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At the end of the school day, I take all my semester plans that I'd gotten from each teacher and shove them from my locker into my bag.

The halls are empty and the only people in school are those auditioning for clubs, and school teams.

The blue paint on my locker is shiny and I feel the urge to use my fingers nails to scrape it down.

Steph decided to join music club, and tryouts don't end until four, so I'll be back to pick her up then.

"Hey! It's you." An unfamiliar voice says from in front of me and I look up to see a girl.

The black girl Lane was with earlier today.

I shouldn't be referring to her as the black girl, cause it's irks me when people do it to me but I know nothing about her expect that she's black and she has nice hair.

The girl with nice hair.

The girl with nice hair is dressed in a white long sleeved top and the neck almost reaches the middle of her boobs.

And her boobs plan on hopping out of her bra soon, from the looks of it.

A designer bag is slung across her shoulder and her tight jeans and black high heels intimidate me.

She's wearing too much lipgloss and her eyelashes are super thick and long.

But I have to admit, she's very pretty.

She's not as dark as me but she's more noticeable that the rest of the biracial people at our school.

"Hello?" She snaps her fingers in front of me, and I hadn't heard if she had said anything since I started viewing her appearance.

"Do I know you?" I ask, trying to be as sassy as she sounds.

"No, but I know you." She smiles, as she continues to chew the piece of pink chewing gum in her mouth.

"Ok, and you are?"

"I'm Tatiana, Lane's girlfriend. Well soon to be girlfriend, but you are the sex tape girl, the one who tried to trap Lane." She laughs a little, pointing her finger at me.

Her nails are obviously not real and too long for school, but they're a bright pink colour decorated with bows and pearls.

"I didn't try to trap Lane." I am quick to defend myself.

"That's not what the whole school thinks." She counters.

"Look I don't even know you Tatisha, or whatever your name is, and is that what Lane's telling you? That I leaked something really personal to the entire school to try and 'trap him'?!" I yell the end part.

"Where is he?" I ask her, trying to be calm.

She just laughs at me and points to the exit door that leads towards the parking lot, and I roll my eyes at her leaving her in the empty hallway.

I push the doors open, holding on tight to my bag.

As soon as I see Lane leaned against his car talking to some guys, all I see is red and all I can think about it bashing his head against the concrete wall.

The book is starting slowlllyyyy 😏

The Black Girl (#2) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now