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Daniel woke up to a tech banging on the door, telling him and Rick to get up for breakfast. They used what little time they had to make themselves decent looking and ready for the day. They were paraded down to the cafeteria to eat, patients talking sleepily amongst themselves. Daniel felt a bit off, but dismissed it as nothing. He was on new medication after all, the sudden change was likely putting him out a bit.

Daniel trudged through the morning, that feeling that something wasn't right never leaving him. After his daily meet with Dr. Joseph (he did mention his off feeling) he was allowed some free time, which he spent shut up in his room.

"Hey, stupid," a voice hissed. Daniel looked around, unable to find its source. For the briefest moment it clicked in his mind that his new medication wasn't working before he seemed to lose touch with all of reality.

"A hospital? Really?" another groaned. "So fucked up you need a hospital?"

"Shut up," Daniel replied to thin air.

"You know, when nobody's looking, you could probably take these bedsheets and hang yourself," the first said, both voices chuckling.

"Shut up," Daniel repeated with more force.

"It's been done before here, surprise surprise. Who says you can't do it too?" the first asked.

"You're fucking worthless," the second said forcefully. "Why don't you?"

"Shut up!" Daniel said once again, this time yelling and grabbing fistfuls of his hair. They were getting worse and worse, and Daniel had no way to stop it.

He headed towards the door to find Dr. Joseph, but one of the voices commanded him to stay back, and he couldn't help but to obey.

"What are you living for? Him?" One said forcefully.

Daniel knew "him" meant Jack. Jack had always wanted him to stay alive no matter what, and he'd become the reason the voices hadn't gotten him killed yet without even knowing it. Really, he was the only reason. It wasn't that Daniel had a bad life when his medication was working correctly. It was just that the voices were so awful he had to listen to them. If they told him to kill himself, he had to do just that.

"He'll move on," the other said. "Everyone will. Just kill yourself already."

"Fucking worthless," the first spat.

The taunts and insults wouldn't stop. They kept on and kept on, driving Daniel over the edge.

"Pathetic little crazy fag," one laughed at him.

"Stop!" he screamed.

Just then, Rick walked in, looking extremely concerned at the scene before him. Daniel was crouched on the ground, yelling at voices that weren't there and grabbing his hair.

"Daniel, are you okay?" he asked, knowing the answer was an obvious no.

Daniel kept on yelling at the voices, not even aware of Rick's presence. Rick backed off slowly, still extremely concerned. He left, returning a moment later with Dr. Joseph.

"Make it stop, make it stop," Daniel sobbed. This was by far the worst of his episodes.

Dr. Joseph was quick to try to calm Daniel down, which eventually worked. Daniel told him quietly, "They're still there."

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