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I don't think I can easily summarize this, but I'll try my best.

#ProjectNobody is a movement that aims to reach out to everyone out there who feels unwanted, untalented, insignificant, and much more. This movement also aims to encourage authors to write about lesser-known mental issues, sexualities, races, religions, etc. We also encourage readers to share their stories about anything at all - be it bullying, opinions, abuse, mental illness or anything for that matter. 

There are so many people around the globe that feel unwanted, lonely, untalented, and unloved. And the cries and thoughts of these people, in my opinion, aren't voiced out enough. Every year, thousands of people commit suicide because they feel unloved and all alone in this world. #ProjectNobody aims to let these people know that they aren't alone, and that there are people out there willing to help.

I've also noticed that there are a lot of almost unknown mental illnesses, religions, races and countries that no one ever writes about. This movement hopes to change that.

This movement also provides a platform for people to vent, rant and let go of any emotion, thought or grudge they've been holding inside, but haven't had the chance to speak it out to someone.

In really short words, this movement is for the Nobodies. 

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