Chapter Thirteen

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   Arguments crossed through the pack as they heard the news of werewolves from another pack entering their territory.
   "We've had enough visitors come into our home," one shouted.
   They all gathered around the front of the house as Val had enough of their ranting.
   "Quiet," she roared.
   The pack fell into a state of silence immediately.
   Val paced until Drake's hand touched her back and she blew out. Her eyes focused on all of her wolves.
   She really did feel comfortable standing as their leader. It was foolish how she denied them when she first met her pack.
   Marisa stood now among the pack as one of her own. Her friends nod and comforting smole.
   Allira took the lead. "When was the last time we allied with another pack?" No one spoke then. The last time two packs joined as one was Allira's pack with Val's. All that stood as two separate were now one and saw each other as pack. "We're not trying to have a third pack join, merely make friends. We will never know what true danger we're in until we're faced with threats on every side. Who will we call? Who will they call?"
   "But their Alpha is dangerous," one of the pack members shouted.
   Val nodded. "She has a lot of history for us werewolves. And now...She has lost her way again. But...many thinks she's worth fighting for. That...when it comes to the true end of our fight she will on the right side." Val looked at her mates and then her pack. "This...Mckayla, is not our enemy. I will see to finding out myself."
   "We need this connection and I need you all to see that."
   The packs tension died down.
   Val could make out a four figures walking their way.
   Kathleen made eye contact with her niece gaining further approval to approach.
   From the scent, Val could smell the other three with Kathleen as werewolves. Two women and a man.
   "Valerie. Allira." Kathleen waved her hands out to them as she looked back at the three unknown Weres. "They are the Alpha's of Yosemite pack."
   The unfamiliar Weres nodded.
   "I'm Sara," the blonde woman said standing protective over another. "My mate, Rachel."
    "I'm Jerome."
   They all nodded.
   Val nodded. "Follow us in. We can continue this inside."
   Cautiously Val grabbed onto Drake's hand, Drake not arguing one bit over her mate's over protective attitude.
   They all ended up in the back patio, the place it seemed they had all their meetings lately.
   Everyone took a seat.
   Sara sat beside her mate, Rachel as expected.
   "I'm here on behalf of my pack." Rachel began.
   Allira assessed that Rachel was no older than twenty, young and already one of her packs main leaders.
   "If I may speak freely, no one here is happy about the circumstances we're faced with," Rachel went on. "My sister, Mckayla...She has been battling demons for the last decade and still is. So before we continue with this meeting, I want to make clear my sister is not one of our enemies."
   "Are you sure about that?" Val challenged. She leaned into her chair. "Look. Shit that's popping over in Virginia hasn't touched us yet. And I don't want it to. Quite frankly, I'm concerned the moment we play tag team partners, my pack will be hit for it."
   "I thought we were going straight into alliance."
   Val snorted. "And this is where you are not a werewolf like I am. We do not jump. But we do not sit either."
   "Actually there is a history of werewolves reacting before thinking," Kathleen said smartly. "That whole wild wolf thing."
   Pierce arched a brow at Kathleen.
   "Not that any of you are wild," Kathleen cleared up with a charming smile.
   "Let me rephrase. Being that I grew up amongst humans. I've learned a trick or two about wars and politics." Val sat straight back. "Rather any of us likes it...this is all war and politics."
   "My mate..." Sara kept as much of her wolf out of this. "Jerome, and I are not here to beg for your alliance."
   Val grimaced eyes sapphire than a neon green. She breathed in with a snarl. The tone in this Sara's voice sent a small spark of frustration inside her.
   "Valerie," Drake's voice soothed her the moment she spoke. Drake looked off to everyone. "We're all here for the same reasons. No need to be dominant wolves here."
   Everyone seemed to relax very naturally as if they'd had no reason in life to ever be upset.
   Jerome eyes widen. "You're an Omega."
   Drake nodded and looked over at Kathleen.
   "Don't look at me. I haven't told them anything. It is for you all to learn each other."
   "My apologies. I am in your home as a guest. Mckayla would have my throat for misrepresenting our pack." Sara apologized with sincerity.
