Chapter Twenty Four

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        With five experienced cowboys, that including Renne, the work was quick and easy. All of their work was done by supper time. Kyle's wife had prepared a feast for them for supper, which was a blessing considering how hungry they all were since they had been working since early this morning with only a short break for sandwiches around 11am. Renne almost forgot all about how Swayde wanted to take her out to dinner when she walked inside of the house and saw the large quantity and variety of hot food on the table. Instantly, her stomach growled and her mouth watered in anticipation. 

        "This looks wonderful, baby." Kyle wrapped his arm around his wife, pulling her close to him and pressed his lips to her forehead despite how filthy he was.

       "You go get washed up. You aren't getting a crumb of food till you at least wash your hands." His wife replied, swatting Kyle with the hot pad she was holding in her hand. 

       When Kyle obeyed, walking to the bathroom, Renne smiled. It was evident that Kyle's wife wore the pants in the relationship, but Renne figured that even though she may come across kind of rough to her husband, she was probably the nicest person you would ever meet in your life. 

       Renne's theory proved true; after Kyle's wife was done staring down her husband, making sure he actually went to get cleaned up, she walked over to where Swayde and Renne were standing between the kitchen and the table. With a huge smile, Kyle's wife outstretched a hand to Renne. "Hi, I haven't met you. Kyle told me you were coming out to help them today. I'm so glad that there is finally another girl here to help keep the menfolk in check." Taking a breath, she dropped her hand from Renne's. "I'm sorry. You must be Reagan. It's nice to finally put a name to the face that Swayde talks about all the time." 

        Renne chuckled. "Yeah, that's me. Sorry, I didn't catch your name." 

        "Oh, sorry. I'm Maria. Well, come on, y'all. Y'all come find a seat!" Maria led the way to the table, motioning for Swayde and Renne to sit down. 

        Renne followed just out of respect, but Swayde was the one to break the news. "I'm really sorry, but we can't stay. I already promised Reagan that I would take her out to dinner." 

        "Nonsense. There's more than enough here. Y'all take some home with you." Maria walked into the kitchen, silently telling the couple to follow her.

        "No, really, Maria, it's alright." Swayde replied with a smile on his face. Inwardly, he was so hungry that he wanted to reschedule dinner with Renne and just eat here, but he couldn't do that to her. 

        Maria stopped what she was doing to place one hand on the counter and another on her hip. "Swayde McAllister. You are not leaving here until you get some food to take home. You have never missed a meal here and I'm not about to let you start. Now, I'm not takin' no for an answer." There was the same tone that Maria had used on Kyle just a minute ago. Rolling her eyes at Swayde, Maria looked at Renne. "Reagan, make him let me give y'all some to take home. I made more than enough so there's no more arguing." 

        With a smile, Renne looked at Swayde and gave him a shrug. Looking back to Maria, Swayde smiled. "Okay, fine, we will take some home. Thank you." 

        "Good." Maria turned to pack up the food into plastic containers. 

        "This looks and smells delicious, Maria. Thanks again. We really appreciate it." Renne smiled, taking the bag of containers in her hand. 

        "No problem. I'm not sure where my husband ran off to, but he should be back here soon with y'all's checks. Thank you again for coming out and helping. Hopefully y'all were able to have some fun at least." Maria smiled, glancing over her shoulder to search for her husband.

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