Chapter Seventeen

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     "Laurie, hi!" Renne peeled herself off of Swayde to greet her friend. She hugged Laurie before pulling back to introduce Swayde to Laurie. "Swayde, this is my good friend, Laurie. Laurie this is my..." Renne struggled for the right word. Does she call him 'friend,' 'childhood friend,' 'ex-boyfriend,' 'man that I still love'... "Good friend, Swayde." Renne settled for.
     "Hi, ma'am. It's a pleasure to meet you." Swayde's drawl greeted as he extended a hand out to Laurie.
     "Right back at you, Swayde." Laurie replied, returning the smile that Swayde flashed. Renne wasn't positive, but she thought that she saw Laurie's cheeks heat up just a little at the sight of Swayde's attractive smile.
     Any redness in Laurie's cheeks quickly dissipated, however, when Jerry, Laurie's husband, walked over to the group. Before he could reach the group, the little girl tightly clenching her daddy's hand quickly let go and came running over to Renne. Renne smiled and bent down to pick up little Grace. "Gracie Mae. How is my sweet little girl?" Renne asked, setting the little girl on her hip as she stood up straight. She placed a soft kiss on Grace's chubby cheeks.
     Between Swyade and Renne, Jerry slipped an arm around his wife's waist, placing a soft kiss on her lips. Laurie's cheeks turned that rosy red again at her husband's affection. Renne had always admired their relationship. They had been married for six years and have already gone through many struggles in their marriage. Some of those hardships including loss of close family members, Laurie unable to get pregnant, having a miscarriage, and amidst these and everything else, the couple has now had to add financial struggles to their list. Somehow, Laurie and Jerry have stayed madly in love through it all; they still act like that 'honeymoon' couple. Whenever you looked at them, you saw what true love looked like.
     At the thought, Renne's eyes drifted over to Swayde. He must have been thinking the same thing, because he was looking right at Renne. That used to be them...that still could be them. Renne just had to make her move, and break up with Matt, the man that she has been dating for almost five years..."No biggie." Renne said sarcastically to herself.
     Renne exhaled at the thought of Matt. He would never have driven over three hours just to allow Renne to say goodbye to a little girl who stole her heart. All Matt would have done would give her a hug, telling her it would be okay, consoling her in his own way, but never would he have even thought about driving to another state just for Renne. 
     Laurie, Jerry, Renne, and Swayde all stood outside of the barn talking until it was time for Grace's lesson. Grace refused to let go of Renne as they walked into the barn, down to her horse's stall, and even while getting her horse ready for the lesson.
     "They do things a little differently here than they do at your barn, but it's the presence of the horses that seems to help Grace the most." Laurie said, grabbing the saddle, placing it on top of the saddle pad. Walking a little closer to Renne, Laurie looked around her to make sure no one else was listening, then whispered, "We love Healing Hearts so much. I wish we were able to still live in Montana." Straightening back up, Laurie turned to finish tacking Buster, Grace's lesson horse. "It was difficult finding a barn that was both Christian and non-profit. This one has the Christian, just not the 'no cost for our clients' like your ranch has." Laurie's voice was filled with despair and sadness. Renne could tell that Laurie genuinely wanted the best for her daughter, and they had found that at Healing Hearts.
     Renne wished that there was something she could do to help this family, and Grace, but unsure of what that could be at this current moment, Renne helped Laurie tighten the cinch on Buster's saddle. Once Buster was fully tacked up, Renne glanced over to Laurie. She said a prayer for the hurting mama; that is the best kind of help anyone can receive.

