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{h/c} - your hair color
{s/c} - your skin color
{f/c} - your favorite color
{2nd f/c} - your second favorite color

I know many of you may know this but there may be some who don't so I have to put this here ••

The small park was filled with children running around, playing with one another. Most were under a watchful eye of a nearby parent.
Though sitting on one of the many park benches sat a small girl around the age of six or seven sitting by herself with her nose in a book.
The girl had long brown hair that blew around a little due to the wind. She had big chocolate brown eyes that currently stared down at the book in her lap. The book was in fact way pass the normal reading level of a child her age but the small girl didn't seem to be having any trouble at all as she read the book, Blocking out all the outside noise around her.
The girl was undisturbed as she read the book and only made slight movements to turn the page now and then. Many of the other kids in the park hadn't even noticed the brunette but one did in fact notice the girl and had been watching her for awhile before finally deciding to make their move.
The presence in front of her went unnoticed until the person finally decided to speak up.
"Whatcha reading?", the question was simple but startled the brunette causing her to look up quickly, too quickly in fact causing her to bang her head on the back of the bench.

The brunette hissed in pain as she shut her eyes, quickly rubbing the back of her sore head.
She was angry that someone had disturbed her reading and made her bang her head. She looked up to yell at the person but was cut off hearing an apology.
"Oh I'm sorry are you alright, I guess I must have startled you", The voice was soft and was laced with an accent but the brunette wasn't sure what the accent was right away.
She looked up and was met with bright {e/c}  eyes.  "It's alright", She muttered softly, earning a giggle from the other girl.
"Can I sit?",  The other girl asked as she looked at the brunette who responded only with a small nod.  A smile found it's way onto the other girl's face before she took a sit on the bench next to the brunette. It was then that the brunette took time to look at the girl's appearance. The girl had {h/c} hair styled up in a bun. She had {s/c} skin that looked soft, making her resemble a porcelain doll. Looking down at the girl's outfit she noticed a {f/c} dress that went down to the girl's knees as well as {2nd f/c} leggings with black shoes.
From what the brunette could tell the girl was most likely around her age and must have come from a party or event since she was dressed up and there was no way that this girl was a commoner, looking at the way she was dressed along with looking at the pearl earrings in the girl's ears.

"Hello~", The {h/c} girl said, bringing the brunette out of her thoughts. "Huh...?", Was the brunette's response making the other girl giggle. "I said my name's [Name],What's yours?", The girl who introduced herself as [Name] repeated her question to the brunette as she held a smile on her face.
"Oh I'm Haruhi", The brunette said, looking away from [Name]'s bright smile.
"Well it's nice to meet you Haruhi, You aren't here with anyone?, I couldn't help but notice you over here by yourself reading", [Name]'s voice was soft and calming, making the brunette smile slightly. "Oh yeah, I came here because I thought it might be a quite place to read, The book is called Deprived it's by Lucas Gray [1]. Anyway you're not from around here are you, What are you doing at the park?", Haruhi asked, glancing at the girl before she looked back down at the book she was once reading.

" Deprived huh, It sounds interesting. You're right I'm from London. My mother decided it be fun to come here for the summer so here I am. I was attending a party with my parents but soon grew bored, seeing as how it was more of a party for adult and the few other kids that actually were there were snobby. I came out for air with my butler but I sorta snuck away from him once I saw this park", [Name] laughed slightly as she rubbed the back of her neck. "He's probably looking for me right now", The girl added as she looked around.

Haruhi's brown eyes widened for a moment as she looked at [Name]. "What if you're parents are worried about you, You shouldn't be here especially if they don't know" She said, only receiving a giggle from the girl next to her.
"Don't worry I'm sure he'll show up for me in just a little, He always does" [Name] said to calm the worried girl. "What if he can't find---"The girl was cut off by other voice that entered the conversation. "Mistress, How many times must I ask you not to wander off", The voice was soft and came out like velvet. Looking up Haruhi's brown eyes were met with ruby eyes. There before her stood a raven haired male in a tail coat.

"Ah there you are Sebastian, I know what you always say but look I made a friend", [Name] wore a smile on her face as she referred to Haruhi. "Sebastian Michaelis, How do you do?", The make introduced hisself as he bowed slightly with a gloved hand on his chest.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Haruhi" The small girl replied before watching as the male turned to her new friend. "I'm sorry to cut your fun short but your parents are looking for you mistress" Sebastian said as he looked at the two girls.
"Aww", [Name] said as she pushed herself up and off of the bench. "I guess this is goodbye. It was nice meeting you. Oh Sebastian do you have a pen and something to write on?" She asked, looking up at the ruby eyed male who pulled out a small napkin from his pocket along with a pen before handing it to the small girl. She quickly scribbled on it before handing it to the brunette. "We can meet again, Just call okay" [Name] said as she flashed a smile at the girl who nodded. [Name] bid the girl farewell for now before she began her walk with her butler back to the building where the party was being held.


     • Ten Years Later •


The sound of keys being tapped filled the air along with the light humming of the jet's engine. The young women's fingers tapped away at the keys on the laptop in her lap as she typed out a email. A sigh escaped her lips as she read over the email draft. She was a little worried about sending the message but she wasn't exactly sure why, Maybe it was because she hadn't contact the person in awhile and was afraid of the response she might get. Taking a deep breath she sent the long email before cracking her knuckles, shutting the laptop and putting it aside. "You should get some sleep before we arrive Mistress",The soft came from behind her and the {h/c} girl didn't bother to turn and look at the owner of the voice since she already knew who it was. "I suppose you're right, I'll take a nap now", The girl said, finishing off her cup of earl grey tea before she turned on her side; shutting her eyes. She felt a blanket placed over her and merely smiled before yawning. "Thank you Sebastian please awaken me when we're close to arriving"The girl mumbled before sleep began to take her.


• Else Where •


A small beep came from a phone that sat upon a table, It's owner picked it, opening it up to a notification of a new email.



Hey Haruhi!,

I know we haven't talked in forever, It's mostly my fault so I'd like to start off by saying sorry for never calling you. I got caught up in school and everything else over here.....Anyway. I have good news, I'm coming back to Japan. To stay for awhile. I'd like to make up for being gone for so long. I know I promised that I'd be back but I never came back it was mostly because of what happened ten years ago but let's not talk about that now. I've got a few surprises once I get back and I can't wait to see you. If you're up for it I'd like to meet up and catch up since its been so long. I wanna know how everything has changed. Well I hope you get this and respond soon.

Love, Your Bestie [Name]

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