7. Barney

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Barney was a mountain of a man. He easily did the work of two men. As a butcher he didn't make a lot of money, just enough to support his family. Now that his cheating wife is gone, all he wants is his bottle of booze. He was a zombie just going through the motions.

He was very good at his job, and was always being requested because of his cutting and chopping techniques. He could make short work of an entire buffalo in 30 minutes or less.

For him chopping up an entire beast like that was therapy. So many evil people who deserve to die. Cheating, stealing, lying people. Those shifty people with the weird shiny eyes.

One day the lord of the sky sent him a sign. With one shout The Lord struck these fools blind. This was the most important moment in human history. Barney saw in his head a vivid image of a mountain. He knew this mountain, it was not far from here, sixty maybe seventy miles.

Now with most heathens permanently blind, this city is going to change real fast. The poor will no doubt live as kings for a short time, never planning for the future. Some do gooders will probably waste there supplies and time helping the blind. Gangs will flourish in this situation.

Barney walked right in the empty Harley Davidson dealership, the door was left wide open. Found a bike to his liking, it even had a sidecar. The key was right there in a desk drawer, all too easy. Next stop was his place of work. He grabbed a cooler of meat and several pounds of smoked jerky. As he was leaving he stopped and grabbed two large meat cleavers.

His final stop was a Gun shop, the five people here now would soon be twenty. Fortunately these five were still just screwing with the door.

"Step back I'll open that door" Barney said, walking straight up to them and putting his full weight behind a kick that could have derailed a Mono.

"What is your deal man," someone asked.

"Did you not see? This is it, sinners are being judged. You must find your god inside you and follow him. You must make yourselves righteous and pure. We must return to the old ways." Spat Barney as he took a shotgun, rifle, and three pistols. he grabbed a plastic tub and filled it with bullets.

Outside some idiots had stole his cooler of meat and tipped his bike on it's side.

"It's happening already" he thought as he righted his ride. He packed the saddle bags full, threw the guns in the sidecar along with some of the scattered packages of jerky.

"I've got to get back to Elliot" he said to himself.


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