C17 - Witches

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Cecelia POV

Whoa. Was all I could think... My best friend was a witch all this time and I didn't know? How could she keep this from me? This is such a HUGE secret and she kept it from me...then again I never hand anything this HUGE to keep from her...

"Ce?" she said snapping her fingers in my face. "What do you think?" she said sitting down

"I...I don't know what to think..." I said sadly "My best friend is a Witch and she never told me! What do you think?!" I said growing angry

"Ce, you have to understand this isn't something I can't just go around telling everyone I-"

"I'm everyone?!" I screamed

She sighed "No. Ce, this is a family secret I'm not suppose to tell anyone!" she grabbed my arm "You have to understand that."

I guess shes right...But, this is so unreal. A witch? Those aren't real! They are just supernatural myths...How can this be? Does this mean other myths are true also?

I sighed, "I understand Ally. It's just a lot to take in..." I said and got up and started pacing around my room.

"So...I need answers. Truthfully ones this time please no lying or holding back on the truth."

"I can't spill all secrets because some aren't mine to tell but I can tell a little."

I guess its better than nothing. "Ok, then." I sat back down. "Who else is a Witch?"

"In Tree Hill? Its just my family." She replied

"So Ray isn't a Witch?" I asked

She laughed "No. Ce not at all but he does know I am one."

"Oh...um so what is he?" I asked curiously. Obviously he wasn't human so there has to be another explanation.

"Not my secret to tell. You have to ask him and Jacob." She gasped and quickly covered her mouth.

"Wait, Jacob isn't human?" I asked shocked. I mean come on Ce he doesn't seem normal why would he be human?

"He's going to kill me.." she mumbled "No, but you never heard it from me okay?" she replied quickly

"Mhm" I hummed "So what else is it to being a Witch?"

"Well we have powers and can do spells and stuff...nothing fun." She said fiddling her fingers

"Nothing fun?" I laughed "It sounds kind of cool to be honest Ally. You can grant wishes and stuff? How is that not fun?"

"We aren't genie's Ce." She giggled "And its not fun, other more powerful super naturals feel like they can use you for things... Bad things" she said

"Aren't you more powerful?" I asked

"To some...maybe but no. Witches are as fragile as humans we can be harmed easily and grow old and die...the only difference between witches and humans is that we have powers otherwise were as normal as you and others." She explained.

"So what else can you do with your powers than just blow my power and regenerate it?" I giggled

"Oh that? Me blowing the lights was a sign of me losing control of my powers... I don't practice witch craft like my mom and relatives. I tend to lose control often so I usually have to remain calm and ill be fine."

"So you don't know any spells or anything?" I asked

"I've learned some but I don't want to know how to do much."


She sighed "Because then I'm an advantage to some other supernatural who only wants to use me for my powers." She stood up and walked over to the dresser to get her brush to continue brushing her hair "I just want to be normal like you" she smiled at me through the mirror

"I guess," I mumbled

What's so fun about being normal though?

Just wanted to post because it's Baes birthday 💚☮✌🏼️ Aw Prince is finally 20 😹😫 he's getting so old omg 🙄 just the other day he was 15...I can't believe how fast he's growing up...Imma go cry now 😪😢

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