Chapter 1: The Beauty Within Her Eyes

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Chapter 1

The Beauty Within Her Eyes

7 years old....

Rain hadn't stopped beating down on the city. It seemed to be the city's way of welcoming her. She sat alone, on the corner of a street, letting the rain pelt down on her small frame. Her thick brown hair, hung over her eyes and down her back. She didn't mind though, her mind was elsewhere. She must have looked oddly terrifying, a little girl, with hair to cover her childish features and a soaking white dress. One small hand gripped a small bouquet, and her other hand gripped a small piece of paper.

Footsteps on the muddy, slippery road were heard. As a little boy trotted down the street. He was getting wet, but he didn't mind, he had always enjoyed the rain. He stopped dead in his tracks at the sight of the morbid little girl. He cocked his head to the side and watched her curiously.

She didn't move, she didn't show any signs of moving soon. He cautiously approached her, his steps light as a feather. He kneeled in front of her, in attempt to get some sort of reaction from the frozen girl. "Hello", he said timidly, as the response he wanted did not come. She didn't move, still and he felt his hope leaving, getting dragged away with the tide. He sighed.

Letting his feet lift him up, he made a move to leave when he heard her. "Hi", her voice was soft, too soft for a girl her age. He looked back, his eye wide, and his lips slowly curving upwards. She was watching him, her hair pushed back slightly and her eyes, a glorious shade of wandering green, were fixed solely on his face. His smile nearly spilt his face into two. As he trotted towards her, his excitement ringing like a bell in his small head. He plopped himself next to her on the road and held out his hand, "I'm Fin", he stated, his voice coming out confident and strong.

She looked up and her eyes went wide, she looked down at her occupied hands and gave him a small smile, she attempted to reply but no sound came out. Her voice hadn't been used for while, so long that she didn't remember how to properly use it. She cleared her throat, wincing as the pain in her throat sprang back to life. "R-Riley", she choked out, and abruptly looked back down. He smiled, and nodded.

"Well Riley I like you, you're cool", he stated, and the seven year old girl let her eyes drift back to his excited, yet pale face. She smiled slightly, but that's when she heard it. The sound she dreaded hearing the most, the town's bell. It was officially five o' clock. She shuddered, and rushed to stand up. She swayed slightly, the numb, yet tingling feeling in her legs was forcing her legs to stay buckled, but she couldn't think of that.

Without a second word, and only a second glance, she let her thin legs carry her body to the house. The boy was left alone his smile slowly fading, the girl had gone away, he frowned, and instead of making a move to leave, he sat there. Hoping and praying the girl came back.

The thing is she didn't. that is the first chapter, and I think it's okay, could do better.. So tell me what I could.. Constructive criticism would be nice...I'm always looking to improve...

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2016 ⏰

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