Chapter Two

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     Taking a deep breath, Renne tried sounding professional as she replied to her grandma on the other end of the phone line. These people weren't her family anymore, not after what they did to her. "Mamaw, has something happened?" Renne asked in the most sympathetic, but professional voice she could muster.

     Mamaw inhaled sharply; when she exhaled, it was shaky, as if holding back tears. "It's your sister." She said simply. 

     Renne rolled her eyes. Her older sister, Mallory, was always getting into some form of trouble. She had a long, well-known, rebellious streak. Unfortunately, Renne shares that same trait; her list is not as long, however. "What did Mallory do now?" Renne asked, slightly impatient. She really wanted to get back to her kids. She promised Sophie that she would let her trot Silver.

       Renne expected her grandma to say something like Mallory got arrested or fired from her job...again...or is pregnant...again...or is getting married...again....or started drinking...again...but nothing prepared Renne for the answer Mamaw gave. "She's sick."

     "Sick? How sick?" Renne was now more attentive to the phone call.    

     "Brain cancer." Mamaw said quietly. Renne could almost hear the tear fall to her cheek it was so quiet; and that was saying something considering Renne was in the barn, which is naturally loud. 

     "B-brain cancer? What? How? When? How bad?" A million thoughts were flowing through Renne's mind. 

     "It's been several months, and we weren't fixin' to call you because it wasn't that bad at first, but it's gotten worse in the last month. The doctors say there's only a slim chance of remission."

     "How much worse? Can't they just do surgery?" Renne now sat leaning over her desk, both her elbows resting on the wooden top. 

     "They've tried everything...she's only gotten worse."

     "O-okay. Well, thank you for calling and telling me. I will give her a call and let her know I'm praying for her." Renne said blandly. Her and Mallory had always been best friends when they were growing up, but when Mallory began to make decisions that Renne didn't agree with, the two sisters drew apart. Even so, Mallory was still Renne's sister; Renne still loved her, and cared deeply about her despite the secret her whole family kept from her. 

     "Reagan...that isn't the only reason why I called you." Mamaw said after a pause. 

     "What else is there?" Renne asked, praying Mamaw didn't have more bad news. 

     "Mallory asked your Papaw and I to take care of your nieces and nephew, but honey, we are not as young as we used to be. We're going to need some help..." Mamaw left the sentence hang as if there was more she wanted to ask or say, but couldn't bring herself to say it. 

     "So, what are you sayin'?" Renne asked. There was always "fine print" with every favor or offer they asked of her, or so it seemed. 

     Mamaw exhaled deeply into the receiver. "I'm askin' you to come home...Reagan, we need you here. Please come back." 

     Renne closed her eyes and ran a hand over her forehead. See, there was always a catch. "Mamaw, I can't leave here." Renne opened her eyes and glanced out of her open doorway of her office. She saw her boyfriend, Matt, poke his head in. When he gave her a concerned look, Renne held up a finger that said she won't be much longer on the phone; she then turned her chair so her back was to the door. Lowering her voice slightly so Matt couldn't hear her, Renne said, "I can't leave my ranch and all of this behind. I have a life here, Mamaw." 

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