Chapter Four

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"This is ridiculous. There is no reason for any of you to be worried." Pierce was a lot of things. A mother. A sister. The head Prima of this pack. But a Queen to the Fae was hysterical. And there was no link to anything Fae except her sister, Val.
"It doesn't have to mean that you are the next Queen. It can simply mean you are the link to whoever will be King or Queen." Kathleen paced almost like a wolf trying to solve this issue. "Are you pregnant?" Asking that infuriated Kathleen but she knew Pierce was still linked to Brent. Brent may have not possessed the Fae bloodline skipping him but he could give it to his children.
Pierce snorted. "Do I look pregnant?" She felt insulted.
   "Is there a chance--"
"No," Pierce snarled. "Does it look like I'm going to be letting Brent join my bed anytime soon?"
Kathleen did not answer.
Pierce was not going to share with anyone that she nearly had falling into Brent's own desires before she grew some sense. After today she would avoid all men of Fae origin. Men, period. There was no way she was going to get herself pregnant to deal with this new issue. "I see no logical reason for anyone to take this serious."
"I won't risk that." Val cut into the conversation after making sure her pregnant mate filled herself with water.
Taking a look at her sister, Val considered options to Pierce's potential at being connected. Nothing came into mind.
"We should take the possible threat serious, Pierce." Drake looked over at Pierce who was ready to argue. Pierce raised Drake as her own and the thought of her facing a threat scared her. "You are my mother in every way that counts. If I lost you..."
Tears welled from Drake's eyes before she could stop them. Pierce walked over to Drake kissing her forehead. There was that mother and daughter connection. Sometimes Pierce forgot how much Drake needed her as a parent.
Drake's hormones were making her extra sensitive.
"Where the hell is your fucking father? Maybe he passed something along to me too and I didn't see it." Pierce was on the verge of having what was considered a full blown breakdown. So much was happening too quickly. She paced throughout the entire basement of their home finding no rational conclusion to any of this.
"Do you have any leads as to who possibly poisoned your father?" Val asked. She crossed her arms over her chest waiting for an answer. Some good news, please.
Kathleen sighed giving no reassurance. "I'm afraid not." Taking a glance at Pierce, Kathleen continued on. "Whoever is responsible covered their tracks."
"Do you know how he was poisoned?" Allira asked.
"Yes. Wolf's venom. A powerful werewolf," Kathleen pointed out.
"An Alpha in other words," Allira said.
"It was mixed into his morning tea. I don't know for how long." Kathleen took a seat on one of the stools. Taking a snoop around she got a clear image what this room was used for. The silver chains hammered to the walls and the smell of dried blood helped. "A werewolf's bite can make a Fae sick, if wolf's venom is injected inside us. If we are continuously poisoned by it on a regular for a certain amount of days it becomes like a cancer to us. Having an Alpha take away that poison is the only cure."
"Who made your father's tea every morning?"
"One of our own. I believed him to be loyal." Kathleen sneered. Openly, Kathleen displayed strength but underneath losing her father would be another break in her heart since her sisters death. She couldn't afford to get emotional. "He disappeared the moment news broke that my father was ill." Her expression drew blank.
Pierce noticed the change in Kathleen.
Val closed her eyes and then sighed. "The packs getting restless. They know something's wrong."
"Go up to them." Pierce waved her sister off. "I don't think anyone will get me from here. and I'm not vulnerable."
Listening to her sister Val went up to her pack with her two mates.
Pierce was left alone with Kathleen who seemed too wrapped up in her head to relax. "I know how to protect myself if trouble does come my way, which I believe it won't."
"You can't be too sure."
"Of what?" Pierce said, standing. "That I would be able to take care of myself or that whoever poisoned your father won't come after me."
Kathleen spoke true to her concern, her eyes on Pierce with no room for backing down. "Both."
Snarling, Pierce paced. "I. Can. Take care of myself." The thought of being seen weak engulfed Pierce with enmity. She was tired of this bullshit.
"I may be seen to you like one of those Disney movies where I have secret wings, but I have been around a lot longer than you and I am very much a warrior."
"'re more like a 'Lord of The Ring Elf or Fae?' "
Kathleen bit back her anger from Pierce's insult. "I am telling you...there are many Fae out there that wield strong powers and are very malicious and can shift into something far greater than you."
"And I'm telling you I am not some weak new pup who has never faced death a time or two, in my young age."
At this moment both women were standing inches from each other.
Taking in a long inhale, exhaling soon after Kathleen straighten. Of course, Pierce would lose her temper after she'd basically challenged her dominance. Kathleen knew Pierce was strong and deep believed when faced against powerful fae she would survive through it. It was Kathleen's need to protect Pierce that got in the way. Through all that fire in Pierce, Kathleen saw absolute beauty. The gold in Pierce's eyes calmed to a soft amber glow before changing to a soft ash brown. The small shaping of Pierce's lips made it too tempting to kiss her. It took a lot of will not to drop her gaze to Pierce's lips. Then Pierce would no the truth. The truth that Kathleen desired her.
Kathleen needed to get a grip. Even more so now she could not fall for this Were. Stepping back Kathleen turned her back to Pierce making a sharp exhale.
Confused to Kathleen's sudden change in behavior, Pierce did her own calming down. When her mind was clear she said, "I'm sorry." Kathleen turned to her. "About your father. You know he's going to die and there is nothing you can do about it."
"I can find his killer and the next King or Queen for my Fae people." Pierce could tell Kathleen meant that. Kathleen smiled. "For a moment there I thought you were going to apologize for getting all wolfy on me."
Rolling her eyes Pierced smiled. "Right as I think we're making progress you go and ruin it."
There was that smile again. That smile Kathleen craved to see. Kathleen was sure Pierce did not even notice the beauty that just radiated through that smile. "I think we're doing just fine."
"To be honest, I don't have many friends." Pierce felt embarrassed in admitting that. "I would really like to try and succeed at being yours."
Kathleen felt a tinge of disappointment that all Pierce would ever see her as is friends. But that's what she wanted, right? No connection going further than friends with a werewolf. Her people would never approve. Once, she was closed minded too. She never approved of her sister falling for a werewolf. Here she was now, in path to falling. If her sister was alive she'd probably laugh at her now. Kathleen supported all relationships, no prejudice hanging at her side, but for at least Kathleen's own sake she needed to shake this fever of desire for Pierce.
Christof was younger than her with four sons. He would have had more if not for the death of his wife.
For Kathleen, she'd collected a list of lovers. Women who were just as discreet as her but none who wooed her like Pierce.
Pierce noticed how quiet Kathleen got. Maybe Kathleen did not feel the same way in being her friend. The thought of Kathleen denying her of that made Pierce feel ridiculous and naive. "Forget I said--"
"No," Kathleen said briskly. "I'm just...honored you would want to have me as a friend." Kathleen meant that. No matter her feelings, having Pierce as a friend was far better than nothing.
"Good." Pierce stood. "I should go up and show my face before they think something's really wrong with me."
Kathleen nodded.
Halfway up the stairs Pierce turned behind to ask Kathleen a question. "Will you be leaving?"
The urge to say no was so tempting but she needed to check on her father and gather more evidence. "If I bring you anything that carries the scent of our traitor, could you track him?"
"I have to go. Will it be alright to come in the morning?"
"Of course. You're welcomed anytime."
"I appreciate that."
Pierce walked up into the den feeling quite pleased with earning herself a new friend.
Not something she did every day.


