4. Shower kisses.

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Chloe POV ~

'Woah..' Mark says. 'Well, umm... Just be ready in 20 minutes Rocky!' He yells and walks away.
The fitters also walk away, well.. it was more like running.
'We scared them.' Rocky laughs as he puts his boxer on.
'Gosh.. This was awkward..' I say and put my panties on. 'But it was amazing though.. Youre the best.'
Rocky gives me a kiss and put his clothes on. I do the same and we both walk to the dressingroom.

I walk in and see Riker, Ross, Rydel and Ellington sitting there. Stormie is doing Rydels make-up.

'Did you had fun again?' Ross laughs and stands up.
'What do you mean??' I ask nervous.
'I saw the camera images, we watched you all the time.' He laughs.
'Oh gosh... Your dad also saw us.. And it was so awkward. But yeah, it was fun!' I laugh.

I sit down on the lounge and at the same time, lm doing my hair.
'Are the interviewers gonna ask me questions too?' I ask.
'Uhmm.. Maybe a couple?' Rydel responds. 'But probably not a lot, maybe he asks what kind of relation you have with us.'

Gosh, what do I have to say if he asks that..? Just that im a friend of Rydel? I think that im just gonna say that...

Rocky is still looking with a fuck face at me and bit his lip at the same time, gosh it turns me on so much when he does that...

'Guys, come on! The interview is starting in 5 minutes. Lets go!' Mark says and we follow him to the interview room.
We all sit down on the giant lounge I sit down between Riker and Ross. Riker already puts an arm around me.
'Riker? Im not gonna tell the interviewer about having a relationship with anyone. So you better put that arm around Rydel or something..' I whisper.
'Oh.. S-sorry..' Riker says and replaces his hand.

13 pm ~ the interview
'Sooo R5, how are you today?' Alex, the interviewer, asks.
'Were great!' Ross says exited.
'Great to hear, and who's the lady sitting next to you?' Alex asks.
'Thats Chloe! Rydels best friend.' Riker says.
'Okay! And how long do you guys know eachother?' Alex asks me.
'Uhmm.. For like, 4 years or perhaps?' I say and give a small smile.
'Okay! Thats a long time already! Next question is: Rydel, what do you think about the #rydellington stuff?' Alex asks.
'I seriously think its so sweet! Ellington means the world to me and all those pictures on the rydellington hashtag makes me smile!' Rydel says with a giant smile.

14 pm ~
The interview is done and we walk towards the dressingroom while Ross holds hands with me.
We all sit down and I open my instagram page. I suddenly reached the 20k followers. And I had tons of sweet messages. It really made me happy! But still, im kinda worried that theyre gonna know about my sex life with R5, or that they will know about my relationship with Riker!

'Hey guys, im gonna take a shower.' I say as I stand up and walk towards the bathroom.
I take off my clothes and turn the shower on. The warm water feels so amazing.
I hear the door opening. 'I thought I locked it..' I say to myself.
'Im glad you didnt.' I hear a low sexy voice saying.


He walks towards me and takes his shirt off. 'Dont worry, were not gonna do it right now..' Ross says. 'I wanna save the fun for tonight.'
He gives me a strong hug and a passionate kiss.
'Then.. What are you doing here..?' I ask.
'I just wanted to see you body..' Ross whispers. 'And taste it.' He puts his lips on my neck and sucks my skin in his teeth.

'You know..' He says as he bit his lip. 'You make me so horny.'
I give him a passionate kiss 'I feel the same for you...' I say and put my hands around his waist.
He kisses me again. His warm lips feel so amazing under the shower.

'Im gonna fuck you hard under the shower tonight...' Ross whispers before he already walks away. He opens the door. And bit his lip one more time.

Okay thankya all so much for the votes and comments! Its sweet and gives me so much motivation! Kisses!!

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