fourty five

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I walk into the Adenuga house hoping Wesley's nearby so he could give me Steph's phone and I could leave in time.

"Wesley?" I yell, my voice echoing through the mansion walls. I pull out my phone and decide to call him before he appears in front of me.

Lane standing beside him.

The two boys stand in front of me, probably staring at my appearance. They don't say anything, and I begin to feel very intimidated.

"Why are you staring at me?" I raise an eyebrow, giving a small smile.

"Where are you going?" Lane questions, his arms still crossed.

"What's it to you?" I grin.

"You look nice." Lane smiles and me and I want to thank him, but I remain quiet.

"I'm going a date." I beam and tell Wesley that Steph left her phone her and asked me to get it.

Of course that leads to more questions like why didn't Steph come get it herself, in which I tell to them that she's not feeling very well.

Monthly waterfalls.

"A date? With who?" Lane asks, as Wesley leads both of us upstairs where there's a room that I'm assuming they hang around and play video games.

We begin to look around the room for Steph's phone and I'm contemplating telling Lane who I'm going on a date with or not.

Wesley offers to call Steph's phone, but I tell him not to bother since it's on silent, and has probably died as she mentioned.

"Derek." I say quietly as I pull Steph's iPhone from behind a small cushion, the small sequins on her pink case scratch my hands, but I quickly throw the phone into my bag.

"What?" Lane opens his mouth wide and stares at me, Wesley looks surprised as well but he doesn't say anything. "Oh no, you are not going." Lane runs to the door and attempts to lock it or prevent me from leaving.

"Lane..." Wesley starts but I cut him off.

"Sorry, but you don't really have a say." I smooth the small creases forming on my red dress. I'm glad it passes my knees or else I'd just feel uncomfortable.

"Isn't that against the law or something?- I'm calling the cops," He threatens before pulling out his phone, "Why is he doing this?" He yells in reference to Derek Salleras.

Wesley runs over to him and slaps the phone out of his hand, "And tell them what? That they're going to eat dinner?"

Wesley gives Lane a look that says 'you sound ridiculous'.

"The age of consent in Washington is 16, in case you didn't know." I pull the door open and push past Lane.

"Lola you can't go, please." Lane jogs to catch up with me and jogs beside me as I run down the stairs.

I'm thankful I decided to wear flats, or my legs would've caused disasters.

"Lane, let her go." Wesley says when we get to the bottom of the stairs, and roll my eyes at Lane before thanking Wesley.

"You're kidding right? You know what Derek is-" Lane is cut off by Wesley and I'm starting to become interested in everything Lane is saying.

"That's enough Lane." Wesley elbows him in the chest and smiles at me, "Have a nice time Lol." He says before gently pushing me out the door.

The Black Girl (#2) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now