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Zacks P.O.V

This week was NOT easy. My body ached and my head was filled with lines.
"For the last time. Practice. Your. Lines!"
Sean yelled through the empty auditorium.
"It's not as easy as it seems okay!"
I yelled back.
"Oh my god, you know what. SLICKY GET OUT HERE."
Sean screamed to the backstage as he got up from his seat at the piano. There was a loud groan from backstage. Slicky soon walked onto the stage.
"Yes Sean."
Owen responded. Sean fixed his own tie.
"Could you please say line 4 on page 10?"
I looked down at my feet, kicking the dust up from the stage.
Owen rubbed the back of his neck before looking at Sean with a questioning glare.
"The line with Captain Hook, Slicky."
Sean said while he rubbed his forehead,
"Right, right."
Owen cleared his throught
"Tis true: if I were a mother, I'd pray to have my children born with this HOOK instead of this HAND. Oh, but
Smee! He threw my hand into the crocodile's maw! And the beast has been licking his lips for the rest of me ever since!"
Owen finally said. Sean smiled,
"Why thank you Slicky. Now you can go."
Owen walked off stage. Seans smile turned into an angry look as his eyes flickered to me.
"Now Zack. Tell me why it is so hard to remember that?"
It seemed like the twentieth time Sean has said that. My eyes drifted to Seans.
"Because I don't practice."
I said once more.
He sighed.
"Practice over!"
He yelled so everyone backstage could hear. Sean stood up and put anything that was on the piano into his backpack.
"Sean, are you okay?"
I asked quietly.
"Yes Zack. I'm fine. Now just-"
He sighed.
"Practice your lines alright?"
I nodded. Sean threw the backpack over his shoulder and pulled his hood up before walking out. I went backstage to Owen who was packing up, clearly about to leave.
"Owen could you give me a ride home?"
I asked,
"Uhm, Zack? Don't you have to go to Maia's?"
He asked in a questioning tone. My eyes widened. Owen smirked.
"She gonna be maddddd!"
He said loudly. I groaned,
"Dear lord what am I gonna do."
I ran my fingers through my hair.
"Do a Herbert the Pervert voice. Works for me."
He responded. I furrowed my eyebrows,
"You've got to be kidding me."
Owen laughed. I pulled out my phone and texted Maia, (M is Maia, Z is Zack for texting.)
Z: I'm sorry, I can't make it today!
M: No duh! It's 6pm idiot!!
Z: Forgive a blonde-haired, french-speaking, idiot?
M: Fine...
Z: :)
I put my phone in my back pocket. But shortly after it buzzed.
(S is Sean, Z is Zack. Do I need to keep explaining?)
S: I need another favor.
Z: Seriously?
S: If you'd like me to stay soundproof Hook. You'll do me the favor.
Z: Fine.
I put my phone away again.
"Could you drive me to Seans now."
I asked Owen. He nodded and started to walk outside, I followed after him to his car.
"So what does Sean want now."
Owen asked as we got into his car,
"I'm not sure, he never said."
I responded as I rolled down the window. Owen just laughed.
"Well that shouldn't be good."
I laughed with him.
"You should be backup. Y'know, incase I almost die."
Owen shook his head.
"Whatever mind game Seans got you in, I don't wanna be apart of."
I raised an eyebrow and looked at him.
"You don't know do you?"
I shook my head.
"Sean puts you in an arena. He traps you and when you think you can escape, he plays tricks on your mind so you can't see through his lies."
"Lies? But, Sean wouldn't lie about something about himself... Right?"
No response.
"We're here.."
I picked up my bag and walked up the driveway to the front door. Before I could knock the door opened and I saw Sean.
"Get in before my mom sees you."
I nodded and walked inside. Everything was pretty much white. I followed Sean into a room.
"What's the favor now."
He closed the door and turned to me.
"Can you sing?"
I tilted my head.
"Never tried."
He nodded.
"I need you to sing a song."
He shifted from leg to leg.
"I lost a bet okay."
"And it has to be me because?"
"Because your the only one in the school who's gullible enough to respond to my texts."
I nodded.
"What song?"
I asked.
"I think I'm in love by Kat something."
I didn't know that song. Oviously Sean got the hint because he pulled out spices of paper and handed them to me. Then walked into the corner and pulled out a music stand and a microphone with a stand.
"I'm gonna record so just, sing or whatever."
He said before walking over to his computer and putting on headphones. He gave me a thumbs up, telling me to start. So I tried.



I had just finished the song and Sean was shoving me out the door. I texted Maia.
Z: Meet me at the tree.
I crossed the street into the woods. Practically running to the tree. I found Maia already standing there.
"How are you already here?"
Maia smirked.
"My house is right there idiot."
I nodded.
"So why are we out here at 9pm?"
She asked.
"Follow me."
I started walking behind the tree. Maia following behind me.
"Where are we going?"
"You'll see princess."
Maia crossed her arms over her chest. I smiled and covered her eyes.
"It's right here."
"Can I see?"
I uncovered her eyes and stuffed my hands into my pockets.
There was a place surrounded by trees. It was a circle that was cleared from trees. A log was set in the middle. It kinda looked like something from a movie.
"Zack this is so cheesy."
"Don't worry, I know."
Maia laughed.
"You're a dweeb."

"Yeah. But I guess I'm your dweeb."

(This is mainly to catch you up on the deal with Sean and Zack)

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