Her dad

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- My dad?
- Yes
- As I said,my dad is a rich man.
He controls 3 large shops and 4 other companys.
A week ago he received a letter that was send by an unknown person. In that letter was a message that sais that if he won't sell all his shops and companys he will be killed in 3 weeks.
Until then my father stayed all day long with his bodyguards.
He didn't even talked to me because he was afraid not to involve me too.
Until yesterday!
- Yesterday?!
- Yes!
- What happened yesterday?
- When he was ready to go to work he received a call that said that he won't sell his companys in 2 days he will die.
He didn't belived.
- Bad thing!
- Exactly!
- What happened after?
- He was gone to work and he didn't came back.
- And you think that he was kidnapped?
- Yes!
- Hmmmm... where does he work?
- His company is two street away from here. Argus Company.
- Argus Company? Ok
After this walk'n'talk I decided to help her and find her dad.
As she said her dad's company was 2 streets away from the point she left me.
Is 12 o'clock and I don't think that I'll find someone there at this hour. I decided to come back tomorrow.

I tooked a cab to my apartment.
- 12 Street number 125.
- Ok sir!
I regret I tooked this cab. It smells horible!
- Here we are!
- Keep the exchange.
- Thank you sir!
I hate cabs.

Why would someone blackmail him?
Hmmm.... I really have to find answers.
Tomorow after I check his office I'll check his house. Maybe I'll find some answers.

Bip bip bip....
What the.....
Stupid clock. 8:00 AM?
Gotta make a coffee because I really need it then take a taxi.

I hate the times when I have to use cabs.
- Where to sir?
- Argus Company
- Ofcourse sir.
This is a damn big company.
- Best of all sir.Here we are.
- Keep the exchange!
- Thank you sir.

Wow... the word rich is too small for him!
Maybe the receptionist knows something.
- Good Morning sir. How can I help you.
- Morning'. I want to talk with mister Donnell.
- I'm sorry sir but mister Donnell is not here right now.
- I'm detective Javier Danamasky and I want to see his desk.
- Ofcourse sir,this way!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2016 ⏰

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