Chapter 8 ==> Get Rekt

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As you press send and wait for John to answer your call, you begin to feel the rage from Karkat's actions seep into your bones. How the hell could he do that to you? What right does he have to tell the others to ignore you? This was what Karkat wanted isn't it?
Then you pause. John knows nothing about this depression club. What if he dumps you once he finds out? He hasn't seen the cut yet. How would you even explain this situation to him? He's never had depression like them before. He wouldn't know what it's like to hurt like that. John wouldn't understand what you've been through. He wouldn't understand what Karkat's been through.
You decide to hang up before he can answer. Carding your fingers through your hair, you open Safari and open Homestuck, the game you've been playing the last few days. You log into your account and wait for the loading screen to pass. Once it does, you go to your messages. As you suspected, Karkat still hasn't replied. None of them have as a matter of fact.
You inwardly groan and make your way back to the tavern, retracing your steps and following the path you, Aradia, and Sollux took to get to the club. It feels like a much longer journey than it was the first time, but you know you're going the right way. Just as you had the first time, you're left to maneuver over fallen trees and under their limbs. The sky grows dark once more as the thunder and lightning dance through the sky. It still makes you jump and you'll admit that you began to run at this point.
At long last you find yourself at the front gates. You attempt to push them open but soon come to find them locked. You furrow your eyebrows and attempt to jump it to no avail. Gritting your teeth, you open the public chat and begin ranting away.

TG: ha ha fucking ha everyone
TG: shits so hilarious you guys are obviously the masters of pranks
TG: way fucking funnier than kevin hart, adam sandler, will ferrel, and dane cook mashed into one super hilariously awesome biracial jew
TG: with stupid curly hair
TG: for real you all can come out now
TG: jokes over

Your phone buzzes at your side with a call from John, but you ignore it. Rather than answer, you glare at the screen. You grip the edge of your desk tightly as you wait. Much to your dismay, no response comes. Your fingers twitch as your patience begins to wear thin.

TG: this is going a little too far
TG: for real is no one going to talk to me man to man because this horseshit is getting to be kind of fucking ridiculous
TG: karkat i swear to fuck if you dont get out here and talk to me im going to start rapping
TG: im gonna blow this place up with the power of my ill rhymes and no one will be spared
TG: ill give you a sec to consider my offer before i just explode this chat with my lyrical genius
TG: . . .
TG: didnt hear a no so im going for it until someone comes to talk to me

The front door then swings open and Roxy rushes out. She meets you at the gate, gripping the bars as she frowns and hisses:

TG: dave wtf r u doin here???
TG: hang on rolal our abbrev is the same and its throwin me off my groove.

You quickly change your chat settings before replying again in a private chat.

turntechGodhead: what do you mean what am i doing here
turntechGodhead: im in this club too remember?
tipsyGnostalgic: ahaha i dont thinik so hon
turntechGodhead: whys that
tipsyGnostalgic: karkt went ape last nyte dave
turntechGodhead: stfu no he didnt
turntechGodhead: did he?
tipsyGnostalgic: oh yes he did. he was v unhappy tht u left 4 this john guy
tipsyGnostalgic: i dont think hed ever say it ootloud butt
tipsyGnostalgic: i think u brok his lil heart :(

You frown to yourself as you think this over. That doesn't make sense. The two of you just met. Why would he be hurt by this? He told you to admit your feelings for Christ's sake!

turntechGodhead: did he ban you guys from talking to me?
tipsyGnostalgic: i mean kinda
tipsyGnostalgic: he just put on the big montser act and ranted 4 abit
turntechGodhead: thats a crock of shit right there
turntechGodhead: youre not going to listen to him are you?
tipsyGnostalgic: dabe i dont have to much of a chooice here!
tipsyGnostalgic: i mean i lyke u n all but ive been chill w/ them 4ever
turntechGodhead: cmon rox thats not fair
turntechGodhead: you and i could be hella tight.
tipsyGnostalgic: i know ;c
tipsyGnostalgic: i want 2 b super chill w/ u 2 but i cant just betrey them all!
turntechGodhead: fine
turntechGodhead: i totally get it
turntechGodhead: can you just do me a favor and please talk to him for me about all of this?
turntechGodhead: maybe convince him to hmu so i can talk to him myself?
tipsy Gnostalgic:*siiiiiiiiiiiiign*
tipsy Gnostalgic: ur askin a lot of me buuuuuuuuuuuuuut
tipsy Gnostalgic: i think i can do tht 4 u ;D
turntechGodhead: thats my girl thank you so much
turntechGodhead: you have no idea how much this means to me
tipsyGnostalgic: yah yah ik no need 2 thank me
tipsyGnostalgic: just bein the super awsome roxy u all kno and love tyvm
tipsyGnostalgic: but u still need 2 go or else karks will never let me here the end of it D;
turntechGodhead: ugh fine ill go
tipsyGnostalgic: ty i promise ill keep u up 2 date on whats goin on in da club kay?
tipsyGnostalgic: in the meantime jst try to keep busy i guess
tipsyGnostalgic: go woo ur new man or w/e idk
turntechGodhead: yeah alright
turntechGodhead: i can do that
tipsyGnostalgic: thats my boi ;D ;D ;D
tipsyGnostalgic: good luck stut mufin
tipsyGnostalgic:*stud lol
turntechGodhead: thanks
turntechGodhead: see ya rox

She makes her way back to the mansion as you log off, rubbing at your eyes. Why are you even still trying with them? Sure they're good people, but are they good enough of people for you to get so hung up on? You've barely talked to any of them. You've known them for like a day. Can someone really get so attached so quickly?
You groan and massage your temples as you squeeze your eyes shut. You only get a moment's reprieve unfortunately. That's when your video chat application dings with a DM. Your eyes snap open as you quickly open it and click on the flashing name.


Your heart swells with joy as you allow your eyes to scan over the message. That is, of course, until you actually read what it says and let it's meaning sink in. Its short, only twelve words, but it still feels as though he's shot a dozen arrows through your heart.

Karkat: I want nothing to do with you. Don't message me again. Ever.

You spend the next hour and a half crying like a child. It seems as though you've answered your own question. Yes. You can get attached that quickly.

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