Epilogue II

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so dominique_raenay requested this and I liked the idea so you know what fuck it here's a second epilogue I missed this story anyways


"Please, Daniel," Ashton begged. "He deserves to know."

"Ash, knock it off."

A year had passed since Daniel and CJ had been let out of the hospital. They were best friends, and Daniel had never gotten around to telling him why he'd quit talking to him for two months. CJ learned to stop asking, though that didn't mean he wasn't curious. He'd always wanted to know, but he had never found out. Daniel had confided in Ash and Jack, of course, and several months ago Rick and Phoenix. However, all four had been sworn to secrecy no matter how much CJ begged them to tell him.

CJ hadn't asked anyone why Daniel didn't talk to him during those two months for about a fortnight now, which was quite the achievement. He was dying to ask someone, though, and it was showing. Daniel had invited Ashton and CJ over to his house, and CJ wasn't in the room at that particular moment so Ash had taken the chance to pester Daniel.

"Look, I know it's your choice and all but it's been a year. A year, Daniel. I don't know if you've noticed, but a year later it clearly still bothers him. You need to tell him, Daniel Heitzman," Ashton pressed.

"Okay, fine, I'll tell him," Daniel finally gave in, greatly surprising his friend. "You're right. But you have to stay in here with me."

"Fuck, man. Really? Yeah, of course I'll stay... you're serious about...?" Ashton trailed off, his eyes wide.

Daniel nodded as CJ came into the room.

"Hey, what'd I miss?" CJ asked, seeing Ash's obvious shock.

"CJ," Daniel started, taking a deep breath to calm his nerves, "you know how after we got out of the hospital I didn't talk to you, and I never told you why?"

CJ didn't reply, but his eyes were the size of dinner plates. He realized where this was headed, as would anyone.

"I've decided to finally tell you what happened. And can I say, I'm sorry I never told you sooner. I was really scared you'd judge me or whatever but... yeah... okay." Daniel maintained his relatively calm appearance despite the fact that his head was a spinning mess of bad memories and awkward explanations.

CJ tried to say something, but nothing ever came out. Daniel was quiet for a long time, just as unable to speak as CJ. Ashton nudged him to remind him of what he was doing.

Daniel told the whole story, from right after CJ left to the day Daniel left the hospital, including the fact that Daniel had developed a huge crush on him. Ashton and CJ both stayed completely silent, though it was more than obvious they had plenty say.

Finally, Daniel finished, unable to look CJ in the eye. It was a long time before CJ asked, "So, you were actually imagining me because you liked me?"

Daniel nodded.

"Do you, uh, still, y'know... Do you still like me?" CJ asked.

Daniel couldn't help but laugh a little. "All that and that's what stuck to you?"

"Yeah, answer the question," CJ teased.

Daniel didn't talk, and neither did Ashton because he knew the answer to CJ's question, and he didn't think Daniel would appreciate him blurting it out. CJ silently pressed on until Daniel gave in.

"Yes," he finally said, refusing to look at CJ, instead starting fixedly at his shoes. He wanted to lie to save their friendship, but he was an awful liar.

CJ was clearly shocked. "Oh! You actually... Oh, okay."

Daniel's face went red and heated up. "I'm sorry, I've just made everything awkward, haven't I?"

"No," CJ reassured. "I... I like you too."

Daniel's head shot up. "What?" he and Ashton said together.

"I feel the same."

Daniel was silent. He couldn't think of words good enough to describe this feeling. CJ liked him back. Caleb Johnson liked him back, and it was real this time. He wasn't hallucinating, and he was positively sure of it this time.

Daniel couldn't help but grin, not bothering to make the butterflies in his stomach fuck off, or silence the part of him that was yelling "Kiss him!"

CJ took a few steps forward, taking Daniel's hands in his own and staring into his beautiful eyes. Daniel was zoning out because he was lost in CJ's eyes, and CJ seemed to be in the same state. Before Daniel knew what was even happening, CJ's face was inches from his own.

"Would it be alright if I kissed you?" CJ asked.

Daniel nodded, allowing CJ to close the gap in between them.

Fireworks went off around them, Ashton accidentally squealed, and every problem in the world had miraculously been solved. Well, in reality, only one of those things happened, but it didn't matter because CJ Johnson was kissing Daniel like there was no tomorrow it was fucking perfect.

Everything was perfect.

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