Chapter Six

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   Val and Pierce made it through the portal after Christof opened one for them to pass. They crossed through a half mile from the pack, Val no longer wanting to allow too much magic to generate right within the walls of their home.
   It was fairly warm outside the sun beaming bright enough to remind them bugs would be everywhere.
   Something else Val would have to get use to. It was one thing coming out here to visit and another to actually take residence here. But this was her new home and she accepted that.
   The first few minutes they walked quiet, silence and understanding passing between both of them. Neither wanted to talk and for two different reasons.
   Pierce decided once close home she did not want to leave things on her mind unsaid. "You know I do respect you as my Alpha?"
   That's the concern that Pierce had inside her heart. That worry was so unnecessary. Smiling softly at her sister Val said what was on her mind. "You know you can tell me anything."
   Pierce, caught off guard by that question halted to a complete stop. "Where did that come from?"
   "Only..." Val looked around as if concerned for someone to overhear when no one was clearly around. "You've been, different."
   "Different, how?" Pierce was really clueless to what Val was tip-toeing around.
   Val thought better of saying anything. "Never mind." She took a step knowing dismissing the subject was not going to stop Pierce from interrogating her. Turning back to Pierce, Val chose her next words carefully. "You've...never cared for someone outside of our pack before."
    " would you know that?" Pierce did not intend to sound so harsh and defensive.
   Val sucked in a snarl. "It's not like it was my choice." Pierce was about to speak but Val held her hand up. Taking in a long breath, Val said, "you're my sister. In our short time together so far...I know who you are."
   Pierce clasped her fingers at the nape of Val's neck. "I know you do. You know all who matters to me."
   Once Pierce hand fell away, Val restated, "'s new?"
   Though phrased like a statement Pierced knew it was more of a question. This was about her overbearing care for Kathleen. "It's new." Her response was vague.
   "New enough for even our enemies to notice," Val added, regretting that statement soon after. "I'm sorry." Val sighed. "I could have lost you. You're not someone that can be replaced."
   Hearing her sister express those feelings, Pierce reached out pulling Val into a hug.  "I love you for saying that."
   "Then you are going to love me for wanting to protect you," Val said cheesy. Pierce opened her mouth about to argue when she saw her sisters face. At this moment it was her Alpha she was facing.
   Giving up on the fight before it started Pierce said, "of course."
   They made it back with no injuries along the way.
   Allira and Drake rushed out. "You had us crazy with worry."
   Val placed both sides of her arms around her mates shoulders as she walked off explaining what happened.


   Pierce walked into her room, the door closed. She wanted to be isolated. Pierce wasn't ignorant to what Val meant by protecting her. At any moment she would be smothered by her pack. Walking into her personal bathroom, Pierce stopped checking herself out in front of the mirror.

   Not much to see. To look forward to seeing. She hadn't looked attractive in years. There was no doubting she was beautiful. Pierce noticed the looks of some of the men in her pack. Especially, the new members. They desired her but never approached. Pierce simply did not ooze off a sex appeal, making it hard for a potential mate to approach. She did the opposite. She intimated half the pack.

   Pierce hair was rugged, long passed her shoulders, and damaged. Her pale brown eyes looked heavy and tired literally all the time. Pierce's body was in shape but hidden in clothes that were slightly bigger.

   Get a grip. Turning on the shower water Pierce stripped away her clothes. For twenty years life just passed her by. She was always taking care of the pack. She raised Drake when she was barely old enough to take care of herself. Mated with a man she never fell in love with. Had a son, whom she was very proud of. But when would it be her turn?

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