Chapter 7 ✅

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She's sick. Akemi's sick and we've only gotten started with our studying. I guess this just mean I've got a few days off, which I'm grateful for.

I was in the backyard, watching the clouds when mom started yelling. It was muffled and I couldn't make out what she's saying so I got up and head inside.

I open the door to mom shouting, "...NOW!" I was half tempted to just slowly back out of the house when I saw the look on her face.

Then she saw me, "Go and get your brother up," she seethed. You could literally see smoke coming from her ear with how mad she was.

Without any questions, I ran up the stairs to Shika's room and without knocking, flung open the door, ran to his bed and started shaking him.

Shika groaned and mumbled, "What?"

"Shika, Mom has been practically screaming for you to wake up, she's mad. Hurry, you don't want her even worse, do you?" I say kind of frantically for I fear for both mine and Shika's life.

Don't get me wrong, I know mom loves us, but because some of Shika, Dads and my habits, get on moms nerves. Like now for example, Shika can't ever get up early and right now it's almost noon.

Snapping his eyes open he flings his feet out of his bed, hitting my legs in the process. I go down and before he can do anything he fall off his bed, landing on me. We groan in pain and hear heavy foot steps coming up the stairs and stomping to our door. The flung open and in came Mom with a pissed off face.

Shika sees mom and just lays there on top of me, his face buried into the floor and his stomach on mine. While I'm trying to push him off of me.

"Shikamaru and Tomoko Nara, I want you both to wash the dishes, and when you're done, go out to town and get me the groceries on the list, it's on the table." Mom normally makes us do these kind of things occasionally so I'm not surprised with what she said even if we're 6. The thing that actually got Shika and I moving is the tone mom used when saying that, deathly calm. It's always call before the storm and this is the type of storm that will send you to hell and back.

Scrambling to our feet, I run as fast as my tiny legs can go and started on the dishes while Shika kinda lazily ran to get changed.

10 minutes later Shika comes down the stairs while I'm only a quarter of a way through the dishes. You see I purposely went slow as to not have to do all the dishes by myself.

After 20 minutes all the dishes were done and the only reason it took so long was because Shika was drying them while I washed, he went so slow. But finally done, I grabbed the grocery list and Shika's hand, pulling him out the door after we got our shoes on.

Walking, and still practically dragging Shika with me, we end up at the grocery store. Finding and paying for the stuff Shika and I head home quickly.

We walk through the front door cautiously, when there's no sign of Mom we quickly take off our shoe and put the food away. Once done we close the fridge door, about to leave when we see mom standing right behind the door. The scary this is, I didn't sense her. I guess my hast blocked out everything around me except my task.

Mom looked at us with a serious expression, she opened her mouth the closed it and sighed. She opened her mouth again and said much calmer then earlier, "Go outside, do whatever," then more sternly, "but be back before dinner, do I make myself clear?"

Nodding with hesitation, Shika and I walked to the front door, got our shoes on and walked outside.

Without having to say anything Shika and I walked hand in hand, me slightly behind him using Shika like a shield, and went to our special spot.

After a few minutes of silence I said, "I'm sorry." Not looking at Shika, just at the sky.

He doesn't look at me, but does sit up enough to lean back on his elbows still looking up at the sky. "What for?" He asks with a hint of surprise is his voice. No matter how hard he try's to hide his real emotions or interests I can most of the time tell what he's feeling.

Nervously I still don't look at him but answer him by saying, "For being a bad sister." I'm trying desperately to make all my answers short and vague so I don't just break down in guilt.

Now he's looking at me, giving me his full attention. "What?!" He asks incredulously. "How can you be a bad sister?"

Sadly I reply, "I'm never there, even if you don't need me I'm never there like I was before we started school."

He sighs, and lays back down, but this time his head is on my stomach, over my hands. "We both go to different schools, we have different friends. This is only natural that we grow apart..." His last sentence Shika trails off with a sad sigh.

I don't move still, but say shakily, "b-but that's the thing. I-I don't wa-want us to gr-grow apart." Taking a deep breath I continue. "If I were t-to live a-apart from you, I-I don't know wh-what I'll do. You calm me Shika. I-I probably wo-would have more ch-chakra pains if n-not for you. Y-your chakra is a-actually the only ch-chakra that doesn't c-completely hurt me." A single tear slides down the corner of my eye and I sniffle.

When Shika hears me sniffle he looks over at me again. In his eyes you can see a hint of sadness. Shika lifts his hand to my face and gently whips the tear away.

A few hours pass until the sky takes on an orangy, pink color. Knowing our mother will yell at us if we're late for dinner, we slowly get up from our special spot and walk home hand in hand.


Well that was lots of sappiness but also need.

Okay so I wrote this a while ago and was planning on posting it when I had the time. For example, right now.

Stress is really getting to me because of these tests, but I thought, why not? So here you all go. Hope you enjoy!!



Fixed a sentence to refer to the saying 'clam before the storm' and fixed some grammatical mistakes.

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