     "Mommy, mommy, look at me!" Grace shouted over to where Laurie and Renne stood against the fence that was lining the arena.
     Laurie chuckled a heartfelt chuckle as she smiled at her daughter who had just been hoisted onto Buster's back. "Yes, I see you, sweetheart."
     "Love you, mommy." Grace held out her hand, blowing her mommy a kiss.
    Laurie returned the cute gesture. Renne smiled, turning to tell Laurie how well it seemed Grace is doing here at this barn, but Laurie stopped the thought. "She's reverted back in a lot of ways. After we left your ranch, Grace didn't talk for two whole days. Then, we got here, and it's slowly getting better. Today, ever since you got here, is the most she has talked since we moved." Sniffling, Laurie continued. "I wish you had a ranch here in Colorado."
    Renne looked at Laurie and sadness quickly filled her heart; a tear began bubbling up in the corner of Laurie's eye, and her bottom lip quivered slightly. Placing a comforting hand on Laurie's shoulder, Renne said, "I understand. I wish I lived closer to y'all." Pulling her dear, hurting friend into a hug, Renne comforted, "I'll be prayin' for y'all. I love you, Laurie."
     Laurie pulled back and chuckled slightly as she wiped her damp eyes. "Look at me. I'm a mess." Laurie chuckled again, awkwardly.
     Renne placed a hand in her jeans pocket, and another on Laurie's shoulder. "It's okay. At least you're a hot mess." Renne winked.
     The two giggling friends turned back to watch Grace ride in circles around the arena. It pained Renne some, too, to see Grace digress in her progress. Renne remembered that Grace was almost able to steer the horse by herself, at a walk of course, at Healing Hearts; here, she was being led by a side-walker and a lead rope attached to Buster's halter. There was another side-walker on the right side of Buster, holding onto Grace to make sure she didn't slide out of the saddle. 
     Swayde and Jerry walked up beside where Renne and Laurie were standing. Jerry wrapped a loving arm around Laurie's waist, placing a kiss on her cheek. Renne looked back to the arena, trying hard to not want Swayde to do the same.
     After thirty minutes of watching Grace be led around in a circle, the lesson was over. Renne couldn't help but ask the side walker if she could lead Buster back to his stall herself. It was all she could do to not jump into the arena and teach the lesson herself. Granted, at this ranch, they do a fantastic job with the kids, but it was just different than how she teaches.
     With Grace holding onto her left hand, Renne walked Buster down to his stall with her right. After Buster was untacked, the group walked to the front of the barn. As the approached the door, Jerry held back from the group. Attempting to keep his voice low, Jerry told Laurie, "I am going to go pay for this lesson."
     Swayde must have read Renne's mind, because he turned and walked with Jerry to the barn office. On the way there, Renne saw Swayde pull out his wallet; Swayde was going to pay for Grace's lesson today. Thankfully, Renne didn't think that Laurie saw that Swayde was going to pay; Laurie is worse than Renne in accepting help, especially when it is financial help. Renne had told her multiple times to allow her to help while she can, but Laurie always refuses the help. She always counters with, "God has provided for us all of this time, and He is not going to stop now."
     Since Jerry had the keys to the truck, the ladies waited on the tailgate of Renne's truck for the guys to come back out from the barn. When they did, Laurie said, "Since y'all drove all of this way, why don't y'all come over and see the new house? And we will provide supper for y'all, too."
     "Absolutely, we would love to!" Renne replied for Swayde. "How do we get there from here?" Renne asked, hopping down from the bed of the truck. Reaching up to the tailgate, Renne held out her arms, lifting Grace up to set her on her hip.
     Jerry gave Swayde and Renne directions. Once they had been relayed, Renne set Grace down on the ground, but Grace clung to Renne. "I wanna ride with you, Miss Renne." Grabbing onto Renne's hand, Grace added, "I know how to get home from here."
     Looking to Laurie, Renne silently asked permission. "Go ride with Miss Renne and Mister Swayde." Laurie allowed. "But first off, come give your mama a hug."
     Grace ran over to her parents, hugging her mama and giving her dad a sweet kiss on the cheek. They were such a cute family. Renne prayed that she could have that with someone some day. A hand on the small of her back made Renne snap back into reality. Looking up to Swayde, Renne asked with raised eyebrows what he wanted. "Time to head out." Swayde replied to Renne's silent question.

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