6. Crinkle Cut

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"Get in the apartment and lock the door, and do not open it for anyone. Make us a large meal from whatever food may soon go bad. Find a sturdy canvas bag and pack it with food that won't spoil. Get the good stuff don't just fill it up with marshmallows and pop tarts. I'm going shopping, when I get home we eat and then we leave." my dad ordered.

I did not argue.

When he returned, he didn't even knock, he kicked the door right off the hinges. Walked into the kitchen and sat at the kitchen table, bowed his head and began to pray.

"Lord, I may have had my doubts in the past, but you shone yourself today. Your message is clear, and I intend to serve you, I will prove myself to you. Evil must be cleansed from the world. please guide my son and I as your flock, lead and we will follow."

We ate well. We split one steak, four chicken legs, half a bag of crinkle cut fries, and four eggs. Then packed two back packs with clothes and what ever items we considered essential. When we left, neither of us ever looked back.

We walked to the parking lot and I almost panicked when I didn't see dads car in its normal place. Dad walked over to a 2030 Harley Davidson Jet-Glide with a sidecar chained to a utility pole. From his pocket he pulled out a large key and opened the very large lock to pull free the overkill of a chain. We put the chain, lock, bag of food and five gallon jug from our water dispenser in the sidecar. I couldn't help but notice the collection of guns, a shotgun, rifle with scope, and three pistols. There was a lot of ammunition all crammed in the saddle bags.

I felt really good about all this, suppose I probably shouldn't, but I did feel really good. One thing did bother me a little, dad's already bloody meat cleavers from work tucked neatly on each side of the bike.


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