? It was like my heart yearned for her? But why? And why only her? Only her.... •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 🌸🎀🌸Nasami's P.O.V. 🌸🎀🌸 Here I am, the 'Lavender House', I step in as I see a middle-aged man cooking, laughing with the kids. I just stand there unsure of what to say. He looks up "Oi, whatcha doing here? Lost or something?" He questions. "N-No," I stuttered out, "Umm I'm here to volunteer. I want to ,ummm, help, I guess." He looked at me suspiciously but accepted "Welcome to the Lavender House then, the names Fujita. What's yours, kid?" "N-Nasami Mizuno or Nasa-chan" I say as I bow respectfully "Pleased to meet y-you." "Back at you kid." He said as he pat my head. I stood there wondering what to do as he picked me up over his shoulder "Let me go!!!!" I said punching his back. "Feisty, aren't we." He said laughing lightly. "If your gunna be here you, gotta learn how it works around here." "Huh?" I said confused. Where was he taking me? He put me down in front of what looked like a sink that hadn't been used in a while. "What am I suppose to do here?" I asked confused. He grinned "Everyone starts off washing the dishes" he laughed as he walked to the kitchen "Enjoy! Tell me once you finished." Ugh, all this I had to do myself, alone! What horrible fate awaited me once I finished? I thought it be best to think about that once I finished cleaning this monstrosity. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 🌴🍛🌴 Fujita-san's P.O.V. 🌴🍛🌴 Mizuno.......Mizuno where have I heard that name before? It feels like this name is linked to Najika-chan somehow. Why do I feel something about her. Her face is also familiar. Like I've seen her before. Why do I feel this? I might ask her directly but first ill try to figure this out on my own. She's a good worker too reminds me of Najika-chan so much, I wonder where she is now. Maybe I'll invite her over to the Lavender House sometime. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 📚🏀📚 Sora's P.O.V. 📚🏀📚 Finally I'm here in Hokkaido! What a beautiful town, this was. I still remember it from when I was small and visited the 'Lavender House' before Kaori was born. Sometimes I want to come back and see Uncle Fujita. Maybe I'll do that after I find Nasami and then I can introduce him to Nasami. I bet he'll like her. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• A/N: Do you guys like my use of Fujita-San ((if you don't remember him, he's the one who worked at the cafe with Najika c: the lazy bum who always left the work to her)) & if you think I made him a bit to young considering he was about 26 when he worked with Najika add 16/17 years later he'd be about 42/43 years old c; Yup I really did the calculations. So how's the story so far? I don't have a solid story line but I'm trying! <3 to @nicky_dolphin12 thanks for motivating me 😭 without you this story would still be unupdated & to @Fan_tasy who writes the best stories so go read them!!! <3 until next time! Oh follow,comment,vote & suggest ((I need help to see where I'm going with this))! Criticism is welcome as long as its helpful & unhurtful!! •••••••~XOXO Jacky~••••••••

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