
Emily watched Vernon sit down at his usual table and give her a wave which she returned happily.  She just had one more table to finish serving and then she could take her break. She went to the kitchen and picked up a tray of nine drinks, carefully starting towards the table.  They were almost done with their meal, and Emily was giving them, hopefully, their last drink.  As she was walking she balanced her tray as carefully as she could, proving it to be more difficult than usual. She looked over at Vernon who gave her a wink and a smirk. Emily blushed and looked away.

She felt Vernon's eyes on her but continued to walk towards the table. She felt her foot catch on her, still, untied shoelace and before she knew it she was on the ground.  All she could feel was sticky drinks and glass on the bottoms of her palms.  She felt someone lift her out of the puddle she was in and dust the glass off of her. She said an apology to the table who nodded understandingly but she couldn't hear what she was even saying.  All she could think about was the lump in her throat and the fact that she was already on thin ice with her boss and her student loans were piling up and she was supposed to be on her break soon. 

Vernon saw her seconds before the fall. He saw her foot catch on her shoelace and how close she was to her table, practically hovering the drinks above it. He saw the glass shatter on the tile and the drinks pool around her. He hopped out of his seat and picked her up as quick as possible. 

"I'm so sorry! I'll clean this up, I'm so sorry!" Emily said quickly to the table with her voice faltering slightly. 

Emily went back to the kitchen to find Karla or her boss. Luckily, Karla was there first. Unluckily, the boss intercepted her before Karla could comfort her friend.

"Emily, can I talk to you for a minute." Emily nodded.  She barely heard what her boss said but the meaning was clear.  She grabbed a mop and walked out to the table and quickly mopped up the mess.  Karla walked by with a tray full of drinks and a sad look on her face. After putting up the mop, Emily placed her apron on the counter and walked out.  Vernon was waiting outside.

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