   Allira smiled. "Thank you."
   " three are really mated?" Rachel asked curious.
   Drake nodded. "And expecting. Which I heardl and can see you are too."
   Rachel nodded back. "Honestly, I was hoping Sara here would carry but life has its jokes," Rachel said. "We're due in another two months."
   "Three and a half for us."
   "Your eyes. They glow like my sister when she uses her abilities." Rachel directed her statement to Val.
   "I'm half Fae."
   Rachel, Sara, and Jerome nodded.
   "I've read stories of Fae," Jerome spoke aloud. "How do you like being Fae as well as Werewolf?"
   "It definitely has its benefits and compliments both parts of me," Val answered. With curiosity, Val asked. "Your sister's Fae?" Rachel looked over at Kathleen. "No one really understands how her eyes turn green and she has the abilities she does. My sister says I'll develop them to but from what I hear if I was going to have abilities I should have long ago." Rachel paused th an continued. "To answer your question...I don't know what all is in my sister's bloodstream. We have different mothers."
   "That's all it takes. My father is different from my sister."
   Val pointed into the direction of Pierce.
   "How can we benefit from helping each other?"
   "By taking the fight to them." Rachel answered with truth. "They have been hitting us in areas not just in my State but in yours. You're not the Alpha's over this State yet," Rachel said, "but it's here."
   "We can crush both our enemies in one blow." Sara spoke next.
   "What do you need on our end?" Allira asked.
   "We need help. There's an full moon in two days."
   "We just had one," Val looked at Kathleen confused.
   "Virginia runs on a different cycle," Kathleen explained. "There is so much magic in Virginia you could smell it the moment you stepped one foot into that State."
   Val waved Rachel on.
   "Full moon. On that night there will be a battle to fight. We need more werewolves."
   Allira looked at both her mates. "How will this all occur?"
   "They will be having a meeting that night. All who will fight needs to be there at the break of dusk. All will be revealed. I don't know all the logistics."
   Val respected the honesty and not a load of Bullshit to get her to go. "I can spare maybe five to go. I need my pack and mate safe."
   "Understandable," Sara agreed. "I feel the same way. And five is more than enough."
   "Six," Val clarified.
   "Valerie," Drake snarled out.
   Val gave both her mates a warning glare. "We can't send our wolves out their alone. I'm sure they need an Alpha there. And I have my ways in helping."
   Drake stood up walking out. Allira followed, kissing Val's cheek. "I'll calm her down."
   Sighing, Val concluded it would be a long night before Drake went along with this.
   "Are you sure?" Pierce said. "I can go in to--"
   "No." Val left no room for discussion. "I'm not handing you over."
   "I wouldn't be--"
   "No, Pierce. That's final."
   Val stood signalling for the rest to do the same. "I will be there with five of my wolves."
   Rachel offered her hand out. "I would have loved to join everyone in this fight."
   "Thanks for coming," Pierce said.
   Everyone went back up to the demonstrating a few more words before Rachel, her mate and, Jerome waved them off.
   Kathleen said she would be back, taking them to open up a portal.
   "Are you sure about this?"
   Val looked at her sister being thoughtful to Pierce's question. She ran her fingers through her hair, sighing. "Everything seems connected. I'm wondering even more where my da is. I need to find him."
   "Something tells me wherever you find him, there will be trouble."
   "I don't doubt that."
   Marisa walked up, keeping her eyes from reaching Val's eyes. This werewolf lifestyle would take some getting use to. Her wolf wanted to show respect and not come across challenging by looking into her long time best friend who was now her Alpha.
   "We're still the same two friends who snuck into the set of our favorite show Charmed just to get a look at the actresses."
   Pierce gave both of them a puzzling look. "You two snuck onto a T.V. show set for some actresses?"
   "Have you seen that show?" Marisa asked with an hurt expression.
   Pierce shook her head.
   "Well...if you had you would know how hot those three women made witches look. Knowing now that witches actually exist...gosh I hope they really look that good."
   Val snickered patting her friend on the back before wrapping her arm around Marisa's shoulder.
   They all walked off to the house in a better mood.

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