Chapter 13 ==> Recovery Road

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When you wake up, you're in a hospital bed, IV's and tubing stuck in various places on your body. The heart monitor beeps steadily beside you. You must've made it.
You know better than to attempt to get up, though you'd love to jump out the window at the moment. You know your brother is going to be pissed at you, but you need someone to explain what's going on. You press the button by your bed to alert the nurses that you're awake. Within a matter of seconds, a nurse makes her way into the room. She has long brown hair, tan skin, and a warm smile. Her bright caramel eyes are fixed on you from behind a pair of fuchsia glasses.
"Well, look who's awake!" She chirps happily, grabbing a clip board and checking the monitors. "How are you feeling, Angelfish?"
You can't help but smile at the fish pun, taking note of the oceanic scrubs she wears. "I've been better Miss uh..."
"Feferi Peixes," she finishes with a smile.
"How did I get here...? How long have I been out...?" You ask as you attempt to sit up, but she stops you and adjusts the bed so you don't have to move. "Thank you..."
"Of course." She smiles and begins checking your injuries. As she recounts the events, her smile fades. "Well, you've been out for about 13 hours. From what I've been told, you attempted to hang yourself. Then you really would've been an Angelfish, wouldn't you? So the paramedics came and brought you here to St. Alternia Mental Institution. You're here for at least three days. That's the minimum. If you think you need it, you can obviously stay until you feel safe enough to go home..." She trails off and sets the clipboard aside, taking a seat on the edge of your bed. The look on her face clearly shows her distress and concern. "You wouldn't lie to me, would you, Starfish?"
"I thought I was Angelfish," you tease to ease the tension, though it only results in a slight, forced smile from your nurse. Sighing meekly, you cave. "Lie about what?" You finally ask.
"You wouldn't be so injured from just trying to..." She stops herself and skips over the word, continuing. "What I mean is, those other injuries are fresh, and I know they're unrelated to your little 'stunt'. Is everything okay at home? You are safe, aren't you?"
You gently bite your lower lip and surprise even yourself by saying, "I can't tell you..."
Feferi looks crestfallen at that. Letting out a shaky breath, she gently caresses your cheek and murmurs, "You're not like the other patients. I feel as though we've met before... Perhaps we'd known each other in another life." She clears her throat and speaks up. "Nonetheless, I want to help you, Angelfish. You've got yourself fins deep in a mess of trouble, and I want to keep you safe. It's part of my job. I'm not sure why, but I've grown rather frond of you. I just want you to have someone you can go to. Someone who will help you to just keep swimming." She tears off a small strip of paper from her clipboard and quickly scribbles down her phone number in neat, pink, cursive handwriting. "I shouldn't do this, but I want you to take this. Please, keep me updated after you leave here, okay? Do you need anything before I--"
You don't give her a chance to finish. You pull her into your arms and hug her tightly. "Thank you... This is all I need... It's been a while since I had someone who genuinely cared for my well being... Adult wise, I mean..."
"I can tell, Angelfish," she chirps softly, returning the gesture. "Promise you won't hurt yourself again?"
You cross your heart with your fingers and offer her a small smile. "I swear."
Sighing in relief, Feferi releases you and stands, smoothing out her scrubs. "Good. Just be careful, okay? You have a concussion."
You give her a thumbs up rather than nodding. The dull throbbing in your head would likely get worse if you made that mistake. "I will."
"I'll see you soon then. Buzz if you need me." She offers you a smile before exiting the room, closing the door behind her. You wave after her, the empty, sinking feeling of loneliness setting in yet again.

~ ~ ~

You manage through three days at the hospital, following all the rules, accepting the treatments offered to you, and behaving yourself. It's long -- excruciatingly so -- but it's worth it once they release you.
When they open the doors to the waiting room, Bro stand before you with his arms crossed over his chest, his foot impatiently tapping on the tile floors. When he spots you, he hurries over and carefully pulls you into his arms. The hug takes you by surprise, and you can't help but freeze in shock. You tense as he leads you to the car, opening the door for you and allowing you to get in. You do so and buckle, slumping back in your seat. The car ride back home to the apartment is silent. Once you pull in, the two of you park and exit the car, your brother leading the way to the elevator. This is the first time he speaks.
"Three days away from home. I think that's the longest you've ever been gone." You can only nod, constantly fearful that he'll strike you. He doesn't. When you get to your front door, he unlocks and opens it, stepping aside for you to enter. You oblige, though you're wary of his kindness, and rightfully so.
Bro closes the front door behind him and locks it. You're about to go to your room when he grabs you by the hair and pulls you back. "Where do you think you're going?" He asks as he spins you around, holding you by the front of your shirt instead. "You've got some nerve. I had to pull some excuse out of my ass when they asked me what happened to you. You didn't tell them anything, did you?"
You flinch, cowering in fear. "N-No Bro..." He raises a hand to hit you when you choke out a sob, raising your hands in defense. "P-Please don't!"
He seems taken aback by you're response, slowly lowering his hand. He stares at you a moment before releasing you. "Go. Get out of here." You turn on your heel and scamper away to your room when he calls after you, "Next time you try that shit, you'd better make sure it actually kills you!"
Your door slams and locks behind you, your breathing heavy. He's never let you go like that. You don't want to dwell on it too much. You need to talk to Karkat. Allowing yourself to cry in relief over his mercy, but also in pain over his nasty comment, you turn your computer on and open the video chat application. In less than a split second, you're stuck listening to the infuriating dial tone. You're about to hang up and try again when he answers, a look of sheer, overwhelming joy on his face.
"Dave! Jesus, you're okay! I thought I'd lost you! What the fuck were you thinking?! I would've been a mess without you!"
"I'm sorry... It's so good to see your beautiful face again... I missed you so much..." You reply, finally relaxing.
"The feeling is mutual. Things aren't going so great here either... I tried to call my parents when I thought you died... I needed the support and... They answered, said they were busy and that they'd call me back, and hung up... They never called again..." He frowns and looks away.
"I'd never treat you that way. If I had you with me, I'd cherish you every day," you promise.
He shakes his head. "We can't meet."
You pout. "You live in my area, don't you? Houston?"
Karkat nods. "But still. I just... We can't meet..."
"At least think about it. I'm begging you. You want to be with me, don't you?" You ask in desperation.
"Of course I do..." He replies.
"Then think about it," you repeat.
"Fine. Only if you get some rest. You look like shit," he says, motioning to you're injuries.
You smile. "Alright. I love you."
He returns your smile. "I love you, too. Good night." The call ends and your computer shuts off. You make your way to your bed and lie down, falling asleep peacefully for the first time in what feels like forever.

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