"I'm truly happy for you three." Paula leaned down kissing Val and Allira on the cheek. Drake clearly showed that she did not want to be touched by Paula.
When she walked off Allira whispered to her mates, primarily Drake. "I thought we were in the stage of forgiveness."
Both Allira and Val sat in between Drake. Her brow furrowed into irritation. "Excuse me, but I don't remember you being denied by that woman, separated from Val as a child. I remember both times with Val as a cub and a teen. And her being taken from me by that woman." Drake temper was flaring, "that bond disconnected."
"Okay, you have--"
"No. Don't try and silence me now because I'm pregnant," she shouted at Allira. "I'm not weak."
Val cupped Drake's face. "Hun, you have to relax."
"Relax. Do you even want this?" Drake stood shouting for neither of them to follow. This time they listened giving her the distance she needed.
Allira and Val sat quiet on the steps of their home.
The silence was irritating. "Did you ever see us being together like this? All three of us?"
Val smirked at Allira's question. "I saw it before you two had."
Allira nodded. "Drake and I thought you were crazy. A true natural player. And fighting over you made us fall for each other."
"Having a child is a beautiful thing." Allira looked up at Val. "Having more than one at one time is a bit more scary yet a lot more exciting."
Val nodded, still saying nothing.
Allira slid over to Val taking up the empty space Drake left. Her fingers brushed along Val's check and on command from Allira's touch, Val eyes linked to hers. "When a werewolf is pregnant, everything is intensified much bigger than humans could ever imagine. She's emotional."
"But that's still what she feels."
"True at this moment." Allira kissed Val's cheek. "But you and I both know, just as much as this all scares are very excited. Drake just wants confirmation from you."
Val shifted her body more to Allira's direction, smiling. "I am."
"And Drake knows that too." She kissed Val this time on her lips. "Let me go up and remind her of that. Give me a few moments with her and she'll be happy to see you."
Val sat alone for a couple of seconds after Allira went up to talk to Drake.
Damn, Val was slacking on her friendship card. Marisa stared down at Val, pride being noticed.
"Man, you have something good here."
Looking off to her pack Val relived in her mind how things got to be this way. This was no easy journey. Some had to die to get here. Now though, things were bright for the most part.
Everyone looked up to her as a friend and a Alpha, entrusting their lives to her.
In becoming Alpha she left her human life back in L.A. "I'm sorry for not calling you. Honestly, I didn't know what to say."
Marisa shrugged off Val's guilt. "You didn't ditch me. You came back to a life you was always meant to live." Marisa bumped her shoulder into Val on purpose, grinning. "Remember I knew what ran through your bloodstream and also knew where you were going before you left."
"I should be angry at my ma like Drake is."
"Maybe," Marisa said. "But, you didn't experience it the way Drake did and Paula is your mother." Marisa leaned her back into the porch, her elbows propped up on the upper porch. "I use to argue with her constant in her telling you the truth. She said if I told you, you wouldn't believe me and she was right." Sighing, Marisa continued, "I still regret not telling you sooner."
"Hey. You were right. I would have thought my friend lost her mind."
"I did worry you a few times, didn't I?"
Val laughed, nodding yes.
"Seriously, I think you've given your mates more than enough time. I'll be here."
Val stood patting her friends back as she made the decision to go up and face her mates.
She surely hoped Drake didn't hate her the entire pregnancy.

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